Home > Behind His Eyes Box Set(30)

Behind His Eyes Box Set(30)
Author: Aleatha Romig

Tony’s stomach lurched at the sight of her bruises as they colored and swelled. He convinced himself to look beyond her exterior and see the real Claire underneath. With time, he no longer saw the bandages or the discoloration. When Tony looked at the woman before him, he saw the vivacious, strong-willed woman whom he loved to bait. He saw the woman who could look him in the eye when most would turn away. He saw the beautiful blonde highlights and the emerald-green eyes. He saw the refined woman he’d created—the one who fit perfectly on his arm at social gatherings and perfectly beneath him on a soft mattress. He imagined the fire—he wanted the fire. The images gave him a false sense of hope as the blissfulness of sleep once again took him to a better place.


The next time Tony woke, it was due to Catherine’s hand on his shoulder. “Anton, Dr. Leonard will be in here in a few minutes. Do you want me to sit with her while you clean up?”

Tony glanced at his watch—after 8:00 AM. The morning sun streamed across Claire’s makeshift bed and accentuated the bruises he didn’t want to see. It wasn’t just her face: her arms were discolored too. It didn’t take a forensic pathologist to recognize that one bruise on her left arm resembled a handprint.

Where had he been for the last few hours? He’d awakened once, but then he began remembering and scenes floated in and out. He remembered Claire describing the lake on his property. He remembered her excitement and joy. It was almost contagious as her eyes and expression glowed. Maybe he could take her there? Maybe then she’d wake?

No, she’d been there—yesterday.

Tony squeezed Claire’s hand. How could that have only been yesterday? Her cold unresponsive skin caused the bile in his empty stomach to bubble and surge upward. He nodded his approval to Catherine and moved quickly to Claire’s bathroom. He had just enough time to close the door before he was headfirst into the toilet. It wasn’t like he’d eaten recently, yet his memories wouldn’t give him a reprieve.

Claire had been to her lake. That’s where she was—while he was in her suite. She was there, among the flowers and water and beach and trees and all of the things she talked about. She wasn’t plotting to leave him. She wasn’t basking in some sense of betrayal. No, she was finding solace like only she could. She’d tried to tell him, tried to explain—and what had he done?

His stomach heaved again and again. It was as if his body were trying to expel a part of himself—a part that was deep inside and needed to be gone, a part that Claire didn’t deserve.

With a pounding in his temples like he’d never before known, Tony laid his head on the cool porcelain and closed his eyes. Time passed—he didn’t know much, but eventually voices could be heard from beyond his cloud. Painstakingly, he rose and walked to Claire’s shower. Turning on the water, he disrobed. As the steam filled the bathroom, he stepped under the scalding spray. Liquid fire assaulted his skin. He didn’t turn down the temperature. No, Tony wanted the pain—he needed it, he deserved it. When his body adapted, he turned the temperature up. It wasn’t until he heard the knock at the door that he even considered the amount of time he’d stood helplessly accepting the spray’s punishment.

Stepping from the glass enclosure, he realized he’d not considered fresh clothes. It was then he heard the knock again accompanied by a voice. “Anton, I brought you some clothes. Dr. Leonard went downstairs to eat breakfast. If you’re done with your shower, let me give these to you and you can go down and join him. He’s finished his most recent examination.”

Tony leaned his head against the wall and exhaled. Thank God he had Catherine. He’d never felt so helpless. Maybe that was how she’d felt at one time; he didn’t know. He just knew that if it were not for her, he’d be in a jail cell, or out on bond. Either way, she was his rock and he was so thankful they’d supported one another.

When he opened the door slightly, he met Catherine’s gaze. “Thank you,” was all he could manage.

She didn’t respond, other than to nod. It was enough. He couldn’t have taken her gloating nor her telling him that he’d let the whole thing with Claire get out of hand. He knew that. He needed Catherine’s support, and seeing her steady steel expression, that was exactly what she offered.

Wiping the steam from Claire’s mirror, Tony’s reflection peered back at him. The unfamiliar image with reddened skin, cheeks and chin covered by a day’s beard growth, and tired eyes, wasn’t what taunted him. It was the tremendous invisible weight crushing his shoulders. The anxiety surrounding Claire’s recovery was more than psychological. It was physical, making standing difficult as his knees flexed. For a moment, Tony laid his head on the vanity and debated if he could go on. Then he remembered Claire’s fight—the fire he longed to see. The fire he knew was somewhere inside of her. If she could fight to get through this—no, as she fought to get through this—so would he. She needed him to be strong, needed him to be there for her—to help her. He wouldn’t let her down, not again. After a few minutes, Tony was down in the dining room, drinking a much-needed cup of coffee, and listening to Dr. Leonard.

Over the next days, Dr. Leonard moved onto the estate. Catherine gave him a bedroom near Claire’s, which served as his makeshift office. He told most of his staff that he’d taken an unexpected leave to look after an ailing family member, and another private practitioner graciously agreed to see his patients. Only one member of his staff was enlightened to his true endeavor. She was his trusted nurse and assistant. Both medical professionals agreed to total confidentiality; however, Dr. Leonard maintained his legal responsibilities. Although he didn’t come out and say it, Tony knew exactly what he meant: if he could prove that Claire had been harmed by someone on the estate, he would report it.

Dr. Leonard’s nurse didn’t stay at the estate, but she came and went with some frequency, bringing Dr. Leonard whatever he wanted from his office or from the hospital. She also assisted him with much of Claire’s care. She changed IV bags, gave medication, moved Claire so that she didn’t stay in one position too long, gave her bed baths, and changed her gown. At first, Dr. Leonard insisted on a hospital gown: it was easier access for his examinations, but Tony hated the sight of it. He immediately sent for nightgowns that buttoned up the front with long sleeves. Dr. Leonard could still have access for his exams, but Claire didn’t look as much like a patient.

Even without the MRI, the doctor concluded that Claire’s initial unconsciousness was due to a blow to her head. There was no way of knowing the cause of that blow, only that evidence suggested that it had occurred. He immediately put her on additional medication to reduce swelling of her brain. Her medication also included something to keep her sedated. The doctor explained that it was for the best.

Day after day, either Tony or Catherine sat by her side. They only left the room when Dr. Leonard or his nurse insisted. Even then, it was only for a short duration. The doctor couldn’t confirm that Claire could hear the world around her; nevertheless, Tony talked as much as he could. Everything felt wrong. Usually the suite was filled with the sound of Claire’s voice, and Tony found the silence deafening. Often he’d ask her to wake. “Claire, talk to us. Open your eyes.” Sometimes he’d read—usually things related to Rawlings Industries—but he continued to speak. The only time Tony allowed the blanket of quiet to cover the room was at night. He no longer slept with his head on her bed; instead, he had a large recliner brought to her bedside and slept there.

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