Home > The Billionaire's Cinderella Housekeeper(31)

The Billionaire's Cinderella Housekeeper(31)
Author: Miranda Lee

   Maybe she knew him better than she thought she did.

   Wishful thinking, Ruby.

   ‘Wow. Lights!’ Zack exclaimed when he reached the al fresco area. ‘That has to be Ruby’s doing.’

   ‘Of course,’ Sebastian said with a rueful look her way. ‘You don’t think it was my idea, do you?’

   Zack laughed. ‘Never in a million years, mate. But they look great.’ He turned to smile over at Ruby and she smiled back. Sebastian scowled at both of them.

   The DJ packed up and went home at midnight, the party slowly breaking up after that. Most people had come in taxis and left the same way. Even Zack went home in a taxi, which was a good idea since he was plastered. No one asked to bunk down there for the night, highlighting their knowledge of their boss’s passion for privacy.

   The caterers were brilliantly efficient at putting everything away in the boxes in which they had brought everything, taking all the dirty plates and glasses with them when they left shortly after one. Ruby was very impressed and told them so as she helped them out to their van. There was nothing for her to do after they’d gone except turn the lights off and give the floors a quick going over with the vacuum cleaner. Out of the corner of her eye she saw two grey trouser legs appear.

   ‘Ruby, stop with the vacuuming and come and sit down,’ Sebastian commanded. ‘We have to finish our conversation.’

   Ruby sighed as she switched off the vacuum cleaner. ‘I suppose we do,’ she said, resigned to the inevitable.

   ‘I’ll be down in my study. See you shortly.’

   Ruby put the vacuum cleaner away then trudged down to the study. Sebastian was sitting in the oversized leather chair in the far corner, the one with the standing lamp next to it. He was nursing a rather large whisky, which he lifted to his lips, his eyes spearing hers over the rim of the glass. He didn’t look happy.

   Ruby sat down in his office chair, her agitation spilling over when he remained silent.

   ‘Well, out with it,’ she demanded. ‘What were you going to say earlier? Not that I don’t already know.’

   ‘What do you already know?’

   ‘You don’t want to sleep with me any more.’

   ‘Actually, that’s not true. I do want to sleep with you. That’s the crux of the problem. What I was going to say earlier was that, under the circumstances, I can’t keep you on as my housekeeper.’

   Ruby’s mouth dropped open as his words sank in.

   ‘You’re firing me?’ she blurted out after a few mind-blowing seconds.

   ‘I wouldn’t put it that bluntly,’ he ground out.

   ‘And how would you put it?’ she threw at him.

   ‘I was going to suggest that you hand in your resignation, for which I would compensate you handsomely.’

   Ruby couldn’t help the disbelieving laugh that punched from her throat. ‘You have to be joking. You’re going to pay me to leave?’

   ‘It seems only fair.’

   Fair. Ruby closed her eyes against the crippling hurt in her heart.

   ‘I’m sorry, Ruby,’ he said with a weary sigh. ‘But I can’t see any other way. I never meant to hurt you. Or to interfere with your plans. But if you stay, things will get complicated.’

   Complicated. That was putting it mildly.

   ‘Very well,’ she said at last. ‘I’ll go.’ Best she did, really. ‘But I don’t want your damned money.’

   ‘Don’t be stupid,’ he snapped as he stood up and walked towards her. ‘You deserve compensation. It was wrong of me to do what I did, and to suggest such an arrangement in the first place.’

   ‘I went into it with my eyes open,’ she admitted ruefully.

   ‘I suppose you did, but that doesn’t make me feel any better. Please, Ruby, let me make things comfortable for you, make that dream of becoming a social worker come true. I’m a rich man. I can afford to buy you an apartment. Or just give you cash, if you prefer.’

   Ruby realised it probably would be stupid of her to refuse his offer. He was right. He was a rich man. A very rich man. Nevertheless, refuse it she would.

   She stood up, her shoulders squaring as she faced him.

   ‘I don’t want you to buy me an apartment or give me a great wad of cash. As I said, I went into our affair with my eyes open. I wanted to sleep with you and I ignored the warnings in my head that nothing good ever comes of sleeping with the boss. I’ll be gone in the morning. And don’t worry, I won’t be telling anyone the truth. I’ll just say things didn’t work out. I’ll claim a personality clash. That’s always a good reason to quit. But I will expect an excellent reference, plus some severance pay. A month’s wages seems fair. Okay?’ she said as she walked out from behind the desk.

   Sebastian caught her before she could escape. ‘I can’t tell my mother or my sister that we had a personality clash. They won’t believe me.’

   ‘Well, that’s too bad, Sebastian. You’ll have to figure something out. Of course, you could try telling them the truth. That you asked me to leave because we’ve been sleeping together and you’re suddenly scared stiff of becoming emotionally involved. That’s the crux of the matter, isn’t it?’ she threw at him. ‘Any kind of relationship is too risky for you, even a sexual one. You might actually start caring for me and vice versa. Shock horror!’

   He looked quite crushed by her sarcasm, his hands dropping from her shoulders as his whole body sagged. ‘Yes. That pretty much hits the nail on the head. I’m sorry, Ruby, but yes, you’re spot on.’

   Ruby should have walked out then and there but she couldn’t. His expression grew so bleak. And so lonely. Before she could think better of it she reached up and gently touched the cheek of the man she loved.

   ‘There’s no reason why we can’t enjoy each other one last time, is there?’ she said, her fingers running a sensual trail down his face. ‘Sort of a going-away present. For me.’

   His eyes showed how tortured he felt. And how tempted. His hand came up to cover hers. ‘Oh, God, Ruby,’ he said with a groan. ‘Don’t.’

   But it was too late. She was already lifting herself up on tiptoe and pressing her mouth to his.




   NO, NO, NO! Sebastian’s head screamed at him when he started to kiss her back.

   But it was too late, because his lower body was screaming yes, yes, yes much louder.

   All common sense fled. Her lips enticed him, as did the hot blood roaring through his veins, flooding him with the need to give her what she wanted, what he wanted.

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