Home > The Siren Saves The Billionaire (Nocturne Falls #13)(25)

The Siren Saves The Billionaire (Nocturne Falls #13)(25)
Author: Kristen Painter

He was still staring. “I am so sorry. That’s inexcusable.”

Undrea shrugged. “Eh. I mean, it’s all over with now, right?”

“Not…exactly.” He blew out a breath. “I told her we were done, and she said no, we weren’t.”

Undrea tipped her head. “She said you weren’t?”

“Yep. She refused to accept it.”

“Can she do that?”

“Yes and no. I’m powerless to make her accept it, but I’m certainly not going to wait around with my life on hold until she does. In fact, the reason I texted you about canceling the tank is I’ve come to the decision that I need to move out.”

“You just bought that house.”

“I’m not moving out permanently. Just until she’s gone. And my leaving will show her just how serious I am.”

“I think that’s a good idea.”

He smiled again, finally. “Do you know any place that will take pets? I can’t leave Bowie there.”

She shrugged. “I could take Bowie.”

Still smiling, he shook his head. “That’s really sweet of you, but we’re a package deal.”

The image of Nina’s scowl remained firmly planted in Undrea’s head. “Then I guess I’ll have to take both of you.”

He blinked. “What?”

“I have a guest room. It’s not the Ritz or anything but—”

“I really appreciate that, but I can afford a place. I promise.”

“But how fast can you find one? Town looks pretty busy to me. And you need a place that will take a cat. I’m not saying you have to move in with me for the rest of your life. I’m just saying if you want out tonight, my guest room is yours.” She smiled. “And Bowie’s.”

He didn’t say anything for a moment, so she continued. “Look, none of this would be happening if you hadn’t met me. That makes me partially responsible.”

His eyes narrowed slightly. “Maybe that’s a little true. But are you also doing this because Nina showed up at your house?”

Undrea gave him a stern look. He really was a smart guy. “Let’s just say I don’t take kindly to threats. And she needs to know what sort of woman she’s dealing with. Also, I have a pretty serious crush on Bowie, so this is my opportunity to get closer to him.”

Ethan snorted. “You’re something else, Undrea.”

He had no idea. “Does that mean you’re taking me up on my offer?”

He hesitated. Then nodded. “Yes. But only because I want out of there tonight and only on a temporary basis. I’m sure I’ll find something tomorrow.”

“Good. You’re buying dinner.”

His smile widened. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

They both ordered cheeseburgers. She got hers with cheddar, extra pickles, and a side of onion rings. She left the anchovies off, for his sake. He got his with pepper jack and jalapeños and a side of fries with cheese. He also ordered a vanilla milkshake, while she got a cherry Coke.

She nodded as the server went off to put their orders in. “You eat like a frat boy, I see.”

He laughed. “I’m comfort eating, I suppose.”

“Do guys do that?”

He nodded. “I guess we do.” He gave her a more serious look. “You sure you’re okay with me staying with you?”

“I wouldn’t have invited you if I wasn’t. Look, I realize I don’t know you very well, but you’re a pretty well-known guy. I feel fairly certain you’re not a celebrity tech guy and a serial killer.” Besides, she could overpower him pretty easily if she wanted to. In more ways than one. If anything, he was the one that ought to be scared.

Well, not scared exactly. But wary. Then again, he had no idea whose home he was about to be a guest in.

He held his hands up. “I promise, I’m not a serial killer.”

“Good,” she said. “I promise I’m not either. As far as you know.”

That made him laugh, and when their food was delivered, they attacked it.

Undrea was so hungry that she chowed down with the kind of gusto usually reserved for home. She took a breath and reminded herself that not only was she in public, but she was sitting across from a guy she found attractive. She didn’t want him to think she was uncouth.

Then again, he was moving in with her. He was about to find out she wasn’t the most ladylike of ladies.

She wiped Mummy’s burger sauce off the corner of her mouth and looked up to find him watching her. It was too late, apparently, to pretend like she was refined and dainty. “I know. I eat like a linebacker, right?”

He shook his head, amusement in his gaze. “You eat like someone who actually likes food. I didn’t mean to stare. I just haven’t seen that in a while, that’s all.”

Undrea grinned. “How’s your burger?”

“Really good. This is another great place. You’re two for two so far.”

“You’ll have to try Salvatore’s pizza then, and it can be three for three.”

“All right. Tomorrow night then. It’s a date.”

“Oh,” she said, shaking her head. “I can’t. I have a girls’ night out thing.”

“That sounds fun.”

“Actually, we could go early. Right when I get off from work. What do you think? Then I’d have time to get ready and meet my friends. Or is that too soon for you to eat dinner?”

He leaned in. “What if we do lunch instead? Then you won’t be rushed.”

“I love that idea. Okay, lunch it is.”

And just like that, she and Ethan had plans for a second date.



Ethan couldn’t stop looking at Undrea. He admired her more than he could say. A lot of women found Nina intimidating. He’d seen it with his own eyes. The way they deferred to her like she was some kind of alpha wolf. Like they were afraid she might take their heads off.

He understood that Nina’s relationship with him gave her some of that power. It validated her in the eyes of other women, like an announcement that she had something about her potent enough to attract and keep a man of his status.

Such nonsense.

Thankfully, Undrea hadn’t given in to it. Not even after Nina had purposefully tried to intimidate her with that surprise visit. Something Ethan was still livid about.

Dinner with her at the diner was so far the most low-key evening out he’d had in a long time, and it was wonderful. He smiled across the table at her. No one had bothered him either. Maybe because they’d recognized he was out with someone special.

Because that’s what Undrea was. Someone special. In every sense of the word. She’d offered him and Bowie a place to stay, something he’d never expected.

Sure, he knew part of that offer was Undrea rubbing it in Nina’s face, but he was fine with that. Nina wasn’t the only one allowed to play games.

And she’d started the game, so what was Undrea supposed to do? Forfeit? No. Instead, she’d made her move. And it was a big one. He applauded her for her boldness.

Nina wouldn’t like him staying with Undrea. He knew that. He didn’t care what she thought about it. But he wasn’t sure how she’d react. She wasn’t used to someone not backing down.

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