Home > His for the Holidays(15)

His for the Holidays(15)
Author: Samantha Chase

For a moment, she looked perplexed. “Well…actually, if we want to get technical, I just needed a date for this party. You were the one who needed a girlfriend for…you know…everything.”

She had him there and now he felt foolish for bringing it up. “Oh. Right.”

Behind them, people were calling her name, and he figured they might as well go and join the party and do what they came to do.

There was a dinner buffet, an open bar, and a dance floor where a trio of musicians were playing jazz and blues versions of some of the more popular Christmas songs. It was all very small and intimate–maybe forty people total in the room–but they mingled with everyone. This was a side of Hannah he had never witnessed before and, if anything, it made him like her more. She was genuinely friendly and seemed to know a little something personal about everyone. He stood back and listened as she asked about people’s kids, pets, parents…and it made him realize he didn’t know anything even remotely close about his own co-workers.

They ate and drank and laughed a lot, and he was glad they had stayed. When they were done with dinner, Hannah’s boss–Avery Miller–came over and joined them.

And all their companions got up and gave them some privacy.

“I know we’re at a party, but I was curious if you gave any thought to my offer for the Tennessee position,” Avery asked. “I’m not trying to rush you. I just want to make sure we’re good, Hannah. I hate this whole situation, but…”

“I know. Your hands are tied,” Hannah said sadly. “I get it, Avery. I do. I can’t help but be disappointed.”

Reaching out, Avery gave Hannah a reassuring hug. “I really do hope you’ll consider the project. It’s only six months and by the time you’re back, I’ll be sure to have something fabulous waiting for you.”

That seemed to perk Hannah up. “You can do that?”

The instant regret on Avery’s face was the only answer they needed. Still, she said, “I’m certainly going to try.”

It was like being doused with a bucket of ice water. All the good feelings they were having over the last hour or so were officially gone.

With that, she wished them both a good evening. Gage wasn’t sure that was possible now, but was determined to do what he originally set out to do–distract her from this crappy situation. The band started playing “White Christmas” and he knew immediately what they needed to do.

“May I have this dance?” he asked as he stood, holding out his hand dramatically to her.

“Gage, I don’t think…”

“Don’t think, Hannah, just…it’s a Christmas party and this is one of the most iconic Christmas songs. Come on. Dance with me.” He almost sagged with relief when she placed her hand in his.

They joined the group on the dance floor and he banded his arm around her waist to pull her close. She was so soft and she smelled sweet like vanilla and something that was completely Hannah, and he hoped the band continued to play a few more ballads just so they could stay like this.

“Do you want to leave?” he quietly asked after a minute.

“I don’t know. Maybe.” With a soft sigh, she rested her head against his shoulder like she had earlier. “Does that make me a baby? Like I’m not getting my way so I just leave?”

“We’ve been over this. And from what pretty much everyone here has been saying to you all night, they’re all on your side. You’re not the one who should be leaving, but it’s obvious your coworker doesn’t have an ounce of decency.”

Her mirthless laugh sounded a little forced, but she lifted her head and looked up at him. “Just one more song and then I’d like to go.”

“Done.” So he enjoyed holding her for the rest of “White Christmas” and couldn’t help but smile when another ballad came on. “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” was one of his favorites and it seemed fitting that they’d be dancing to it right now.

“I love this song,” she said as they swayed slowly together. “I prefer the older, more traditional Christmas songs than the newer ones.”

His smile grew. “Me too.”

When the song ended, he reluctantly let her go before following her around saying goodbye to everyone.

Well, everyone except Don Reese.

Out in his car, he asked if she wanted to stop for dessert or anything and she told him no–reminding him she still had a ton of cookies back at her place.

“What do you say we open up one of the last two tins and binge on cookies and I’ll make cocoa and we find a Christmas movie to watch?” Hannah suggested as they walked across the lobby of their building.

“That works for me,” he replied, pushing the button for the elevator. The doors slid open and they stepped inside. Gage hit the number four and watched the doors close, and then he suddenly had his arms full of Hannah. It would have been pointless for him to ask what she was doing–she was kissing him. And all he wanted to do was kiss her back.

So he did.

Reaching up, he cupped her face and kissed her with all the pent-up passion and arousal he’d been dealing with for over a week. He had no idea what brought this on or why she’d been putting him so firmly in the friend zone only to have her pounce like this, but there was no way he was going to question it right now. Her arms wrapped around him as she pressed closer and once the doors reopened on her floor, they tumbled out into the hall together, reluctant to end the kiss.

He whispered her name as she somehow managed to pull her keys from her purse. At her door, they broke apart just long enough to get inside before reaching for each other again. Hannah pushed his coat off his shoulders and Gage was more than happy to let it fall to the floor before reaching to do the same with hers. When she suddenly got much shorter, he realized she’d kicked her stilettos off.

It would have been easy to just keep going like this until they were both naked and breathless, but…he needed to make sure she was doing this for the right reason. The last thing he wanted was to be a regret.

“Hannah,” he panted when she reached for his tie. Placing his hand over hers, he stilled her. “What’s going on?”

Her smile was pure vixen as she said, “I thought it was obvious.” Then leaned in to kiss him again.

But he stopped her.

“It is obvious, but…why? Why now?”

Now she took a step back. “You seriously want to discuss this now?”

“I’d rather talk about it now than wake up to you regretting it in the morning,” he admitted.

Muttering a curse, she sat down on her sofa. When he didn’t move, she huffed with annoyance. “Can you please sit down?”

He sat.

“Look, it’s obvious we’re attracted to each other and…I guess all the playful flirting and stuff got me wondering if…”


Her blue eyes flashed with irritation. “You’re seriously going to make me say this?”

“Hannah, believe me, I think you need to say it.” Then he held his breath because, honestly, he wasn’t sure what she was going to say.

“Fine. I’m attracted to you. I enjoyed kissing you in the elevator a week ago and I really like all this fake boyfriend-girlfriend stuff.” Her shoulders sagged and some of the nervous energy seemed to go out of her. “Tonight, when Avery asked me about Tennessee, I realized that my life isn’t going the way I wanted or planned. I regret all the time and energy I gave to a job that didn’t appreciate it and then I looked at you when we were dancing and…I knew I would regret it if I kept lying to myself by saying you’re just a friend.”

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