Home > His for the Holidays(26)

His for the Holidays(26)
Author: Samantha Chase

“I need you to promise me something,” she said solemnly.


“Promise you will not leave my side for the rest of the night. I can’t even imagine what will happen if anyone finds me alone for even a second.” She gave a dramatic shudder. “I’m even afraid someone’s going to try to set me up with Santa!”

He knew she was making light of the situation, but…there was still a lot of truth there. And as he pulled her even closer, he promised, “You have nothing to worry about. You’re mine and everyone here is going to know it.”

“Should we kiss right now?” she asked, barely recognizing the husky tone.

“Sweetheart, I’d kiss you all day every day if I could.”



Chapter Eight



Gage’s words washed over her and she burrowed even closer to him as tears stung her eyes.

How many times had she wished she could meet a great guy who she could laugh with and have things in common with? How many rotten relationships had she stuck it out in while hoping things would get better? And now she’d found one she truly believed was worth exploring and it wasn’t even real.

Well…parts of it were real, and it suddenly hit her how maybe getting physical with Gage wasn’t the smartest thing she’d ever done. At the time, it seemed completely logical; she knew she’d regret it if she forced herself to be platonic with him while she was desperately attracted to him. But now that things were coming to an end, Hannah realized just how much the sexual part of their relationship complicated everything.

At least…for her.

Gage, bless him, just seemed to go with the flow. She knew he was enjoying their…ahem…private times together, but he also wasn’t pushing for more. He knew the rules and he was sticking to them. Plus, considering all the craziness she’d been witnessing since coming to Evergreen, it was definitely a smart move for him to have a fake girlfriend. She couldn’t imagine what it would have been like for him to be here alone. Talk about pressure!

Still, what was she thinking when she agreed to all of this? At least…the sex part? Hannah had never been one for sex just for sex’s sake. She’d never had a one-night stand or a casual fling or affair or whatever they were called. When she went into a relationship, it meant something. So what on earth had possessed her to get into this fake arrangement with Gage?

But she already knew the answer.

He was just too much to resist.

That night in the elevator had been very eye-opening on so many levels. For starters, she’d judged him before knowing anything about him and found out how looks could be deceiving. Next, she’d been so arrogant about her own future and thought how it was everything she needed to make her happy, but over the last week she’d found more joy in decorating an apartment complex lobby than she had decorating massive buildings.

Everything was different and yet…

Nothing was going to change.

Tomorrow was her last full day with Gage and then she was driving back to Raleigh, packing up her life, and accepting a job that should have thrilled her.

But it didn’t.

Sighing, Hannah rested her head on Gage’s shoulder. He reached up and caressed her cheek until she looked up at him. “What’s going on?” he asked quietly. Unfortunately, the music turned to a more upbeat number and there was no way they could have a conversation in the middle of it. He realized the same thing and carefully led her through the crowd and out to the lobby and down the hall toward the theater room. It was blessedly quiet as they sat in the comfortable recliners.

“Are you still upset about being bombarded with introductions earlier?” he asked lightly, teasingly.

If only…

It was time to tell him what was going on–if for no other reason than he was important to her and had been following what was happening with her job search. Carefully, she twisted in her seat and reached out and took one of his hands in hers because she needed the connection. “So…I got a job offer,” she began slowly. Swallowing hard, she glanced at him and saw his expression was neutral when he nodded. “It’s the one up in Chicago. Big raise, a promotion, and they’re going to help with my moving expenses. As much as I can’t believe it, it’s the perfect job for me and better than anything my current employer was ever going to offer.”

He nodded again. “When does it start?”

“They want me to start on the tenth. So…the timing truly works out for me heading back to Raleigh and packing up rather than trying to go home to see my folks.”

“I thought that wasn’t even on the table.”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. I kept going back and forth because I’ve never been alone on Christmas.” Staring down at their hands, she sighed.

“Then don’t be alone for Christmas,” he gruffly replied. “Stay here and then we’ll drive back to Raleigh together on the 26th. I can help you pack or…whatever else you need help with. Just…you don’t have to leave, Hannah. You don’t have to be alone.”

But sadly…she did.

Not only did she need the time to get organized, she knew there was no way she would get anything accomplished if Gage were there with her. She’d want to spend her time with him–soaking up every minute they had together and resenting this move more than she already was.

“Thanks, but…I think it’s best if we stick to our original plan. You know you have tons of stuff planned with your family and you’d hate it if you missed it.”

His mirthless laugh took her by surprise. “Not as much as I’m going to miss you.”


“Look,” he said, squeezing her hand. “I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t mean it. Just…think about it, okay?”

Rather than argue with him, she nodded, and they sat in companionable silence for several minutes before either spoke.

“We should probably get back inside. The buffet was going to open up soon and I’m a little hungry.” She wasn’t, but it seemed like the smarter option than staying here alone in the theater. There was safety in numbers and it would be the perfect distraction until the party was over.

But then there would other distractions.

Sexier ones.

Maybe we can skip dinner…

No! Rebecca would never forgive them if they didn’t come back to the party and partake in all the festivities and get their pictures with Santa.

So they rejoined everyone and had a much better time than she imagined she would. Gage’s sisters were absolute riots and their kids were adorable. There had been dozens of pictures with Santa and even though they had all asked her to be in the family shots, she made sure she stepped out of most of them because…well…because. At some point Gage was going to have a wife and family of his own and she didn’t want him to have to explain Hannah’s presence in a bunch of family holiday photos.

At the end of the night, the kids got goody bags–actually, little red fuzzy stockings–filled with candy canes and a few silly games, and the adults all got holiday frames for their Santa photos. Everyone was laughing and promising to see one another tomorrow. And as she and Gage made their way to the elevator, Hannah was relieved she wasn’t asked to help with the cleanup.

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