Home > Beauty and the Billionaire (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story)(291)

Beauty and the Billionaire (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story)(291)
Author: Claire Adams

I wondered if she had researched it before she did it. I should have looked on her computer in her dorm room. Sienna probably looked up a dozen case studies the moment the thought of suicide crossed her mind.

And still, she did it. The thought made me dizzy, and I let myself slip to the floor.

I leaned back against her bed and felt the sharp edge of something stick me in the back. Reaching under her bed, I pulled out a photograph album she had made her senior year of high school. I opened it up, welcoming the sweet relief that happy memories brought.

The first picture was Sienna leading the cheerleader charge onto the football field. Except it was not her red-lipped smile or glowing golden hair that caught my attention. In the far background was a tall blond boy leaning on the fence next to a gangly girl with long wavy hair.

Owen Redd liked to watch the football games from the sidelines instead of the stands. He liked chatting with people more than yelling silly epithets at the field. One time, Sienna had begged me to bring her a different pair of shoes, and I had bumped into Owen at the fence.

Instead of football scores and finals, we talked about Halo and Assassin's Creed. He didn't laugh when I asked questions about strategy. Instead, he explained in detail the successful maneuvers he had done.

Sienna laughed when she found us. "Aren't you two the perfect pair? Too bad Redd looks better on me."

She knew. Sienna knew that night at the football game that I had the most helpless crush on Owen. I could still feel the thrill of his hand accidentally brushing mine as he described good sequences.

I never understood why they were together. Sienna was more annoyed than enamored by most things that Owen loved. He mocked her cheerleading. And I remembered when she got him voted prom king, he was so irritated that he brought her home and left without saying goodbye.

At the thought of goodbye, I slammed the photograph album shut. How could I say goodbye to my sister?


It was easy to pretend I was still in high school. The house was quiet when I emerged from Sienna's room. It could have been any one of hundreds of nights when our mother had retreated to her room, my father had shut himself in his office, and Sienna was out. She was always busy, always doing something.

The only one that was ever around was our cook. I found her in the kitchen looking the same as she had for decades: a white shirt, black pants, and a red apron. Her riotous black curly hair was secured in a prim bun and blue eyes sparkled as she sang.

"No one told you," I said, the weight pushing me back onto a stool.

"I sing when I'm sad, too," the cook told me. "It helps. Wanna try?"

"You know I can't carry a tune. Sienna is – was the singer."

The cook put down her red spatula and propped her fists on her hips. "You know you never have to refer to her in the past tense, don't you? Sienna’s memory is just as alive as anyone else outside this room if we talk about her."

"I don't feel like talking, Charlotte," I said.

"And you don't feel like singing. How about baking?" Charlotte asked.

I smiled. I loved to bake. It did not hurt that it was the one thing I did better than Sienna.

Sienna had come home from a cheerleading meeting one year and announced an impressive list of things she was going to personally bake for their fundraiser. After two minutes of baking, in which flour got in her hair, she crushed a raw egg in her hands, and the top fell off the ground cinnamon, she declared that baking was a waste of time.

That night, Charlotte taught me to bake the easiest, silkiest, and best buttery sugar cookies. We decorated them with a light lemon frosting and glittery sprinkles. Of course, Sienna took all the credit and they sold out in minutes.

"We're going to need a good dessert table for the, ah, for the guests," Charlotte said.

I nodded, my voice gone again. She meant we needed desserts for the reception that would invariably follow the funeral. Still, Charlotte's practicality was comforting as I settled into the regular routine of the sugar cookie recipe.

"It doesn't feel real. She should come in the door at any moment," I said as the first batch of cookies went in the oven.

"You'll look for her for a long time. Nothing wrong with that."

Her calm acceptance of my feelings made it possible for me to think outside of the warm and comforting kitchen. It registered that I had seen the door to my father's office standing open and I wondered where he went. I had ten minutes before the first batch was done.

"Have you seen my father?" I asked.

Charlotte shook her head. "He asked for chicken dumpling soup when I came in and then he disappeared."

I went to peer in the door of his office. The lights were off, but I could see his outline propped in a chair. He stared out the window, a glass of whiskey suspended in the air halfway to his mouth.

"Daddy?" I asked.

He jumped as if a gunshot had reported in the wood-paneled confines of his office. "Quinn, Jesus Christ, you scared me. What are you doing creeping around?"

"You're the one sitting in the dark."

He grumbled and turned on the lamp next to him. His eyes were red and puffy but dry as he scowled at me. "How's your mother?"

"I don't know, she's still upstairs," I said. "How are you?"

"Probably a good idea. She needs to rest. I'm tired. Exhausted. You might not think it’s a big deal to drive from Vegas to L.A. all the time for school, but it takes a toll," he said. Finally, he noticed the glass of whiskey and took a long sip.

"Speaking of L.A., I should call school," I said.

"Your advisor spoke to all your professors. The funeral is in two days. You can stay with us until it’s over," my father said.

"The funeral?" I asked. A sour taste filled my mouth at the word.

"Yes, I have a friend at the Walton's Funeral Home, he's the director. Making all the arrangements. Viewing, service, reception, it will all be here. Cook knows the rest."

"It just seems so, I don't know, so fast," I said.

My father snorted. "What did you expect, Quinn? Decisions had to be made. Not everyone can go through life wavering like you do."

"Sienna was decisive. She kinda proved quick decisions aren't always the best, didn't she?" I could not take the angry words back.

He shifted in his leather chair and refused to look at me again. "Check on your mother before dinner," he said and turned the light off.

I retreated back to the kitchen, and Charlotte took one look at my face and folded me into a tight hug. "He's just grieving. Anything that comes out of his mouth the next few months is pure rubbish."

"I, I accused her of being rash. I actually joked about where her quick decision-making got her. It was awful," I said.

"No one can know what went through her head. Sienna always had her mind made up and wouldn't let anyone change it. A trait I'm happy you did not inherit from your mother."

Charlotte and my mother had a long-standing habit of arguing over recipes. Though my mother did not cook, she clung fast to a few beliefs of how things should be done and would not hear reason.

"Everyone always says Sienna is just like my mother."

"It never bothered you before," Charlotte said.

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