Home > For nEver(18)

For nEver(18)
Author: Aurora Rose Reynolds

This situation is getting sticky—at least for me. I didn’t think it was possible to like Jace, but I’m starting to enjoy his company and his sense of humor way more than I should.



Chapter 14



That’s Worse



“How long does it take to put on a swimsuit?”

At that question shouted at me through the bathroom door, I turn and glare at the wood between Jace and me.

“Do not rush me,” I bite out while I untie my hair from the bun I had it in, and it falls over my shoulders and hides the tops of my breasts, making me feel a little less exposed.

“It’s been over fifteen minutes,” he complains, and I roll my eyes at my reflection as I pick up my folded clothes from the counter next to the sink.

“It hasn’t been fifteen minutes.” I push open the door and step into the bedroom.

“Oh fuck, it’s worse,” he groans, and I swing my head toward the bed, where he’s sitting. “You are not wearing that.” He stands in all his shirtless glory while I rest the pile of clothes on the dresser. At least I’m getting used to seeing him half-dressed. “You said you got two suits. Where is the other one?”

I narrow my eyes on his, which are roaming over my chest, the strip of exposed skin between the bikini top and the high-waisted bottoms, and then down to my thighs that I know are not perfectly toned, dimpled in spots instead. “Do not look at me like that, Jace. I already feel self-conscious enough without the help of your comments and the look on your face.”

I mean, sure, in the fitting room at the store, I didn’t think the suits I picked out were amazing, but I had thought I could at least pull them off. Now, with his gaze on me, I have the urge to cover up.

And I hate that.

Every day, I try to teach my kids that people won’t remember if you had on the coolest new clothes or if you were skinny or fat. Those fleeting thoughts come and go in the blink of an eye. But how you make others feel when they’re in your presence will stick with them long after you’re gone.

“Fuck me.” He scrubs his hands over his face. “I’m half-tempted to let you think you look hideous, just so you’ll change.” He lets his arms fall to his sides, and my heart begins to race when I recognize the look in his eyes for what it really is.


Maybe even desire.

“You’re—” He cuts himself off with a shake of his head. “That color brings out your pretty green eyes, and with your hair down….” His hands ball into fists, and his jaw flexes before he clips out, “You don’t need to change.”

Oh my God, it can’t be safe for my heart to be pounding like it is. And why are my insides twitching? “Th—” I clear my throat in hopes I sound more normal and less breathy. “Thank you.”

“Are you ready?”

No, not after that, whatever that was. I mean, he didn’t exactly tell me that he thinks I’m beautiful, but he also kind of did without the precise words. Oh Lord, I’m so screwed if I’m reacting to some lame statement like that.

“Yes.” I duck my head and turn for the door, slipping on my flip-flops before I swing it open.

“There you two are,” Janelle greets, walking through the back door, as we step into the kitchen. “I was wondering if you were ever going to come out and join the land of the living.”

“Jace had a headache,” I tell her quickly, not wanting her to think we were doing something we definitely were not doing, and her head flies his way.

“Are you okay?” Concern laces her tone.

“Penny gave me something and took care of me.” He slides his arm around my waist and kisses the side of my head. My body reacts to the contact, and I start to lean into him, then realize what I’m doing.

“Of course she did.” She smiles happily, looking between us. “So what are you two up to now? Aunt Eva and I have chairs set up. You two can join us? I just came in to get us both a drink.” She goes to the fridge and comes out with two skinny white cans.

“Maybe when we get back. I’m gonna take Penny out on the jet ski and stop down at Burt’s to grab a burger if he’s still open.”

“That sounds fun. Don’t forget that tonight is the welcome barbeque and bonfire.”

“We’ll be back before then,” he assures, ushering me to the door before sliding it open for his mom and me.

When we step outside, I look down at the dock and the beach from the deck and wonder what I’ve gotten myself into. Music is playing, kids are running around everywhere, adults huddle in groups or hang out at the lake’s edge, and dozens of colorful rafts float on the water. It’s chaos, but from the sounds and looks of it, it’s the best kind.

“Come on. I want to introduce you to a few people before you two take off,” Janelle says, linking her arm with mine before urging me down the stairs, leaving me no choice but to go with her.

When we get to the bottom step, I know for the first time in my life what it must be like to be famous.

Okay, maybe not famous. But it feels like everyone—and I mean every single person—has their eyes on Jace and me. Even the kids stop running around to watch us walk by.

“Are you okay?” Jace asks, touching his fingers to mine.

“Of course she’s okay. She’s with family,” his mom tells him while dragging me toward a group of women gathered near the water.

After that, it’s all a blur. I’m separated from Jace, who gets swallowed up by his family members who haven’t seen him in years. I don’t know how many people Janelle introduces me to, nor even remember their names as she drags me from one group to another, but I do know it’s exhausting suddenly being the center of attention.

“Oh my God, your ring is just stunning,” a woman says, holding my hand up to inspect my ring. She’s about my age, and I believe Janelle introduced her as Jace’s cousin Sammy before she got pulled away.

“Thank you.”

“And you’re a teacher?” the pretty brunette next to her asks, looking me over.

“I am.”

“How did you land Jace?”

“Mel!” Sammy gasps, then her eyes come to me. “Ignore her. She’s my best friend, but sometimes she doesn’t know how to filter what comes out of her mouth.”

“It’s just a question.” Mel shrugs. “I mean, I saw the last girl he was dating on IG, and she was a model.”

“You mean you were stalking Jace and sniffed out the girl he was dating?” She rolls her eyes before turning her attention back to me. “Mel’s been coming with me to our family reunion since we were like ten, and since then, she’s been in love with Jace.”

“I’ve never been in love with him. I’ve just always thought he was hot,” she tells me, and I rub my lips together. I mean, I could be offended and even annoyed by her honesty, but since I get why she would be fascinated by him and confused as to why he would be with me, I shrug it off.

“I’m going to steal my fiancée, if that’s okay?” Jace’s deep voice rumbles, sending relief through me, then his warm hand slides around my waist. “Are you ready to take off?”

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