Home > For nEver(40)

For nEver(40)
Author: Aurora Rose Reynolds

“So you’re… what… the principal at her school?” Ben asks, and I turn his way. I totally forgot he was here.

“I was covering for a friend at Jace’s office. He works in tech in San Francisco,” I explain but leave out that he actually owns the company.

“What are you guys talking about?” Frank asks, carrying a bottle of red wine toward us.

“Penny was explaining how she and Jace met.”

“How did you two meet?” he asks, taking a seat, so I tell him what I just told Ben, and he looks between Jace and me. “But you haven’t been together long, have you?”


“No, but it feels like I’ve known her forever.” Jace kisses the side of my head, and I melt against him.

“So when are you getting married?”

“Oh.” I tense, because this is where things could get really sticky. “We haven’t set a da—”

“Next summer, or maybe in the fall. I want Penny to have time to settle into being engaged. I caught her off guard when I asked her to marry me, and I was lucky she agreed to that. If I rush her into taking my last name, she might run away, and I can’t risk that happening.”

“She looks pretty content.” Ben smiles at Jace, then focuses on me. “If you want any help planning your big day, I know people who work in the industry, and I’d be happy to get you in touch with them.”

“We’d appreciate that,” I say quietly, and Jace gives my waist a squeeze of approval.

And just like that, I’m living back in the land of delusion, because everything in me wants to believe this is real.



Chapter 31






Following behind Jace’s surprisingly ordinary Jeep, one that is almost identical to the one he had waiting for us in Washington—only this one is black with a few more upgrade—I flip on my turn signal after his lights up. As we get closer to San Francisco, a ball of anxiousness starts to grow in the pit of my stomach. Last night and this morning, having him in my space, felt surprisingly normal after I got over the initial awkwardness. But now, I’m moving into unfamiliar territory, and as much as I’d like to say I’m ready for this, I don’t know that I am. Then again, a week ago, I wasn’t ready to accept the fact that he and I were sharing a bed, and now I can’t imagine not going to sleep or waking up with him each day.

My cell phone rings, dragging me from my thoughts, and when I see Christy’s name appear on my dash, my finger hovers over the button on my steering wheel. This morning, I spoke to my mom, and since Jace was right there—and made it known he was there by shouting “hi!” and shoving his face in front of my phone so she could see him—I was left with no choice but to explain that he and I are kind of seeing each other. Though, when I said that, he didn’t look very happy, but what was I supposed to say? My mom, for her part, was visibly happy, even excited that I was taking a chance on a man again, and she said she looks forward to meeting him when she gets home.

But Christy is not my mom. I know she won’t be happy that I’m letting my guard down and doing what Jace suggested last week, letting the cards fall where they may. No, she will likely tell me that I’m an idiot, especially after she made it clear on multiple occasions that I should not get attached. Each time she messaged to check in on me while we were away, she would always add Do not fall in love with him, Penny at the end of each text. At first, I thought she was being ridiculous, because I had no intention of falling for Jace. But as the week wore on, I knew I should take her warning to heart.

Not that it did any good. I mean, look at me now, following Jace to his house, where I’m staying for at least a few days, since he asked me to pack a bag to hold me over until next weekend.

Taking a deep breath, I cancel the call and make a silent promise to explain things to Christy when I’ve worked up the courage to ask Jace what exactly it is we are doing. I just know that right now is not the time to tell her what’s going on or to hear her opinion. I’m already in my own head about this situation; I don’t need her making me more confused, even if I know she would be coming from a place of love for me.

As Jace drives us closer to the beach, where the houses seem to grow in size with each block, the ball in the pit of my stomach grows along with them. When he flips on his signal and stops, I stop with him, then he turns into a private driveway, and I watch, not breathing, as a huge double gate opens up. I pull in behind him, park in front of one of four garage doors, and stare at the house above me. From here, it’s all harsh angles but with giant trees bent over the roof edges, adding a softness to the tall structure.

When there is a tap on my window, I take my eyes off his house and look up at Jace through the glass, feeling more out of place than I ever have in my life.

I should have known that with Jace being a billionaire he wouldn’t live in a small, comfortable house like the one I grew up in and that he would pick a house most couldn’t even dream of affording. Still, I didn’t think about that.

“Are you going to get out of your car?”

“I don’t know,” I tell him honestly, and he motions for me to roll down the window.

“What’s going on, cupcake?” He leans toward me in the car.

“You live in a mansion,” I blurt, glancing at his house quickly. “I know I should have guessed you would. I mean, unless you’re Warren Buffett; he still lives in the house he bought for like thirty-something thousand dollars a million years ago.” I frown. “Though I’m sure he also owns islands and properties all over the world too, so now I don’t know why I used him as an example.”

“This isn’t a mansion.”

“I’m pretty sure it is,” I disagree, glancing back at the house.

“It’s only seven thousand square feet.”

“My apartment is eight hundred, and if I measured, I bet it would actually be less than that.”

“Penny, get out of the car.” He sighs.


“You’ll be fine.” He opens my door and hits the button for my window to roll it up before he reaches across me to unhook my seatbelt.


“Don’t worry. I won’t let you get lost.” He pulls me out of my seat, then he cups my face in his hands once I’m standing in front of him. “I’ll get us some walkie-talkies if it will make you feel better.”

“Don’t be annoying.”

“I’m not the one acting irrationally.”

“I’m not acting irrationally,” I bite out as he maneuvers me out of the way so he can shut my door.

“You are, but it’s okay. We’ll go inside, and you’ll see it’s just a normal house.”


“Whatever,” he mutters, grabbing both our bags from his trunk, and I grab the trophy. “Come on.”

Reluctantly, I follow him to a set of double doors, and when they’re opened, all I can do is stare. I would have assumed the doors led into the house, but of course they don’t. Beyond them are a huge garden, a pool, and stone pavers that lead to a set of steps, and beyond all that are arches and pillars like something you’d see in Rome. There is even a lion's head made from some kind of stone spitting water into the pool, creating a tranquil sound.

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