Home > Searching for April(29)

Searching for April(29)
Author: Julia Bright

They had their gear and were ready to get April back. She had to be out of her mind with worry. Two nights and she hadn’t been rescued. She probably thought no one cared about her. But they did care. They were just behind.

The hike would be more difficult today. They would need to watch for unstable areas that could give way easily after the rains. Then there was the question of how this guy would respond to them. A few of the guys were armed, but he hoped it didn’t come to that.

The door opened, and Drew stepped in. Mac had hoped it was Ethan because that would mean they were headed out. Drew stopped at the counter with the coffee maker, and Mac turned back to the window, watching the storm play out. The lightning was getting farther away, and the rain was less.

Drew moved close and held out a mug for Mac. He wrapped his hands around the warm porcelain and took a sip as he stared out the window, watching lightning highlight the clouds.

Mac sighed heavily before setting down his mug on the windowsill. “What if we don’t get there in time? What if she gets hurt—or worse? What if something happened to her because I wasn’t there when she got off work? I should have been there.” As he spoke, his voice wavered with emotion, looking up at Drew for answers that couldn’t be given.

“Man, you can’t control everything. People are wildcards. This guy, whoever he is, no one knew he would strike when he did.”

“But I knew someone was after her.”

“Maybe we knew that, but you can’t kick yourself for this. How were you supposed to watch April twenty-four-seven? I’m guessing April wouldn’t want that either.”

Mac shook his head. “She thought running here would keep her safe.”

“How did this guy find her?” Ethan asked.

Mac had no idea. “That’s a good question. Why didn’t he abduct her earlier if he knew where she was? Has he been watching her, just waiting for an opportunity to attack?”

“Hopefully, we’ll find out the answers today.”

Ethan stepped in and found Mac. “We’re ready to head out. Do you want to stay here?”

There was no way he would stay behind. But that meant he had to let them take the lead. “I can keep my head on straight and stay back. I know this is dangerous for all of us. I won’t get in your way when we find her.”

“Good. Let’s go.”

Mac’s throat closed with emotions. He prayed April was okay. If she wasn’t, there wouldn’t be anything that stopped him from getting revenge.






April hadn’t slept well with Kester pressed up against her. He hadn’t forced himself on her yet, but she feared he would in the morning. Rain still fell outside and a little inside in the far corner.

Did anyone know where she was? She hated being trapped with this man. Living with Kester would be impossible. She wouldn’t survive if he took her to his place and locked her in a room.

She’d heard tales of women being kept for decades. Was it Detroit or somewhere in Ohio that those women finally got free from the dude who had kept them for years? Her brain hurt as she thought about them. It had been Ohio. Amanda had been her name and April had watched a TV show about them. Could she be as strong as Amanda and the other women?

Her stomach squeezed as fear slid through her. She couldn’t do it. Those women had gotten free by some miracle. She didn’t want to spend decades locked in a prison of Kester’s making.

April slowly slid out from under his arm, knowing she had to run while he was asleep. But the collar around her neck would activate. Could she find a tool to cut it off?

She made her way over to the corner with the tools, wishing she’d had the time to search when the sun had been up. There was no way she would find anything in the dark bucket with dark tools.

Desperation as thick as molasses brought tears to her eyes. With an angry hand, she swiped at them. She didn’t have time for tears. Escaping was her only objective. How far could she get before the zapper would activate? Could she crawl with the pain pouring through her?

The rain had stopped, and the sky had grown brighter. The moon sat high in the sky, giving her some light. Not enough to find a tool that would cut the lock off or cut through the collar, but enough that she could follow a path.

Getting back to civilization would be the issue. Her head swam with fear and hope. She needed to survive. To do that, she had to get away from this jerk.

April slowly made her way to the door, praying the hinges didn’t squeak when she opened it. The cabin had kept them out of the rain, but it hadn’t been a refuge, at least not for her. Being here with Kester had been a taste of her future. The man really thought he could force her into being in a relationship.

Before she got to the door, she reached up and touched her face where he’d hit her. The skin was raw, and the area bruised. If she had a weapon, would she use it on him? He’d hit her and taken her hostage, but could she kill him? She didn’t think she had it in her to pull a trigger that would kill someone. She just needed to run. That would be her salvation.

She moved closer to the door, reaching out slowly to grasp the handle. The rusty metal felt cool against her skin. She held her breath, praying Kester didn’t wake up.

One second passed, then another. April kept quiet, praying she could escape as she listened for some sign that he was still asleep. Had he woken up? Was he watching her, waiting to strike and bring her to her knees?

Anxiety made breathing difficult, but she had to keep her breaths even and slow so she didn’t make noise. If Kester woke, it would all be over.

She couldn’t wait another second. The only option was to run. She would never give up her fight. It was the only thing she had left.

April raced out of the cabin, fear pushing her forward. The collar around her neck started to beep and then gave a warning buzz. She couldn’t stop. She had to keep going.

The buzz increased just as the door opened behind her.

“Get back here!” Kester yelled.

April didn’t turn to look. The tree line was ten, maybe fifteen feet away. If she could get there, maybe she would be able to hide. Pain hit hard, and she stumbled, skidding to the ground.

Kester had her. He wouldn’t let her go. The plan to escape had gone terribly wrong, leaving her his prisoner for life. Devastation brought tears as the pain continued to pulse through her. Was he trying to kill her with this stupid zapping collar?






Mac was about fifty feet back, letting Ethan, Drew, Brock, and Zeke take the lead. They had the cabin surrounded and were slowly closing in, using all their special training to make no noise as they moved through the forest.

It was impressive, but the worry flowing through him kept him from noting how they were moving so quietly. He focused on Drew, the closest one, and missed the movement at the cabin. By the time he looked up, April was already running toward him.

Air seemed to bubble in his throat, making breathing nearly impossible. He gasped as the door was thrown open, and a guy stepped out. Raw hatred slid through him. He stepped out from behind the tree. Baker was there beside him, his hand on Mac’s arm.

Mac met his gaze, and Baker shook his head. “Don’t go. Not yet. You let everyone else do their job.”

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