Home > Secret Agent Analyst(24)

Secret Agent Analyst(24)
Author: Penelope Peters

Elliot didn’t want to think about Anthony’s cell phone right then. Mostly, he was having trouble believing what had just happened. “They ran away.”

“Yes,” said Anthony. He sounded somewhat strained. “So they did. I don’t believe Cicero compensates them very well.”

“Huh. Have we ever considered trying to bribe some of them to work for us instead?”

“I believe that information is rather highly classified.”

“Oh, sure.” Elliot listened. “I don’t hear the Kraken anymore.”

“Well. It did just eat someone. I suppose it’s full.”

“Yeah, guess so.”

Anthony cleared his throat. “That was a good idea you had. Escaping through the floor.”

“Oh.” Elliot tried not to blush. “Yeah. Thanks. I was going to call you, but I realized you hadn’t given me your phone number.”

“No matter. I don’t have my phone on me.”

Elliot frowned. “You don’t? Then what’s that I feel pressing into my...”

Elliot’s voice faltered.

That’s not Anthony’s cell phone.

And knowing that—Elliot realized it felt nothing like a cell phone.

It was hard, yes. And long, yes.

But it was also very much not flat.

And very, very much not thin.

Elliot swallowed. “Oh. Um. Are you...?”

“Uh, yes. Sorry.”

“It’s fine.”

“I always have that reaction to almost being killed in an easily escapable death.”

“Totally understandable.”

“It’ll go away in a minute.”

“Kind of figured this sort of thing got you off, you know.”


“Well, you always had it in your reports.”

“Pretty sure I didn’t.”

“Not in so many words. More like, And once we weren’t killed, we had to take a moment to assess our physical capabilities. That kind of thing.”

“Ah. Yes. Very important, to check yourself over for potential injury.”

“Yeah. I get it.”

“So... are you?”



“Um. No. No. Fine. Probably. Pretty sure. Might have knocked my elbow.”



“I think I’m all right. Want me to check your elbow?”

“Oh my God,” groaned Elliot, and rolled off Anthony. He landed hard on his back and closed his eyes, folding his arms over his face.

Only to feel a gentle touch on his elbow. When he opened his eyes, he almost laughed.

Anthony was actually checking his elbow.

“I wasn’t sure you didn’t mean that as a line.”

“If I had meant it as a line, you would have been sure,” said Anthony.

Somehow, that was just worse. Elliot burst into laughter, which wasn’t helped by Anthony’s fingers on his skin, light and tickling.

“Stop laughing,” scolded Anthony. “This is serious. If you’re injured, I need to know before we go to the hangar. We could have some trouble boarding the plane since they know we’re here. I can’t have you being a liability.”

“What else is new?” giggled Elliot.

“The Kraken,” said Anthony.

“Oh, great,” groaned Elliot. He covered his face with his hands. “Seriously, Anthony. How the hell do you keep all this ridiculous shit from killing you?”

“One thing at a time, generally,” said Anthony gravely. “It helps if you don’t think of any of it as ridiculous.”

Elliot laughed again, wryly, before lowing his hands. “Even when ridiculous is trying to kill you?”

“Especially then, I’ve found.”

“Huh. I’ll have to try that.”

“You should.” Anthony frowned. “You’ve got a cut.”

Elliot froze and held his breath as Anthony’s hand cupped his chin and turned his head from side to side. His fingers were gentle. “I do?” he whispered.

“Yes,” whispered Anthony, leaning closer. “Just here.”

His thumb brushed over Elliot’s cheek, just in front of his ear. Elliot winced at the sting, but Anthony’s touch was gentle.

“I don’t think you’ll need stitches, but I don’t have my pack with me, so I can’t put anything on it. It’ll probably scar.”

“Yeah, well,” said Elliot, trying to remember what it was like to breathe normally, “I guess every international secret agent needs a good scar.”

“You’re not a secret agent, you’re an analyst,” Anthony reminded him.

Elliot’s mouth dropped open. “You—”

But he barely got the word out before Anthony kissed him.

Which, Elliot had to think, was definitely terrible timing, because it was impossible to be angry with Anthony and enjoy the frankly amazing kiss.

Elliot had read about Anthony’s kisses. Not in Anthony’s reports, of course. Anthony never kissed and told, not even once. Not all of his field partners had the same standards, and quite a few of them had told quite a lot. If not in official reports, then in unofficial reports around the water cooler. Men, women, non-binary—the reports were all very much conclusive.

Anthony was as good a kisser as he was an international secret agent.

And he was a very, very good secret agent.

Elliot felt the warmth from Anthony’s kiss slide through his body like molasses, slow and sweet and thick. It was easy to fall into the kiss, to let Anthony take control, carefully tasting every bit of Elliot’s mouth. Elliot liked it way too much for someone who really should have still been annoyed with Anthony in the first place.

Definitely too much for someone who shouldn’t have been there at all, according to the person who was doing the kissing.

Oh yeah. I’m mad at you, realized Elliot—and bit Anthony’s tongue. Gently of course. Maybe too gently, considering Anthony chuckled into the kiss, which only made Elliot madder.

WTF with this guy!?!?

Anthony broke the kiss, and Elliot nipped at his lips again, even if it was mostly for show. Anthony didn’t pull away any further, though.

He knows I’m mad... and he doesn’t care.

I mean... he’s going to let me be mad. I don’t know what to think about that.

Anthony’s skin was still warm, so close to Elliot’s, and his breath flittered across his cheek. Elliot tried to match it, and then realized.

He’s already matching his to mine.

Something banged in the air duct. It sounded far away, but loud.

“We should go before it comes back for dessert,” said Anthony, pulling away at last. Elliot opened his eyes and glanced at the air duct. The bangs were getting closer.

“Yeah,” he agreed, and got to his feet.

“Shame if you were to die now,” added Anthony.

Elliot wasn’t sure if that was a compliment. “Um, thanks?”

“Well,” said Anthony with a shrug, “you might be an analyst, but you have a tendency to be useful.”

Elliot glared at him. “And I kissed you. Why did I kiss you? Ugh. Just stop talking already!”

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