Home > Mr. Trouble: A London Billionaire Standalone(51)

Mr. Trouble: A London Billionaire Standalone(51)
Author: Nana Malone

Steve smiled, but Nick saw concern in his eyes. “I really hope you do. I’d hate to see you fall behind again. You’re so bright and you could do so much if you just put your mind to it. I don’t often take students aside like this, but I’m worried about you. You’re one of the best. Don’t let that slide.”

Nick nodded his head slowly, agreeing. “Thanks, I won’t. I promise. I’ll try and stop worrying about my family so much.”

“Good stuff,” said Steve, giving Nick a firm pat on the shoulder. “If you need anything just ask. That’s what I’m paid to do. Half the buggers in this class don’t seem to give even a fraction of the shits you do. It’s students like you that make my job worth doing. And if things go well, I happen to have a friend who’s on the lookout for a business graduate for a new role in his company. I could put in a good word. Just keep your head in the game, okay?”

“Cheers, that’s awesome. I will.” Nick said, slinging his bag over his shoulder. He wouldn’t let this part of his life turn to shit as well, like every other part had recently.


The next day at work, after another sleepless night, he had dark circles under his eyes and couldn’t stop glancing up at Selena’s door every time he heard the familiar click of her handle. He was hoping for an olive branch. He wanted to know if she was okay. But knocking on her door felt wrong. He would wait it out. Bring her a coffee perhaps. Yes. That was it.

He sprinted out of the office building and round the corner to the little cafe she liked. He had heard her telling Nancy it was a good place to get peace with her laptop and that the vintage decor and teapot collection reminded her of her grandma. He rushed through the door and straight to the counter. “Two Americanos and two skinny, seeded muffins please,” he asked, breathless from the run.

“Meeting someone?” came a voice from behind him. Selena was sitting at a table, her laptop open in front of her.

Nick fumbled for his words. “No. I, erm, I came to get this, for you.”

Her eyebrows rose. “For me?”

“Yes. I haven’t seen you for days. I thought it might be nice to—”

“—to slot me in,” she interrupted.

Nick’s mouth opened. “Are you talking about that woman who was at my desk?”

“No,” said Selena, avoiding eye contact. “Why would I? None of my business.”

“I don’t even know her,” Nick continued. “She just...” He couldn’t finish the sentence. What would he say? She just delivered a note from your scumbag brother. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention I’m meeting him tonight?

Selena drove a long hard stare into Nick’s eyes. “Whatever,” she muttered and slid her glance back to her computer screen.

Nick’s heart sank. He paid for his order and walked out, dumping the paper bag on Selena’s table as he left. The rest of the day trundled on slowly, a blur of mundane tasks until five o’clock when a surge of nerves raced through Nick. He cradled the blue file in the crook of his arm and made his way to the restaurant. Why did it have to be at Soho House? Why couldn’t Simon have chosen somewhere else? Let’s just get this over with.

He entered the bar area and glanced over at the empty table where he and Selena had eaten breakfast that day. It sent a stabbing pain through him. He had gotten so close to getting her to trust him and let her guard down. That was in tatters now.

He spotted Simon in a blue designer suit jacket in one corner.

“Nick, mate, have a seat,” Simon said with a wide grin.

“I’m not your mate.”

Simon sat back with a grin. “Fair enough. Have it your way. But you know, as soon as you’re finished with this little, project, I could see if I can find a more permanent job for you. If you play nicely, of course.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Nick said through stiff lips.

“You’re not sulking because of my little visitors are you?” Simon asked, brow lifted. “I don’t take well to being mucked about. I needed to make that clear.” He took a sip from a glass of scotch. “Want one?”

“No,” Nick said. “Can we get this over with?”

“You know, you impressed me,” Simon added. “You’re made of strong stuff. I could do with someone like you permanently. It’s much better down my end of the building. Dad basically just left me an arm of the company to do with as I please. We come up with ideas and, well, that’s about it really. I pitch all our ideas to the board at a monthly meeting and any that are worthy get passed on to Selena’s department. Except, lately, nothing has been getting through. She’s sitting there in all her glory while I get stuffed into a corner like a giant chump. Don’t get me wrong, I like not having to do very much, gives me more time for the ladies,” he winked.

“You’re still talking. Why are you still talking? I want this done.”

Simon ignored him. “I get sick of seeing Selena’s smug face taking all the credit. She’s just a daddy’s girl who got lucky. That’s all. The board of trustees hinted that Dad allowed them power to change things. Whoever has the best ideas over time is the right person to head up the firm—sort of like she’s there on a trial basis, until I take over at the top, calling all the shots, meeting all those models. So let’s see what we’ve got. Let’s get that bitch where it hurts.”

Simon reached out to take the file and met resistance as Nick’s fingers held on. “Don’t fucking call her that,” he hissed, before releasing his grip.

Simon eyed Nick for what felt like ages, before saying through pursed lips. “Just how close are you getting to my sister? I saw you working at that bar. You had the women in the palm of your hand. That’s why I chose you. I hoped you would charm Selena into spilling all her secrets. But I can’t afford for you to be too charming. I need you in and out of this job like a ninja, leaving no messy traces behind, like pathetic broken hearts. She’s a bit of a softie, and lives like a nun, so don’t go getting her all flustered. I don’t want her remembering you and raising suspicions.”

Nick swallowed hard.

Simon turned his attention to opening the file. His eyes danced excitedly across the pages of French-inspired images and scribbled notes. “Nice. It’s a little obvious, the whole Paris thing, but everyone loves it, so why not?”

Simon slid a brown envelope with a wad of cash inside towards Nick. He grabbed it and put it inside his jacket pocket immediately.

“Anything else I should know before I take my ideas to the board?” He winked again.

Before Nick could answer, a tall brunette approached. “Simon? How are you? I haven’t seen you in weeks? What are you doing tonight?”

Simon put one hand on her ass and laughed. “You, perhaps.”

Nick shifted in his seat and looked at his watch.

Just then a look of panic washed the grin off Simon’s face and he rose to his feet muttering he needed to go to the men’s room. “Take my seat, love,” he said to the brunette. “Make yourself comfy. I’ll be right back.”

The brunette sat down opposite Nick. She smiled and leaned forward. “So what do you do? Do you work with Simon?”

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