Home > REX (The Billionaire Croft Brothers #3)(30)

REX (The Billionaire Croft Brothers #3)(30)
Author: Paige North

“Addison,” he says, imploring. He looks at me, a little crinkle between his eyes. “You’ll make the difference for this whole deal. Please be there. I need you. It’s important to me. You’ll have other auditions but I’m telling you, I’ll never have another chance to get a company from Hong Kong like this. It’s a huge deal.”

Of course I want to help him, especially when he’s looking at me like this. I lean over and kiss his hands. “Okay,” I say, not really sure how I’ll manage but determined to find a way. “I’ll be there.”

“You’re the best,” he says, kissing me. “You’ll get another audition in a flash, you’ll see.”

“I’m still going,” I say. “I’ll just try to get an earlier slot, like you said.”

Rex’s happiness falters slightly. “Just make sure you make it on time. That’s all I ask.”

The next day I am working overtime to calm my bubbling nerves. It’s not just the audition but the time. I can’t get an earlier slot—I knew deep down that I wouldn't be able to—and I just have to hope that everything works out. As I sit in the waiting room, I concentrate on my lines and how I’m going to approach the scene. I channel all my energy into that, refusing to let anything else into my mind.

And then it happens.

I give the best audition of my life.

The producers and casting director keep asking me to try the character different ways. Be more aggressive, now be soft and meek, try it with a bit of hesitation, like you’re unsure of how to react to the situation. I go through all the paces, and it never feels like they’re trying to beat me up. It feels like I’m showing them what a badass actor I am. I’m showing them that I can do anything, that I can show any emotion they want all in this one character. It’s exhilarating. They give me another scene to read, one in which I haven’t seen or prepared for, but I go for it and it feels incredible.

“Wow, it’s been a pleasure meeting you today, Addison,” Robin, the casting director says. “Sorry we kept you so long. We were just having so much fun watching you work out those scenes.”

“It’s no problem,” I assure them. “It’s been a lot of fun. I just love the way the character goes from victim to advocate. She’s got it in her the whole time, and it just takes that little nudge from the detective to get her there. She’s great to play.”

“Well, we’ve had a great time watching you,” Robin says. “We won’t keep you any longer but we’ll definitely be in touch.”

I leave the building feeling like I’ve hit the jackpot. Nothing can take me down after just giving the best audition of my life. I’ve never had a casting director say such nice things like that. Usually it’s all very stiff and cold and I leave having no idea what will happen—except when I had that terrible audition when they told me I needed a more aspirational look. Nope, today I feel amazing, and I can’t wait share it with Rex.

And then it all gets even better when my phone rings just before I pull onto North Beverly Drive as I head toward Sushi Roe.

It’s Robin. She wants me for a callback. I got a callback. It takes all my energy to sound like this is pleasant news and not the biggest thing that’s happened to me since I arrived in Los Angeles. It’s also a miracle I don’t crash the car. With shaking hands, I text Rex from a red light to tell him the good news, and that I’m three lights away.

When I get to Sushi Roe I splurge for valet because I’m forty minutes late but also because I’m in such a good mood. I know Rex is going to be happy for me despite how late I am. He emerges from the restaurant just as I hand my keys over.

“Did you get my text?” I say. “I got a callback!”

It’s only now that I realize his face is stone. “Was I not clear when I told you how important it was to on time? Didn’t I basically say not showing up at all was preferable to showing up late?”

“Um, no, I don’t think you ever said that,” I say, annoyed. “I know you didn’t want me to be late and I’m really sorry. But you knew about this audition.”

“And you knew how important this lunch is to me,” he says. “Now you’ve let me down by doing the one thing I asked you not to do.”

“Rex, I’m sorry,” I say. “It couldn’t be avoided.”

“It certainly could have been,” he says. “You act as if it’s the last acting job in the world. There will be other auditions, Addison. I just hope none of them ever interfere in my work life again.”

“Your work life? What about mine?”

“What work?” he says, and I swear I could smack him.

“That is an asshole thing to say and you know it,” I say. “I’ve been working my ass off trying to land roles—”

“I told you I’d take care of you.”

“And I told you I don’t want that! I want my own life! I want to act. Why else do you think I moved down here?”

“Look, Addison,” he says. He takes in a deep breath but he doesn’t let it out. “I’m really glad you got that callback. Honestly. But if we’re going to make it as a couple then you need to take my efforts seriously as well. There are times, like today, when I truly need you by my side. I’m under so much pressure with my brothers and the stake of the company—I told you all of this. And I also told you that I want to be with you the right way, not as a way to take over my father’s company. So please. Don’t ignore all this. Don’t ignore all I’ve done for you.”

Heat flares up my face. “I don’t owe you anything for treating me like a normal human being rather than a piece of property. I deserve respect. I don’t have to be grateful for it. Not to mention the fact that I never agreed to stop acting or put aside my own dreams and ambitions for you. If you want to be with me then you agree to be equals.”

“Of course,” he says through clenched jaw. “But I can’t play second fiddle to some two-bit role in a crappy show no one is ever going to see.”

“And I’m not going to play second fiddle to some stuffy old guy in suit whose ass you’re trying to kiss.”

“Christ, do you even know what kind of pressure I’m under? How much money is at stake and on my shoulders every single day?” he says.

“Poor little rich boy. I’ll remember that the next time my electricity is turned off. Tell me again about your heated floors?”

Rex holds up his hands and takes that deep breath again. This time he lets it out. It’s only now that I realize the valet guys have been eyeing us as well as some passersby, and that we’ve gotten pretty loud in our fight. I’m beyond pissed that he’s ruined my good news and remained completely selfish.

“Look, do you want to just do this lunch?” he asks. “We’re halfway through eating but they can at least meet you. Or you can get your car and go and we can talk later. It’s up to you.”

I look down the street. I have no idea where they took my car or how long it’ll take to bring it back. I decide that I won’t walk away from him despite the hellish fight. I’ll go into Sushi Roe and meet these oh-so-important people. I’ll put on my sweetest smile and act the role of the happy girlfriend. Because acting is the one thing I know I’m good at.

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