Home > Coming For Caine (The Billionaire's Consort #2)(30)

Coming For Caine (The Billionaire's Consort #2)(30)
Author: Peter Styles

“He didn’t follow up with you to make sure you were okay?”

My eyes stung with unshed tears of frustration. “He didn’t, and I loved how special he made me feel that weekend, but I-” my voice cracked.

“You need aftercare to be consistent so you don’t feel used.”


“Do you want to fix this?”

“I do.”

“Then, Mr. Greene, you are going to have to step into the trenches and stand up for your needs. No one is going to do it for you. Even if you must write these things down to avoid embarrassment, they need to be said.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“I’ll talk to you soon, Mr. Greene. Get some rest.”

“Thank you,” I repeated, then I hung up and took the stairs two at a time to my apartment. The Monsieur was right, and writing my needs down was something I could handle. It was either that or spend my life wishing I hadn’t wasted my youth too afraid to speak up. Life was much too short for that.




A call from the Monsieur only meant one thing. I answered on the second ring, my heart in my throat. “Monsieur, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

“I’m afraid it’s a distinct lack of pleasure that has led me to call you at such a late hour,” he said.

Oh, boy. “Is something wrong?”

“Have you spoken to Shelton this evening?”

“We just left the Crime Thriller Convention.”

“It seems you’ve left quite a bit to desire in young Mr. Greene’s experience.”

“I’ve been busy and work has gotten challenging since that article a few weeks-”

He cut me short. “Please do not try and placate me with excuses. Part of your job is to keep your consort happy and the young man I just spoke to was far from it.”

“I’ll fix it.”

“You’re damn right you will. If you don’t, I’ll be forced to review the status of your membership.”

“I understand.”

The Monsieur sighed. “I don’t know how two people who are so perfect for each other can be so daft.”


“I wasn’t going to get involved, and I’m completely against those who fail to communicate embarking on a D/s relationship, but I care for both of you.” He let out a breath that could only be described as dainty, then grumbled under his breath before he spoke again. “Your ludicrous need to pretend to be someone you’re not is ruining your life. Your business took a hit because your façade cracked, and now you have this divine creature whose only desire is to please you in ways I know you prefer, and yet you’re messing that up, too.”

I made a face that was somewhere between a grimace and a smile, and I was grateful he couldn’t see me. “I can’t remember the last time I was truly happy.”

“Then quit getting in your own way. The only one keeping you from utter bliss is you.”

“I never knew being tender with Shelton would cause so much drama.”

“Drama seems to be a recurring theme in your life right now. I suggest you find a way to fix it. Good evening, Caine. I look forward to more pleasant circumstances when we next speak.”

There was a split second of silence, then the car’s audio switched back to the radio and I was alone with my thoughts.

I was at the light when the solution hit me. I knew exactly what to do, and I was going to do it on the Jacob Granger Show. Mood lifted, I made a note in my phone to call them first thing Monday morning and let them in on my plan. I had a week to get things together, and a plan was already forming. If this didn’t win Shelton’s heart, nothing would.









The studio was tucked in the back of a small lot, unassuming and nondescript from the outside. But the minute I stepped through the doors, the buzz of activity and the swarm of stage hands, producers and support staff swirling around me had my head spinning. Before I could see if Caine was here, a bubbly woman in a gray pantsuit appeared out of nowhere, her lipstick the brightest shade of fuchsia I’d ever seen. “You must be Shelton. Caine is already in the back. Let’s get you into hair and makeup so we can get this show rolling.”

I nodded and followed her, balking when I saw the studio audience already in place. “That’s a lot of people.”

“You’ll do great. You’ve got this,” she assured me.

“Can I talk to Caine first? It’s kind of urgent.”

She shook her head. “Time is money, sugar. Let’s get after it.”

She opened a door and all but shoved me through it, then she was gone, and a voluptuous woman with bright purple hair pointed at the chair in front of her and I dutifully sat for hair and makeup while I begged the growing nausea to disappear.

“Did you hear me?” the woman said a few minutes later.

“No, I’m sorry. What were you saying?”

“You look terrified. Here, chew on this. It’s strong mint flavor and it will quash that nausea in seconds.”

“How did you know I wasn’t feeling well?”

“Honey, I do this for a living. You’re not the first man to go pale in my chair. A few have even passed out.”

“I have a lot on my mind.”

“Whatever it is, forget about it until this is over. Don’t worry, Jacob is good at what he does. He’ll have you out of your shell and looking all professional in no time.”

I nodded, then she spun the chair so I could look in the mirror. “It’s a little much.”

“Trust me, you’ll look exactly like yourself when those lights wash you out. Break a leg, sweetie.”

The door opened just then and a new, bubblier woman appeared. “Shelton Greene, you’re up.”

My stomach was in knots and I thought about going out one of the exit doors, but I followed her to the stage and took a seat beside Caine. He smiled at me and took my hand.

“I need to talk to you after this is over,” I whispered in his ear.

“You’re going to do great,” Caine said.

“I hope so. I feel like I’m about to pass out.”

“Just follow my lead, gentlemen, and this will go smooth as silk. You both look handsome, and don’t be shy. Shelton, if you want to cozy up to Caine, you do you.”

His smile was dazzling, teeth so perfect I knew they had to cost a fortune. I nodded and moved closer to Caine, my fingers still intertwined with his despite everything we’d been through in the past two weeks. Right now, I needed to feel him beside me. Everything else could wait.


The interview went so smoothly that I almost forgot about the audience that listened with rapt attention to my every word. I shared the answers as naturally as if I hadn’t been reading them over for two weeks, and when they cut to commercial break, Jacob Granger was beaming.

“Great job, Shelton. Caine, are you ready?”

“Absolutely,” Caine said, then he leaned close so I could hear him over the applause that signaled we were about to start again. “I’m so proud of you.”

I was proud of myself, too, but hearing Caine say it was good for my soul. I didn’t know how much I craved his approval until he complimented me on a nationally syndicated show with a live studio audience. This is surreal, I thought.

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