Home > Billionaire on the Loose (Billionaires and Bridesmaids #5)(27)

Billionaire on the Loose (Billionaires and Bridesmaids #5)(27)
Author: Jessica Clare

   “You shouldn’t sound so happy when you tell a girl that.”

   “Scars are just a side-effect of any game.” He replaced the bandage.

   “Yeah, but my game involves sitting in a computer chair. Takes a special kind of skill to hurt yourself doing that.”

   “To be fair, you never even made it to your chair.” He grinned down at her.

   Gosh, he was entirely too close for her to be unaffected. She dragged her gaze away from him and touched the bandage a little harder than she should have, just to ground herself firmly in reality. “Thank god for hats.”

   “You’re cute without the scar, and you’ll be just as cute with one.”

   Oh man, fuck reality. “I don’t suppose you want to have sex right now, do you?”

   Loch’s eyes widened and then he laughed.

   “Is that a no? Or a maybe?” Because she could work with a maybe.

   “While I find you incredibly attractive, Taylor—”

   Oh shoot, that was a no. Damn.

   “—You have a head wound, a busted ankle, and bruised ribs. The last thing you need right now is for me to jounce you around.”

   “I could do the jouncing around,” she said hopefully.

   He grinned again. “I must say, all this enthusiasm for sex with me is incredibly flattering. Are you truly that turned on right now? You just woke up.”

   “It’s just that . . . for girls like me, you’re like, a rare and wonderful unicorn. You don’t come along but maybe once in a girl’s life. And like any unicorn, I’m going to kick myself if I don’t try to ride you.”

   He threw his head back and laughed long and hard. “God, Taylor, the things you say.”

   “They turn you on?”

   Loch wiped tears of laughter from his eyes. “I don’t need words for you to turn me on. I find you incredibly attractive.” He cupped her face in his hands and gazed down at her. “But I’m also very aware of the fact that you are hurt, and so we’re not doing anything.”

   She sighed. “Can’t blame a girl for trying.”

   “No, I can’t.” He leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose.

   Her entire body felt flushed with warmth after that sweet little gesture. “Well, if you didn’t want to have sex again, why did you volunteer to take care of me?”

   His brows drew down. “Because we’re friends? You need someone to look after you, Taylor, and I’ve got plenty of free time on my hands.”

   “Yeah, but you could just dump me at my apartment. I promise I won’t leave it for a week. I’ll just get the grocer to deliver some cereal and milk. It’ll be all good.”

   “No, it will not, because you’re going to stay here.” He grabbed one of the pillows off of his bedding and tucked it behind her back. “I won’t take no for an answer.”

   “But I have to work—”

   “You said you could work remotely, yes? You have your phone and your laptop. If you need anything else, I’d be happy to have it purchased and brought to the hotel.”

   She chewed her lip, thinking. He could always purchase her a headset and she could work. Gee. For some reason, the idea of being able to work didn’t fill her with joy. Maybe because her job sucked? Or maybe because she didn’t want to do it while around him, because he was sure to get bored? “Also, I should be in-game if I’m not working—”

   “You can nap when you’re not working,” he corrected. “Like the doctor said. And if you must play, I’ll leave you alone to it.” He leaned in. “I purchased a copy of your games for myself, too.”

   Her eyes widened. “You did?”

   “Yes. I figured we could maybe play together a little? You could show me the ropes.”

   Sweet baby Jesus, she was in nerd heaven, wasn’t she? “I . . . could do that. But—”

   “Before you ask, let me show you what I’ve bought.” He got up from the couch and moved across the room, to a table covered with several bags. “I had the hotel send someone to go shopping for me. They purchased extra toiletries, some pajamas in different sizes, and a few T-shirts. I even got that marshmallow cereal you like. There’s absolutely no reason why you cannot stay here with me.”

   “Won’t you be bored?” She hesitated. “I mean, I’m not the most exciting girl and I’m going to be spending a lot of time staring at a computer screen or sleeping. Won’t that get old for you?”

   “Absolutely not. I’m already bored out of my mind. At least now I’ll have company.”

   “If you’re so bored, why not go back home?”

   “I promised family I’d stay here for a time. They worry I won’t get to see enough of the world.”

   Wow. That was surprising, given that he seemed pretty worldly to her. But family could be weird at times. “Then I guess I can’t talk you out of me staying? Even though I think you’re going to regret it?”

   “I’m sure I won’t, and no, you can’t.”

   All right, then, she officially had a roommate for the next while. She ignored the excited flutter in the pit of her belly.


   As Taylor emerged from his hotel bedroom in a pair of oversized pajamas, Loch felt an overwhelming sensation of . . . satisfaction. It was damned odd, really. Having her there with him shouldn’t have been so utterly satisfying, but getting her to concede and agree to spend the next week with him felt like a victory. Now, having her here as she changed her clothing into the new ones he’d bought her? He felt pleased. Like she was his girlfriend and they were about to settle in for the day, despite the early hour.

   The thought wasn’t an unappealing one.

   Taylor flopped one too-long sleeve in the air. “These are enormous!”

   “It’s definitely not the right size for you. Shall I get up and help you dress?” He started to get off the couch.

   “What? Don’t be silly!” She took a step backward and nearly careened over an end table, barely managing to catch herself before she tipped over. “That was a fluke, by the way. I’m fine. I don’t need help dressing.”

   “I shall save my talent for undressing, then,” he teased, relaxing back on the sofa. He was still watching her, just to make sure she didn’t trip and fall over something and hurt herself again—this was Taylor, after all.

   Her cheeks pinked and she headed toward the bedroom again. “I think I’ll start with the smallest size and see how that one works. Be right back.”

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