Home > Ensnared (The Accidental Billionaires #1)(15)

Ensnared (The Accidental Billionaires #1)(15)
Author: J. S. Scott

I was happy for her. She was in love and having the time of her life. Was it awful that talking to her sometimes made me feel incredibly lonely?

“The Caribbean was amazing,” Brooke answered. “You should go. You’d love it.”

“I have a beach right here,” I told her good-humoredly. “And I feel pretty damn lucky to live right on it now.”

“It’s still weird, right?” Brooke asked. “The money thing. We spent so many years being poor. Really poor. And now the world is wide open for all of us.”

“I’m still not used to it,” I confessed. “I know there are so many great things I could do, and so many experiences I could have. But I feel paralyzed by the money. I’m not quite sure where I should go from here. Until recently, my fellowship kept me so busy that I didn’t have time to think about it. But now that I’m done, I have a lot of time to feel terrified and guilty.”

“Sudden Wealth Syndrome,” Brooke said thoughtfully. “I was pretty confused at first, too. But Liam helps me stay grounded.”

“Is that really a thing?” I asked.

“Of course,” Brooke replied. “It’s something that can happen to anyone who suddenly comes into money—like lottery winners, athletes, movie stars, and people who get a large inheritance like we did. I researched it a lot after I found out about the money. I didn’t understand why I wasn’t ecstatic about having so much money. I guess I felt like I didn’t deserve it. Google it. It isn’t unusual to feel unworthy, guilty, isolated, and terrified about what to do with the money.”

Brooke had never really talked about questioning her own sudden wealth. She’d been way too happy about her impending marriage to the man of her dreams.

“I feel that way, too,” I confided. “But who can I really talk to about it? It seems ridiculous to confide in any of my friends. Who is going to understand that I’m freaked out by inheriting billions?”

“And I don’t suppose our brothers are really feeling guilty,” Brooke commented drily.

“Not a bit. They’re all planning their futures and working on building their own empires. I don’t think they’ve ever given it a second thought. I wish I could feel the same way and suddenly figure out what I want to do with my life, just like our brothers did. But I feel guilty and isolated now.”

The few friends I had were working their asses off to succeed. I’d been in their shoes just a short time ago, but I didn’t quite fit into that world now. I felt like they’d pretty much abandoned me since I’d suddenly become wealthy. It was like they didn’t think I was one of them anymore.

And maybe I wasn’t.

But I didn’t know where else I belonged.

It wasn’t like I’d really changed.

I was the same geek, who just happened to have an overinflated bank account now.

“It will just take time, Jade,” Brooke said in a soothing voice. “You don’t have to make any big decisions until you’re ready. You’re doing the things you love, and you’re finished with your education. Just keep doing what you’re doing. If your friends abandoned you, make new friends.”

Brooke didn’t really understand that I didn’t make friends that easily. But I decided not to point that out to her.

“I’ve sent out a ton of résumés and applications, but people aren’t exactly breaking down my door to hire me.”

“Give yourself a break,” Brooke answered, sounding exasperated. “You busted your rear for years to get through school, and you worked some of the world’s worst jobs just to get through your doctorate. Keep putting in applications and your résumé for the positions you want. In the meantime, enjoy your time without having to worry where your next meal is coming from.”

“I want to take over my own finances and investments, but I’m scared,” I shared with my twin. “Evan has been helping me, and he’s pretty much managing my portfolio. But I want to be involved. I’m just afraid I’ll screw everything up.”

“I know. I felt that way, too. But Liam is an incredible investor, and he’s been reassuring me. Plus, I have the financial education to figure it all out.”

“No rich guy in sight for me right now,” I joked lightly. “Just a lot of local guys who want to date my money.”

Brooke made a disgusted sound. “Ignore those jerks. You need to get into the big city more. You’ve always been too smart for any of the local guys.”

I smiled. “I guess you were, too, since you had to go across the country to find Liam.”

“He was worth it,” she said firmly. “There’s somebody out there for you, too, Jade. You just have to find him. Or he has to find you.”

“Well, until he shows up, maybe Eli can help me,” I said thoughtfully.

“Eli? You mean Eli Stone? The guy you can’t stand?” Brooke probed.

I hadn’t shared a lot with Brooke about Eli in the beginning, but after she’d gotten married, I hadn’t hidden anything from her.

“He bought out all of my survival classes so he could see me. What guy does that, Brooke?”

“I think a man who really, really likes you and doesn’t have a chance of you returning his phone calls,” Brooke teased.

“I don’t think he really likes me all that much. He just wants to screw me. We have this weird attraction to each other that I can’t explain.”

Brooke laughed. “Yeah. That’s how it was with Liam. And look how that turned out.”

“I found out he wasn’t really all that bad,” I said. “I actually like his sense of humor, but he’s a little . . . intense. But I finally decided to go out with him. I wouldn’t mind being his friend.”

“So where is he taking you?” Brooke asked excitedly.

“I have no idea. I’m spending ten days with him. Every day will be a surprise. When our ten days are over, he’s doing a fund-raiser for SWCF.”

“Does this ten-day deal include nights, too?” she asked.

I knew exactly what she meant. “No.”

“But he definitely likes you,” Brooke observed. “Look at everything he’s doing to get your attention.”

“Oh, he has my attention,” I answered. “I just don’t understand why he’s going to so much trouble for me. We’ve seen the kind of women he dates, Brooke. All of them are gorgeous and successful.”

“You’re gorgeous and successful, too,” she said firmly.

“I’m not in the same league as the women he dates, and you know it.”

“I love you dearly, Jade, but you need to loosen up. You have a rich, sinfully delicious man who wants to spend time with you. Just let go and have some fun.”

“I’m really attracted to him,” I said unhappily.

“What’s wrong with that? It will make every day a lot more exciting. I get that you don’t know if he’s the right guy for you, but you’ll never know until you hang out with him and get to know him. What we know about him is just a persona, an image created by the media. Find out who he really is. If he’s willing to arrange a fund-raiser for your charity, he obviously knows how much it means to you, and he’s willing to help.”

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