Home > Billionaire Protector(15)

Billionaire Protector(15)
Author: Alexa Hart

Please don’t be never.

“I’ll go,” she huffed, putting a hand to her forehead. “But when you’re embarrassed later for bringing me, don’t say that I didn’t warn you.”

I looked her over, from head to toe. Sleek black dress, heels, that long chocolate-colored curtain of hair, and her face... She looked like a dream, and it hit me then that maybe she couldn’t see that. Maybe no one had ever told Anne how beautiful she was.

“You do know you’re absolutely gorgeous, right? Guys are gonna be fallin’ all over you tonight. I might even get into a brawl or somethin’ over you,” I added, winking and presenting my arm like a gentleman.

Anne laughed out loud then and shook her head. “You’re hilarious.”

“I’m serious, Anne.” I held her gaze for a moment, my smile gone. She shivered, but I couldn’t tell if it was from being cold or the intense stare we were sharing.

“Okay. Well. Let’s get this over with.” She laced her little arm through mine and let me lead her away from the truck. Her cheeks were blazing red again, and I realized that no matter who the party was for tonight, I was the one who had the most impressive reason to celebrate.



I hadn’t been wrong. Heads (mostly male ones) turned constantly as we wandered through the crowd. I wanted to find my dad and get the introduction over with, but instead, we just kept bumping into brother after brother.

We found Payden first. He looked like he might even be having a good time. But that wasn’t a surprise, because Jessie was with him. Not as his date – they were strictly platonic (and God save the person who was ever brave enough to challenge that fact) – but as his social buffer, if nothing else. Pay could have fun when Jessie was around, because Jessie wouldn’t allow anything less.

Anne stiffened slightly when I halted in front of the pair. “Payden, Jessie. I’d like to introduce you to my date. Meet Anne.”

Payden was stunned into silence – I hadn’t ever followed through with my plan to tell him about Anne on the previous day. Mostly because I hadn’t been able to find him, but partially because the conversation I’d had with Dad about her had left me feeling... weird.

“So nice to meet you!” Jessie was the first to speak, which wasn’t surprising at all. Her dark eyes looked like they were going to bounce off her face with pure glee. She grabbed Anne’s hand excitedly, giving it a few happy shakes. “I’m Jessie Timms. Friend of the family and bodyguard to one Mr. Payden Hardick.” Payden shot her an embarrassed scowl, and Anne let out a quiet giggle.

“I’m Payden. And I do not need a bodyguard,” Pay said politely, throwing the last part in Jessie’s direction. He also extended a hand – which seemed to shake a little, as Payden rarely talked to or touched anyone or anything besides the horses. Anne accepted the greeting graciously.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Anne. Hardware store genius.” This made Jessie and Payden both laugh, and I was happily surprised at how the introductions were going. Anne’s bit of sarcasm was just the right touch to put everyone at complete ease, and I was oddly proud of her.

“Smith’s Hardware?” Payden inquired, shocking both Jessie and I with his second non-obligated vocalism. It was like watching a baby deer learn how to use its legs.

Anne looked confused, and I knew that she probably had no idea what he was talking about.

“She’s at Kate’s Supplies. In Corydon,” I offered, and Anne flashed me a grateful look.

“Corydon! The first bar I ever went to was in Corydon. I wanted to go somewhere far enough away from my parents so that no one would know me. Horrible mistake. Only one bartender running the place, but he knew the second I stepped in there that I was underage. He called my parents. I got grounded.” Jessie rambled out her story as though it was front page newsworthy, and Payden shook his head silently beside her.

Anne was giggling, and I thought it was the perfect moment to cut off the conversation. It had gone well with Payden – not that I had expected much less. Payden was generally accepting of everyone, as long as they left him alone.

One brother down. Two brothers to go. And Dad.

I was slightly nervous about Dad. I knew he’d be the perfect gentleman towards Anne, but I also knew he’d be gathering as much insight into her psyche and background as he possibly could. He couldn’t help it. It was just the way his brain worked. “Every person I meet adds something to my writing.” He’d told me and my brothers this a million times, at least. The idea of it had never made me uneasy before.

But now he was meeting Anne. My Anne.

You don’t even know her last name, dumbass.

Instead of Dad, we next found Pierce. Anne’s eyes were flying all over the place, taking in the people, the décor, and all of the ridiculous extravagance. Pierce, however, honed directly in on his youngest brother’s guest with an unfaltering gaze.

“Who’s this?” Pierce asked. He sounded gruff, and I worried that it would scare Anne a bit. But Pierce was always more than a little hard-shelled, and I knew people often mistook it for a coldness that he didn’t actually possess at heart.

I pulled Anne closer to me, wrapping a reassuring arm around her waist. She hadn’t noticed Pierce at first, but dear God, she noticed him now. I could see the terror building in her eyes and gave her an encouraging squeeze.

“This is Anne – my date for the evening. Anne, this is my oldest brother, Pierce.” The words came out quickly, but it still felt obnoxious to have to keep repeating this process. I momentarily wondered what it would be like to not have so many goddamn siblings.

“A pleasure to meet you, Anne. Are you enjoying yourself?” Pierce managed a tight smile.

“Oh um, yes. Yes, I’m having a great time,” Anne responded, not mentioning the fact that we’d only been at the party for about five minutes flat. Her tone was sweet but utterly unconvincing. Pierce’s smile became much more genuine after she spoke.

“I’m miserable too. Don’t worry. It’s a known side-effect of Hardick-related events.”

Even I had to laugh at that.

“Show her a good time, Penn. That might require leaving as soon as possible, but I have faith in you.” Pierce gave Anne a polite nod and then disappeared into the crowd, presumably to make his own escape.

I let out a low whistle. “Geez. You got Pay to talk and Pierce to smile. You’re battin’ a hundred.” It really was impressive, whether Anne realized it or not.

“Pierce doesn’t smile?” Anne looked up at me, genuine concern on her face.

Man, oh man, I like this girl.

“He’s been through some rough stuff. I’ll tell you about it sometime.” I had to try hard not to think of Sarah’s warm smile in that moment. Of course it had destroyed Pierce, but it was still a painful loss for all of us. I missed her.

“Okay.” Anne seemed to intuitively understand that whatever Pierce had been through – it hadn’t only affected Pierce. Her eyes were full of empathy, and she seemed to be digging straight into my mind with her earnest stare. “They look an awful lot alike.”

“Pierce and Payden? Yeah. I mean, we all look a lot alike, but those two could be twins.” They both resemble our father, while Preston and I took after our mother.

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