Home > Emmitt's Treasure(33)

Emmitt's Treasure(33)
Author: Melissa Haag

Did it not go well? Winifred sent to me.

I think it did. She’s struggling with something, though. Not fear of us. I think she’s past that. Something else.

When she’s ready, she will tell us.



Chapter 11

After a few more minutes, Winifred went to sit by Michelle. Their conversation was easy to hear no matter how loudly Aden laughed.

“Everything okay?” Winifred asked.

“Could we talk?”

I glanced up at Michelle, and she blushed slightly as she lowered her voice even further.

“In private?” she asked.

“Of course. Let’s go inside. I saw you did a load of laundry. I’ll help you fold.”

Michelle nodded, and they walked inside.

As much as I want to respect her wish for a private conversation, I’d feel better if you shared whatever you can. We both want to help her, and my ignorance doesn’t accomplish that.

Spoken like a true leader, Winifred sent back. She’s asking about Claiming.

I waited for more but Winifred remained quiet.

“I’m going to go get us some towels,” I said after a few minutes.

Jim grinned knowingly at me. Ignoring him, I walked inside. From above, I could hear Michelle’s accelerated pulse.

What’s wrong?

I took the steps at a sprint.

Something about the Mated bond seems to have upset her.

You were talking about mating?

Don’t be silly. Just the bond. She paled when I mentioned Claiming would give the pair a sense of each other’s locations, but the idea of communicating with our minds seems to have been the piece that sent her into a panic.

I knocked on the door. Michelle called for me to come in, her voice tight with emotion.

As soon as I opened the door, the scent of her fear flooded me. Annoyed with Winifred, I shot her a glare.

“She’s fine, Emmitt. We’re asking her to take in a lot of information at a frequency that I would imagine makes it hard to assimilate everything.”

Winifred placed a stack of folded clothes into the basket that sat between them on the couch, then rose.

I waited until she left the apartment before crouching in front of Michelle.

“I can smell your fear.”

“I don’t know what to do.”

Gently, I touched her chin, nudging her until her gaze met mine. “About what?” I asked.

She looked so miserable and lost and in need of comfort. I ran my fingers along her jawline, giving what I thought she might allow. She closed her eyes with a heavy sigh.

“I want to tell you. I start thinking I should. Then I learn more, and I can’t.”

Frustration flared then died. She wanted to trust but didn’t know how.

“I don’t know what else to do to prove you can trust me. I’ll wait forever if you need me to. There’s nowhere else for me to be, but by you.”

Her eyes popped open.

“That’s part of what I don’t understand. You talk about my scent. Nana talks about a pull. I see—well, never mind about what I see. But Nana said that humans and werewolves don’t work, so why are you talking like I’m...that you and I...”

I tilted my head to study her increasingly red face. Did she really not know how much I wanted her? Needed her?

Perhaps I should come back, Winifred sent me.

It was your talk on the beach that confused her.

Just ask her.

“Do you want Nana to come talk to you some more?” I asked softly.

Embarrassment poured from her as she miserably looked away. “No, that’s not necessary. I’m sorry I misunderstood. Like Nana said, it’s a lot to take in.”

I growled in frustration, and her pulse spiked.

Emmitt, Winifred warned.

Calming myself, I focused on reassuring Michelle. “You’re getting me in trouble. Nana is scolding me for growling.”

Michelle glanced at the door.

“And I’m frustrated that we keep misunderstanding each other. May I please explain myself clearly?”

She gave a half-nod. Moving closer, I threaded my fingers in her smooth, dark hair.

“I saw you in the diner and felt an instant recognition. When you walked in, you flooded my senses until only one word beat through my mind.” I leaned in until my lips brushed her ear. “Mine.”

She shivered. The action only made me want to pull her closer and devour her.

“So, when I say I’ll wait forever to earn your trust, I will. My heart is yours. My loyalty, yours.”

I dipped my head so I could scent the sweet spot where her neck met her shoulder. “If all you can give is friendship, I’ll take it. For you, I’ll take anything. Do you understand?”

She nodded, but the scent of her confusion told the truth.

“Liar,” I whispered, tugging her up off the couch. “What don’t you understand?”

“Nana said humans and werewolves...”

Taking my hand from her hair, I traced my finger along the curve of her neck. She moved ever so slightly, giving me room, and permission, to explore. I wanted to growl and take. Instead, I let my fingers glide along her collarbone. She shivered. How long until my lips could trace her skin? Not much longer. I almost grinned at the thought.

“You’re different,” I said, pulling myself back to our conversation. “Special. That rule doesn’t apply to you.”

She stiffened slightly. “Different?”

I used my fingers to sooth the skin over her other collarbone. After a few seconds, she softened again. She liked when I touched her. This time, I couldn’t completely stop my triumphant grin. She didn’t notice because her eyes had fluttered closed.

“There’s nothing wrong with being different. My mom’s different. Human like you.”

I scented her eager hope. She opened her eyes and considered me as I drew lazy patterns with my fingertips on the side of her neck.

“I’ll make you a deal. You tell me a little bit about your past, whatever you can trust me with, and I’ll tell you about my mom.”

Stilling my fingers, but not removing my touch, I waited.

“I think my mom was killed. My stepdad, too. If they catch us, they’ll hurt one of my brothers. Bad. To teach me a lesson.”

Anger surged at her words.

“Their safety kept me there, a willing prisoner, until I realized the boys were only useful while young. Their lives would end like my mother’s and their father’s as soon as they were no longer useful.”

Her pain and fear crushed my own feelings of rage. Pulling her into my arms, I held her close. No one would hurt her or her brothers ever again. My body was her shield, and my heart her home.

She leaned into me, taking what I offered.

“I have two big secrets. One will test the sincerity of what you just said, and the other will give you power over me.”

She fisted her hands against my shirt, her fear enveloping her.

“Then tell me the first one. Test me to see if I’m worthy of the second one,” I said, softly.

“I want to, but what if you’re wrong. You’ll hand me back over—”

“Never.” The word escaped with more anger than I’d intended. Didn’t she understand? I would never betray her. I couldn’t.

“Mine,” I said, tightening my hold.

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