Home > Emmitt's Treasure(46)

Emmitt's Treasure(46)
Author: Melissa Haag

“Come on. I’ll fix you some breakfast. Your brother can watch the cubs until you’re done eating.”

I didn’t argue but followed her to her kitchen.

“I think you’re overreacting,” she said as she pulled out a pan.

“So you’ve said.” I didn’t feel like going over it again. Whatever would happen, would happen. Like I told her last night, I was tired of waiting.

Winifred had put something into the pan when Michelle started down the steps. I didn’t have to wait long for her to appear.

“Did your friend Sam call already?” she asked, as she set papers on the table and sat next to me.

She seemed so at ease. How long would it last?

“Yes,” Winifred said. “We discussed your gift, though, and feel that it shouldn’t be used. He thanked you for your help so far but will research on his own from now on.”

Michelle’s panic swelled. “But, you can’t—”

“We can. We won’t use you. But, I did hear what you said about the pain. You can still give the information to me,” she said, indicating the papers on the table with the spatula in her hand. “I will read it so you won’t suffer, then I’ll destroy it.”

Michelle sat there for a moment, a look of awe on her face.

“By the way, there are a few people coming today who’d like to meet you,” Nana said, turning back to the stove. “They should be here in about an hour.”

Michelle flinched.

Why, Winifred? She didn’t need to know ahead of time.

Winifred plated a heap of food and placed it before me. Michelle’s gaze met mine. I saw the pain and worry there.

“What people?” she asked.

Winifred answered before I could. “They are from the Compound in Canada. Friends of Jim and Emmitt’s parents. They are coming down with their sons to meet you and your brothers.”

Michelle’s fear grew.

“Why are they coming?” she asked.

I caught Winifred’s gaze.

Don’t. She doesn’t need to know they are coming here just to meet her.

I think she deserves the truth.

I started to shake my head before I stopped myself.

She deserves to feel safe.

Winifred sighed and focused on Michelle.

“We thought it would be good to start exposing you to more of our kind whom you can trust.”

“And who decides who’s trustworthy?”

The sharp, bitter flavor of Michelle’s anger filled my nose. Winifred’s too, based on the way she tilted her head to study my Mate.

I told you she wasn’t ready for this. We’ve pushed her too far, too fast. She bares everything to us, and we bring more of our kind here. The same kind she was running from, the same kind who had threatened her brothers’ lives. How did you think she would react? Anger and fear are—

Enough, Emmitt, Winifred thought at me.

“I’m sorry, Nana, but I don’t feel like good company today,” Michelle said, standing. She left us and went outside. Before Winifred could lecture me aloud, we both heard what Michelle said to Jim.

“Jim, may I have the truck keys?”

My heart stopped.

“Emmitt, calm down,” Winifred said. “She’s not leaving. She wants to take her brothers to a movie. Jim,” she said, knowing Jim would hear her, “make sure she takes her phone with her.”

* * * *

Michelle left within thirty minutes. Mary and Gregory arrived not long after.

“Winifred, it’s been too long,” Mary said in greeting as she got out of the car.

While they hugged, I stared at my phone. Michelle was almost to the theater.

“Where’s your Mate, Emmitt?” Mary asked.

I tore my gaze from the phone. Mary looked just about the same as the last time I saw her. The same straight, nut-brown hair and dark brown eyes. Gregory kept close to her, as a Mate should. His hazel eyes noted every detail of the house. Dad would be getting a thorough report when they returned.

“This unexpected visit sent her running.”

She nodded slowly. “Your mother was worried that might happen. But, she knew you wouldn’t let her get far.”

My family frustrated the hell out of me. They assumed I would drag Michelle back by the hair if she took off. Only, that would be acting too closely like Blake.

Not having anything nice to say, I turned around and went inside. Mary was undeterred by my attitude.

“Does that mean you’re letting her roam for a little while before picking up her scent trail?”

Jim answered for me.

“He’s keeping tabs on her with his phone. While he does that, let me show you the place.”

They followed Jim out of his apartment and upstairs while I sat on his couch and stared at the phone’s screen. Michelle had stopped moving. Hopefully that meant they were starting their movie and would be home in a few hours. I checked the time. Hadn’t I just said I was done with waiting? And, here I was again. Waiting.

“Hey, Emmitt,” Paul said, coming into Jim’s apartment. Henry was right behind him.

“Hey, guys. Any news from the Compound?”

“Probably nothing you haven’t already heard,” Henry said as they made themselves comfortable.

“Gabby’s running from her potential Mate and probably won’t be back to the Compound ever,” Paul said.

“The Forlorn who were there for the Introduction to end all Introductions are still hanging around, driving Aunt Charlene nuts,” Henry said.

“And stopping us from doing anything fun,” Paul added.

“We know the timing sucks, but we’re glad we’re here. I can’t wait until this place is ready. I really hope they’ll send us down here to live.”

I doubted Henry knew how his words affected me. Here was a family very tired of the overcrowding, and a reason to finish the apartments.

“Oh, and Jim said we could use his guest room since you never used it anyway. Mom and Dad will be using your apartment. I think Mom wants to be close to your girl.”

And just like that, my guilt evaporated. I looked at the time again. I hated waiting.

* * * *

The sound of Michelle’s truck on the road heralded her return. Conversation in Winifred’s apartment quieted.

Please just let me talk to her first, I sent to Winifred.

I stepped out onto the porch just as the truck bounced down the driveway. Liam and Aden were grinning in their seats and waved when they saw me. Michelle kept her attention on parking. Even after the engine was off, she wouldn’t look up at me. She got out and walked around to get the boys. I crossed the distance between us and waited.

Liam and Aden said hi as they ran past me into the house.

Michelle closed their door and slowly turned to meet my gaze. Suspicion and fear filled her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” she asked after a moment.

Winifred chose that moment to come outside with Mary and Gregory. Frustration curled in my gut.

“Mary and Gregory were planning on staying the night,” I said, trying to keep what I felt from my words. “Can I sleep on your couch?”

I didn’t need to sleep on her couch. Jim’s was open. So was Winifred’s. I just needed to be close to Michelle.

Thankfully, she nodded. I held out my hand, and she clasped it without hesitation. Without much choice, I led her to the porch.

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