Home > Emmitt's Treasure(65)

Emmitt's Treasure(65)
Author: Melissa Haag

As I held her in my arms and waited for the pain to fade, she lightly bit my neck. The sensation of her teeth on my skin sent a jolt of need through me. Humor pushed pain aside as she tried to hide her grin.

To say I loved and needed this woman was an understatement. I existed because of her, for her. She was, and would remain, everything to me.

I helped her to the bathroom where she quietly retreated for the next five minutes. When she emerged, her hair was smoothed down, she wore her clean clothes, and she smelled slightly minty. She looked ready to meet the reporter.

She eyed my clean yet ripped shirt, and I knew I wasn’t.

“We’re going to need to get our things,” I said.

She wrinkled her nose at the idea.

“They dropped these off this morning,” I said, showing her the shoes before bending down to help her step into them. She lightly rested a hand on my shoulder as she lifted one foot then the next. It reminded me of the night I’d taken her to dinner, and my fingers itched to caress her calf.

“Ready?” I asked when both flats were on.

“Just a second.”

She walked back into the bedroom and stood there, looking around for a moment. A sense of awe washed over me, and I knew she was remembering last night. She was mine. Finally.

She glanced back at me and reached for my hand.

“I’m ready,” she said.

Love washed over me, and I kissed the back of her hand before we left the suite. She was silent as she walked beside me. I studied her, watching for any sign of discomfort. There was no hitch in her step today and no pain in our link. I knew better than to think it meant she was fine.

At the front desk, I asked for a cab. It didn’t take long for one to arrive. Michelle winced getting into the back seat and leaned her head on my shoulder once I slid in beside her. I held her hand, trying to comfort her.

When we pulled up before our hotel, I sent a message to Grey.

We’re here. I don’t want to leave her alone again, and I don’t want to take her inside.

Carlos will be right there.

Michelle nervously eyed the hotel.

“Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

She nodded, and I closed the door. Carlos was already in the lobby with a bag.

“Grey’s waiting in your room. We tried putting it back the way it was.”

I nodded and went to the room. The beds were separate again, but the bedding on Michelle’s bed was ripped. So were her clothes.

My bag was on a chair. I went to it and pulled out a clean shirt. The mutt had left my things alone.

“Why just her things?” I asked Grey, who was watching me.

“Not sure. Maybe to send her a message that Blake is angry?”

“I think the bloody head and bruised stomach conveyed that well enough.” I left the damaged clothes where they were and picked up what still looked okay. There wasn’t much. A bit of pink material caught my eye. I picked up what was left of her bikini.

“I think this is about things,” I said. “She took away Blake’s things. Her brothers. Her money. He’s trying to take away hers.” I tossed the material aside. “Let’s go finish taking away his things.”

After listening to Michelle on the phone two nights ago, I knew Blake was still trying to get at the money Richard had left her. Since I couldn’t get to Blake yet, I’d settle for making him hurt some other way.

The worry I’d been feeling from Michelle since I’d entered the hotel vanished when I left it. She didn’t comment as we climbed in. Carlos was careful not to press against her this time.

I gave the lawyer’s address to the driver and handed Michelle her nearly empty bag.

“There was nothing else worth taking,” I said.

The news crew was waiting outside the lawyer’s office when we pulled up. Carlos and Grey hung back while I stood near Michelle as she talked to the reporter. I paid less attention to the questions the woman asked and more attention to our surroundings. We were in a nicer part of town. People were walking by on the sidewalks. I kept scenting the air but didn’t catch anything that hinted Blake or his men were nearby.

When the reporter left, we filed inside the lawyer’s office. The receptionist sat behind a long, glossy counter and looked up at us with a welcoming expression.

“Can I help you?”

“I’m here to see Mr. Nolan,” Michelle said.



The woman glanced at all of us. “Please have a seat.”

She picked up the phone and dialed. As she spoke, Grey winked at her. The woman paused mid-sentence, obviously having lost her train of thought. Michelle hid a smile behind her hand as the woman struggled to maintain her end of the conversation.

You’re going to get us kicked out, I sent Grey.

Nah, I’m just making a lasting impression.

A moment later, the woman led Michelle into Mr. Nolan’s office. I followed while Grey and Carlos stayed behind in the sitting area.

Overall, the lengthy meeting enlightened me on a few topics. Richard had been fighting Blake’s hold on his family by filtering money into hidden accounts without Blake’s awareness. If I were to guess, I would say it was even the reason behind Richard’s death.

Instead of naming his sons equal beneficiaries, he clearly stated he wanted them to receive nothing and left everything to Michelle, including guardianship of the boys. It had been the only protection he could give his children.

And, because Michelle stepped forward to claim Richard’s estate, Blake was completely cut off from any chance of touching the money he’d lost. It was a stunning amount.

Michelle and the lawyer talked about what to do with the money. She decided to set up two trusts. Creating one for her brothers didn’t surprise me. Creating one for the pack did. Yet, as I thought about it, I understood what she was doing. She was giving herself a layer of protection. Even if Blake was to take her again, he would never be able to reach all of the money.

When they finished, the lawyer stood and walked us to the lobby.

“If you have any questions, big or small, call me. I’ll be happy to help.”

“Thank you, Mr. Nolan,” Michelle said.

He nodded and went back to his office as the receptionist called us another cab.

While we waited outside, Michelle’s stomach growled.

“Hungry?” I asked.

“More homesick than hungry. Can we just go straight to the airport and see if we can get an earlier flight?”

“Of course.”

There was no reason for us to linger. Blake had played his hand. And, Michelle had played hers.

The cab pulled up, and I opened the door for her. She took her time sliding in, but her care didn’t help. I still felt her pain and was glad she was ready to go home. She’d been through enough. Since the beginning I’d had the need to keep her safe, but the events of the last twenty-four hours were skyrocketing that need.

“What’s wrong?” she asked as we drove toward the airport.

Grey turned to look at me, a knowing glint in his eyes. I glanced at Michelle and shrugged, not wanting to lie to her or make her feel smothered.

She slipped her hand into mine and leaned against me.

“Is this something I have to figure out for myself? Because, if it is, I have to say it will be awhile. I’m fried. I just want to get home and be with you, my brothers, and...well, my family.”

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