Home > The Sainthood (The Sainthood - Boys of Lowell High #1-3)(131)

The Sainthood (The Sainthood - Boys of Lowell High #1-3)(131)
Author: Siobhan Davis

Lo moves to my side, sliding her arms around my neck. “Can I do anything to help?”

I bury my head in her neck. “You help just by being here. Helping to take my mind off it.”

She dots kisses all over my cheeks, and I wrap my arms around her waist, holding her close.

This girl. She slays me. Slays all of us. I’m never letting her go.

“Heads-up,” Saint says, sauntering into the kitchen. “The pedo’s here. I just sent him the code for the gate.”

Until recently, no visitors had ever been here. It was our private domain, locked off from the world. But Diesel followed Lo the last time, so he knows where we live and how to get in. Saint and Theo installed a new automatic mechanism to the gate last night, before all that shit went down at Galen’s house and at The Bulls’ clubhouse. Access is now via a hidden keypad and only those with the code can get in.

Saint sends Galen a pointed look, and Galen nods. Lo will throw a hissy fit when she finds out what we’ve done, but all is fair in love and war, and we’re not taking chances.

Lo sighs, removing herself from my embrace to swat the back of Saint’s head. “He’s early. And be nice to him, or no sex for a week.”

I burst out laughing, slapping Saint on the shoulder. “It’s cool, man. Go apeshit on his ass. We’ll look after our girl.” I pull her back into me, thrusting my hips against her body, my cock swelling behind my boxers.

Saint flips me the bird before his serious mask comes down. “Remember what we discussed. We don’t mention anything about last night or that we know he’s employed by VERO. We see if he’s found out anything about Ruben and if he can help us take him down for good.”

“Agreed,” Galen and Theo say, coming up behind us.

“Get the drinks,” Lo instructs. “I’ll head outside to greet him.”

Galen heads to the refrigerator while I dump the sliced bread on a plate. Theo is setting the table as Saint starts opening cupboards. “What are you looking for?” I ask.

“Anything we can use to poison him.” He says it so matter-of-factly, and I know how batshit crazy the guy can be, so I’m not altogether sure he’s joking.

Galen smirks, placing some beers down on the counter. “You kill him, the princess will cockblock you for life.”

“More sexy time for us.” I waggle my brows. “Have at it, Saintly.”

He stabs me with an irritated look, and I chuckle. Lo has really ruffled his feathers. It’s awesome to see, because if ever a guy needs to loosen up, it’s our supreme leader. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want him turning pussy-whipped like my man Theo, but he rarely drops his guard—he rarely relaxes or lets go. Not until our sexy goddess showed up and made mincemeat of our hearts.

“I’m not trying to kill him,” Saint says, pulling out a bottle of bleach. “At least not yet.” He pins us with a blinding smile as he closes the cupboard door. “I just want to make him a little ill.”

Theo swipes the bleach from Saint’s hand. “You’re not putting anything in his drink. She’s not into him. Get over yourself.” He turns to me, thrusting the bleach into my hand. “Hide that someplace the lunatic can’t reach it.”

“Your wish is my command.” I wink at him, and he quickly looks away.

I wonder when he’ll fess up and whether his new closeness with the princess will help or hinder. I’m curious and more than a little excited by the possibilities, but I can’t make a move. He’s got to put himself out there and make himself vulnerable.

“For the last time, Diesel,” Lo says, barreling into the house like a whirlwind, clutching an envelope in her hand. “I’m not running away!”

Galen slips out the back door while everyone’s distracted.

“Who the fuck said anything about running away?” Saint steps out, grabbing Lo and pulling her in front of him. His hands land possessively on her hips as he glowers at Diesel.

“I want her to leave for a while until things have calmed down,” Diesel says, standing confidently in front of Lo and Saint. We join in—me on their right and Theo on the left, forming a formidable line of defense. “You can all go with her. But getting out of the country is the safest plan of action.”

“According to you,” Saint says.

“What’s changed?” Theo asks.

Diesel runs a hand over his head, and the guy looks tired as fuck as he eyeballs us. “Can we sit and discuss this calmly? We all want what’s best for Lo, and we can’t afford to disregard any option.”

“Fine.” Lo huffs. “We can sit, but I’m not leaving the country.”

Saint smirks, kissing the top of her head before taking her hand and walking her to the table.

“Where’s Galen?” Lo asks, glancing around with a frown, once we’re all seated.

“Here,” Galen says, coming in the back door. “I was just putting the trash out.”

None of us look at him—not with the beady-eyed VERO assassin sitting across the table.

“I’ve got lasagna in the oven,” Lo says, trying to defuse the stifling atmosphere, “but you’re early, so it’s not ready yet.”

Diesel smiles at her in a way I’m familiar with. Dude definitely has a hard-on for our girl, but I don’t think he’s stupid enough to try anything.

Not because of us.

Because of Lo.

She’s made her feelings pretty clear, and if he overstepped, he’d risk losing her forever.

“That was thoughtful, and you know how much I love your lasagna,” Diesel says, his lips twitching as Saint stiffens. I kick Lennox under the table. He’s so fucking obvious when it comes to Lo. It’s hysterical because any other time Saint is an unreadable wall. But come after his girl, and it all rushes to the surface. “But something has come up, and I can’t stay long.”

“Get to the point then,” Saint says in a clipped tone.

“I gather Lo has told you she’s wearing a tracker and audio recording device around her neck,” he says, shooting her a look of displeasure. “I listened to the initiation meeting, and it’s obvious Lo is in a precarious situation. She can’t take out Commissioner Leydon, and if your psycho father lays a finger on her again, I will slaughter him and the entire board in cold blood.”

“We’d be right by your side,” I admit, because that’s exactly how we feel too.

“Then, you agree that disappearing for a few months makes the most sense.”

I snort out a laugh. “Fuck, no. We’re The Sainthood.”

“We don’t hide from our problems,” Saint adds. “We run straight at them.”

Diesel exhales heavily. “This is a fucking waste of my time. It’s like negotiating with a bunch of kindergarteners.”

“Diesel, I know you’re scared for me, and I’m appreciative of your concern, but running away is not an option. We already discussed this, and there’s no point going over old ground,” Lo says. “Please drop it so we can discuss more pressing problems.”

“There is so much you don’t know, Lo.” Diesel reaches for her hand, but she whips it off the table before he can touch her, shooting him an apologetic look.

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