Home > The Sainthood (The Sainthood - Boys of Lowell High #1-3)(186)

The Sainthood (The Sainthood - Boys of Lowell High #1-3)(186)
Author: Siobhan Davis

I slide onto a seat beside Saint, and his hand automatically goes to my thigh. “We have that mole meeting tonight, so we can’t shadow Mom. Could you or Lincoln watch her?” Theo loads my plate with food as I talk.

“It’s already arranged with Lincoln. I have somewhere I must be, but I’m on standby if I’m needed.”

“Saint said he could send a couple guys with Lincoln if you like.”

“I’ve got it handled.” His tone is sharper than usual, and it throws me for a second.

Awkward silence pervades.

“What is it?” I ask, and Saint lifts his eyes to mine, his brow puckering as he listens to one side of the conversation.

“Were you even going to tell me?” Diesel asks, softening his tone this time.

I open my mouth to ask what when it clicks. Shit. I should’ve known he’d find out. “Of course. But I was hoping to tell you face to face.”

“I know things are desperate, but we could’ve found another way.”

“Diesel, I didn’t marry them solely to get Sinner off my back.” Saint squeezes my thigh. “I love them. They’re my future.” It’s as simple as that. My eyes meet Theo’s across the table, and he smiles.

“You’re so young,” Diesel says after a few tense, silent beats. “Too young to make that call now.”

“You don’t get to decide that for me, and I may be young, but I know what I feel in my heart is forever.” He sighs, and I know this has hurt him, because he still has feelings for me. “This is why I wanted to talk to you in person,” I say.

“I’m sorry, Lo. I’m being unfair. I know you love them and they love you. I’ve seen it. It’s just… You’ve been through so much, and it seems like an extreme solution, but I also know how mature you are for your age, and I know they’ve had to grow up fast too. I might not fully understand it, but I accept it. As long as you’re happy.”

“I am happy. Now all that’s left is to deal with Sinner. We need to stop The Sainthood before more women get hurt.”

The guys have drug deliveries to coordinate, so we separate after lunch with Galen, Saint, and Caz heading to take care of business while Theo comes with me to visit Emmett’s little sister.

I’m pleasantly surprised when Sean opens the door to Emmett’s house. “I didn’t know you’d be here,” I say, accepting his hug.

“We had practice earlier, and when Emmett mentioned you were dropping by, I decided to come too.” He steps aside, letting us enter.

“Hey.” Emmett rushes toward the door, pulling a sweater over his bare chest. His hair is damp, and little beads of water cling to his cheeks, confirming he’s not long out of the shower. “Thanks for coming. Lynn is so excited to meet you.”

“Are your parents here?” Theo asks, as we follow Emmett and Sean through the large entryway into a massive open-plan kitchen and dining room.

“They’re out of town for the weekend. It’s just us,” Emmett confirms, leading me over to the large wooden table where his sister is at.

Lynn is sitting in a comfy recliner chair with a blanket draped over her lap. Her dark hair is wispy and close to her head, confirming the growth is new. Emmett said the new drug she’s taking is helping, and her leukemia is in remission, but she’s clearly been through a lot. Her big brown eyes are exactly like her older brother’s, and they are bright with excitement as we approach. Her cheeks pinken when she spots Theo at my side, and she dips her chin shyly.

She’s got good taste. I like her already.

“Harlow, this is my sister Lynn.”

I take the seat beside her, smiling. “Hey, Lynn. It’s nice to finally meet you. Emmett talks about you all the time.”

“You too,” she says in a quiet voice. Her eyelashes flutter as she glances at Theo, and her cheeks redden some more. Someone definitely has a little crush, and I wholeheartedly approve. Sean looks at Lynn with an amused expression while Emmett’s face is as dark as thunder.

I smother my laughter, focusing on the sick little girl. “Emmett tells me you’re interested in kickboxing.”

She nods repeatedly, and her eyes pop wide. “I brought something you might like.” I hand her my cell with the video of Sariah and me performing at the annual state kickboxing event two years ago. I look over at Sean. “Sar is in the video,” I warn, because I don’t know if it will upset him. He moves his seat closer, looking over Lynn’s shoulder as they watch the recording together.

We spend a pleasant couple of hours at Emmett’s house, and I didn’t realize how much I needed this visit. It helps to do something normal. To spend time with people I care about, who have no agenda or ulterior motive.

Sean and I also talk properly for the first time, and though it’s upsetting for both of us, it helps to discuss our feelings and how much we’re missing Sariah.

I feel a little lighter as we leave although I’m sure it won’t last long.

We meet the guys at a local Thai place for dinner before heading back to the barn to get ready for our recon mission. The guys load the truck with weapons and a bunch of surveillance equipment, and then we set out, following the coordinates Bry sent us. He’s meeting us on the outskirts of Fenton, a couple miles from the meeting place.

“Isn’t it risky them meeting in Fenton?” I ask, quickly removing my dirty boots from the dash when Saint growls at me. He’s as anal as ever about this car, and no matter what we have going down, he always makes time to look after it. It’s so clean I could eat my dinner off the floor.

“Meeting anywhere around Lowell or Prestwick is riskier, so I guess that’s why they chose this location,” Saint says.

“I hope The Bulls aren’t facilitating it,” Galen pipes up from the back seat.

“They’re dead men if they are,” Saint adds.

Saint blares music while we drive, muting conversation, and my mind wanders to my mother’s date. I’m ready to wash my hands of her. Truly, I am, but I’m still sick to my stomach at the thought of her being anywhere near that sick bastard.

We turn into the entrance of Fenton Forest a few minutes later, and Saint cuts the music as we pull up alongside Bry’s black Chevy Silverado pickup. Saint lowers the window, resting his elbow on the door.

Bry steps closer, and he’s similarly dressed to us in his black cargo pants, black boots, and black hoodie. He’s wearing a black skullcap on his head, and the bulge of his gun belt is obvious under his hoodie.

“What’s the update?” Saint asks in a barely civil tone.

“The meeting is still going ahead as scheduled, which gives us an hour to get into position.”

“We’ll tail you,” Saint says, and Bry nods, sparing a quick glance at me before he hops back into his truck.

We follow behind him, along an old, bumpy road that winds around the perimeter of the forest.

“You see anything?” Saint asks, looking in the mirror at Theo.

“The coast is clear so far,” Theo says, without lifting his eyes from his tablet. “I don’t see any evidence of an ambush or anyone following us.”

“You can tell that?” I ask, swiveling a little in my seat so I can see his face.

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