Home > Shattered Dawn(13)

Shattered Dawn(13)
Author: Georgia Lyn Hunter

Despite her acerbic thought, she couldn’t stop her tinge of envy. They were so beautiful together. Both tall—him, big, muscled, and darkly dangerous—and the woman was exceptionally stunning. Almost ethereal, with hair resembling the shifting hues of moonlight. She appeared…otherworldly.

Of course. She was like him. Immortal.

Shadow shook off her jealousy. Heck, her path was steeped in darkness, and the only men she attracted, and unfortunately needed, were of the dark and at times, terrifying kind.

Nik and the blonde disappeared down a side thoroughfare.

And the old man she’d been trying to get to safety had shuffled off. Great.

Exhaling a weary breath, Shadow stalked from the alley and headed toward The Shelter a few blocks away downtown. Might as well check if Joyce heeded her advice.

As she neared the worn, graffitied, two-story brick building, a dull spasm started in her breastbone. Mouth tight, she rubbed the nodes on her sternum and did a quick calculation. So quickly the week had passed? If she wanted to continue breathing, then she had to see to her needs tonight. After she checked on Joyce.

A bright light marked The Shelter’s front entrance. People shuffled in and out, and Shadow navigated through them into the dwelling, drenched with the smell of something savory. The interior sported faded white walls and worn, gray tiled floors. Miles of long, wooden tables filled the place, but this late, supper was already winding down.

Shadow bypassed the old three-seater couch and a few chairs taking up space near the entrance and headed for the office. The door stood open, revealing a big, burly guy seated behind a desk and frowning at some paperwork.

She rapped her knuckles on the jamb. “Hey, Dar.”

Darwin Wright glanced up. “Shadow.” A white smile widened his dark, attractive face. “Haven’t seen you in a while.”

“Yeah, been busy. I sent another woman here. Slender, about five-five, has long, spirally hair. Her name’s Joyce. She has a two-year-old son. Did she turn up?”

“Haven’t seen any new faces today. Most think this place’s a hell pit,” he said dryly, rubbing his bald head. He got up and crossed to the window overlooking the diners. “It’s dinner time. Maybe she turned up.”

Frowning, Shadow searched the people seated there, but no sign of Joyce. Darn. She rubbed her throbbing chest, the craving for relief growing. “She’s not here. I’ll pop in again in a few days…” she trailed off, recalling something Nik had said about the homeless being abducted. “Dar, you know anything about missing kids and women?”

At the sudden tightening of his jaw, yes, he knew.

He nodded. “But nothing concrete. Just some of the homeless talking about it. I’ve alerted the staff, and we’re trying to keep that from happening here, but it’s damn tough. People come here then decide to leave.” His dark eyes met hers. “Why?”

“Heard the rumors, too.” She shrugged and surveyed the hall. “I’m worried about Joyce.” A door leading into the kitchen swung open and a lanky teen with messy brown hair, about seventeen or so, shuffled out. He’d piled a few empty boxes together. Chatter and laughter spilled among some of the workers, yet he stayed apart.

“Who’s that?” she asked.

“Liam. Good kid. Went down the wrong path. First offense and got slapped with community service. He decided to help out full-time for the summer.”

“What happened?”

Darwin shrugged. “Heard he lost his family years ago, it’s probably what caused him to slide. Got into bad company, stole a vehicle, mouthed off to the judge. Instead of the norm one year’s community service, he got slapped with an extra six months. He’s about done now, a few more weeks left.”

The boy disappeared into the kitchen, his sadness seeping into her. But she shut it out. She didn’t have time to fix everyone’s lives when her own hung in the balance.

A sharp pain pierced her skull, and she winced, rubbing her brow.

“You’re gloomy like the night, Shady Shadow…” Childish laughter echoed, clutching at her heart. Shadow struggled to hang onto the memory, but it faded like mist, leaving behind a dull ache in her temple and a black hole where her past should be. It sucked to have no memories of her previous life, except for the last five years—

“You okay there, Shadow?”

She dropped her hand and gave Darwin a wan smile. “Yeah, just tired. Gotta go, Dar.” Shadow waved and headed out, avoiding the passing people on the sidewalk. She had to put looking for Joyce on hold for now, unable to ignore the stabbing sensation in her sternum any longer. God, she hated this part of her life.

As she crossed the narrow pathway alongside The Shelter, she bumped into someone coming out from the side access. “Oops, sorry,” she muttered, hurriedly stepping back.

“It’s okay,” the guy rasped, looking up. Striking blue eyes met hers.

The boy from the kitchen. Liam.

He stared.

Shadow arched an eyebrow. “Can I help you?”

A flush tinged his face and he hastily lowered his head. “Sorry, it’s just—er, nothing.”

Shoulders hunched, helmet in hand, he crossed to one of the bikes parked on the curb, then he glanced back at her.

Sure, she appeared younger than her…twenty-one—twenty-six—thirty? Heck, she had no idea how old she was, and didn’t care anyway. But she didn’t sense any interest of the lustful kind from the guy. Frowning, Shadow watched as he fumbled on his helmet, straddled the monstrous Suzuki, kick-started the thing, then zoomed off.

Pain speared her chest in a brutal punch, stealing her breath. Thoughts of the boy faded as she cut between the idling cars at the traffic lights and hurried to the dingy side street opposite. Fitting, she supposed, that she haunted the alleyways, the place of her…rebirth? Maybe it was, given that she’d almost died in an alley behind the garage where she lived with her friends, Aba and Nate, after blood demons had attacked them five years ago. Old, terrifying memories resurged…

Fangs sank in her throat, tearing through flesh and tendons, her voice lost in her agony…warm blood flowing down her neck. Sucking and slurping, then blessed darkness…

“Shadow, it’s Nate.” Red-hued topaz eyes held hers as oblivion tugged, promising eternal rest from the unending anguish. “I’m gonna fix this, but you need to hold on for me, you hear me?”

Strong arms picked her up. Through her sea of pain, he appeared like a dark angel. Tears blurred her eyes. End it, please. But she couldn’t get the words out. He held his hand over her neck, a glimmer of warmth… “Aba, get me a damn blade!” Nate barked.

Darkness beckoned, and she shut her eyes…

“C’mon, Shadow, wake up. Wake up.”

She fought to surface from the molasses of nothingness.

“How do you feel?” a man asked. Cool, callused fingers stroked her fevered brow.

Shadow stared at the stranger, had no idea who he was—who she was—only aware of a vicious craving consuming her, A throbbing sensation in her chest overwhelming her.

Growling, she grabbed him by his shirt. Buttons snapped, and her palms slapped onto his bare chest. She stared up into his lean, handsome face as delicious energy streamed through her hands, strengthening her…giving her relief from the gnawing pain…

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