Home > Always Be My Banshee(51)

Always Be My Banshee(51)
Author: Molly Harper

Brendan frowned. “We have one of those?”

“It’s the first time a complaint has ever been filed with that office,” replied Messina. “Honestly, they didn’t know what to do when she called. But she was right to do it. Over the years, I have become single-minded in my efforts to promote the League’s interests. I have forgotten along the way that the League’s interests are protecting its constituents. I will be heading back to DC immediately for sensitivity training. Mr. Lancaster will be staying on as executive director.”

“Oh…grand,” Brendan murmured, wincing when Cordelia poked him in the ribs.

“It’s OK, Mr. Messina. And while we’re apologizing, I’m sorry I thought you were a murderous mastermind,” Cordelia said.

Darwin waved her apology away. “That’s all right, Ms. Canton. I understand Walt Benson did everything he could to make me look like the guilty party.”

“And I’m sorry I called you a ‘dick,’” Cordelia said.

“Uh, Cordy, you didn’t say that to him directly,” Jillian reminded her.

The corners of Cordelia’s lip pulled back into a grimace. “Oh, right. Have I mentioned I’m on pain meds?”

Mr. Messina chuckled, but covered it with a cough. “Well, given the circumstances, I’d say it would be best if we just offer each other a clean slate.”

Before Cordelia could answer, a video conference ringtone sounded from the tablet.

Akako Hiyashi’s face appeared on the screen. “Jillian…and Jillian’s ever-expanding circle of friends and associates.”

There was an awkward smattering of hello’s and waving around the room.

“Ms. Hiyashi, thank you for calling!” Jillian said.

Akako smiled gently. “Jillian, I asked you to call me ‘Akako.’”

Jillian laughed quietly, clearly uncomfortable. “No…”

“I just wanted to call and tell you what a commendable job you’ve done there, considering the ‘complications’ that arose last night. The situation could have been so much worse without the quick and decisive action of your team,” Akako said.

“She called us a ‘team,’” Dani whispered in awe.

“Ms. Canton, I am very sorry you were injured by one of our own. I seem to be making that apology more often lately,” Akako said with a frown. “But I’m grateful for the lengths you went to in order to protect Mystic Bayou and the League’s interests. It won’t be forgotten. If you need anything to aid in your recovery, the League will provide it.”

Cordelia focused on sitting up straight and not blurting out anything inappropriate.

“That would be wonderful, thank you,” Cordelia said. “And if you happen to consider an artifact storage unit in Mystic Bayou, I happen to know two employees in that department who would be willing to make the move.”

Brendan grinned at her and nodded. “Yes, she does.”

“I’ll see what we can do about that,” Akako promised, her lips twitching. “Ms. Teel, I understand that the rift is officially considered dormant?”

Dani straightened her posture in Zed’s lap. “Yes, ma’am. I don’t think there’s going to be much need for my services around here. I may have to find work somewhere else.”

Bael patted Zed’s arm. “It was good while it lasted, buddy.”

Zed gasped in indignation. Jillian rolled her eyes and elbowed Bael’s side.

“I mean, that I hope I can find work nearby I can travel to and come home quickly, while I continue work on my book,” Dani said, sending a small ball of light Bael’s way. It struck him in the thigh, and he yelped at the mild shock he received.

“Well, the highlight of this situation is that the general public remains unaware of the rift, the energy leak and its effects on the population,” Akako said. “Though there is a rumor that a teenager in Houma turned into a loup garou at a pep rally in front of his whole high school. But the internet seems to be blaming it on the mystical influence of New Orleans.”

“Mr. Messina mentioned a new problem?” Jillian said, clearly trying to bring the conversation back to the point.

Akako suddenly looked far less amused. “Yes, this is a video shot two days ago in the Fisherville neighborhood of Louisville, at a Shop-N-Save parking lot.”

Akako worked some sort of computer magic and the screen with her face on it shrunk into the corner of the screen, showing a high-resolution phone video of a battered blue pickup trying to turn into the same space as a little red Prius. They were both honking and making rude gestures, each doing the traditional dance of inching toward the space in a game of motorized chicken.

Finally, the Prius driver yelled, “I was here first, you dumbass! Go back to the mountains and screw your sister!”

A crowd had gathered in the parking lot and several of them had pulled out their phones, clearly expecting some minor antics they might be able to post online. Cordelia counted at least eight amateur documentarians, just in this camera’s view. The truck driver took great umbrage to the sister comment and stomped out of his truck. His legs looked wrong, like they were jointed backwards. His face seemed to blur, the bones shifting and moving beneath the skin, and suddenly there was a half-man, half-goat wearing overalls.

Jillian asked. “Is that a goat shifter?”

“In broad daylight?” Sonja gasped.

Bael added, “In front of all those witnesses?”

Akako nodded. “That is Eustace Cornwell. Technically, he descends from a long line of satyrs, but as there are few satyrs, his family is, shall we say, not genetically diverse. It’s led to an altered state of shifting. His whole herd has lived in the area for years. They’re the reason for the Pope Lick Monster legend.”

Zed shook his head. “That is a terrible name for a legend.”

The crowd in the video screamed as Eustace took a running start at the Prius. His enormous coiled horns smashed into the driver’s side door, setting off the car alarm and airbags. The driver scrambled to open the door, but it was crushed like a soda can. When a semi-truck driver hollered at Eustace to stop, he aimed those horns at the truck’s headlights. The video ended with Eustace running at the camera, head lowered.

Jillian asked, “Any chance of explaining it away as a prank involving extremely advanced CGI?”

Akako shook her head. “There are too many witnesses. Too many cellphone videos with too many views. Too many morning show interviews. The secret is officially out. The League is going to make an announcement at an international press conference tomorrow.”

“Well, it figures it would be Kentucky that finally blew the magique secret,” Dani muttered. At the mildly curious looks from the others, she added. “What? I lived in a town there literally called Oddville for six months, trying to close up a vortex. I’m allowed to make that judgment. Besides, did you know that the Pope Lick Monster is supposedly half-man, half-goat, half-sheep? How does that math even work?”

“So I guess everybody’s going to know about Mystic Bayou, soon, huh?” Zed said, suddenly a bit somber.

Akako’s smile was kind as she reminded him, “That kind of attention is the risk you agreed to when your town signed its contract with the League, Mr. Mayor.”

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