Home > The Broken And Sinned (Everlasting Curse #1)(33)

The Broken And Sinned (Everlasting Curse #1)(33)
Author: G. Bailey

Walking to the bottom of the steps, I look at the doors to Maddox’s rooms, and I start walking towards them without giving myself a reason why. The two reception rooms are empty other than the roaring fires in the fireplace and little else. Slowly I walk through into the corridor, past Maddox’s closed bedroom doors and to the room with the paintings. Walking up the winding staircase to the top, I expect Maddox or Cross to find me, but the castle is silent. The floor creaks as I walk up into the dimly lit room full of canvases in piles and dozens of them on easels. But right in the middle of the room is a plain canvas on an easel, and written on it is:

For you, Riona.



My cheeks burn in the cold room, and I sigh, looking at the canvas and wishing that I could accept the gift, but it came from him. I try to ignore the gift and look around at the paintings. Most of them are abstract and plastered with red, white and black paint. I drift around the room, wondering what he was painting, fearing what the red in most of them actually is, until I come across a painting in the corner under a spotlight built into the roof. It’s a blonde woman from the neck up, lying on a red blanket, and she is looking away at something in the distance. I recognize the woman’s slanted nose, the bow-shaped lips and dimpled cheeks. I recognize every inch of the woman because she is me.

And Maddox has made me look beautiful in a way I know I am not. If he sees me like this, no wonder he kissed me. In the painting, I am flawless and almost glowing, and I spend what seems like a long time staring before I force myself to look away and suck in a deep breath to calm myself down.

If I didn’t know better, I would bet Maddox is after more than sex from me, because of this painting alone. But I do know better, and I have to remember he is a monster.

And monsters can’t love. Right?



Chapter Twenty-Six


He is waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.

And he looks like the devil. The hottest devil I’ve ever seen, but still. Prince Maddox, aka the Mad Prince, is in a black designer tux that is well-fitted. The suit looks like it was made to shape the body of a god, and boy, does Maddox wear it well. His long black hair is straighter than usual, and the crystals all look as exotic as always. Maddox’s eyes drift up and down my body in the tight red dress he clearly had made for me. The red dress is simple enough, a princess shape falling to my feet from a sweetheart neckline, but it has a slit all the way up my leg, making the dress and me far more revealing. When I get to the bottom of the steps, right in front of him, he meets my eyes.

“There is no one as beautiful as you in this moment, Ria.”

My breath halts, even as I force myself not to react, force myself not to show how I think that is the best thing anyone has ever said to me. I don’t know what his game is, or if it is just desire, but he is clipping away at my heart, and I don’t like it.

I turn away and walk around him, even when I sense he doesn’t like it. “Who is here tonight then?”

Maddox storms past me, not answering, slamming his shoes onto the tiles with every step, and I sigh. I’ve well and truly pissed him off now. This dinner is going to be fantastic, I can just tell. I struggle to keep up with Maddox on his mission down the corridor, and he pushes the doors open, heading inside the dining room and letting them swing shut on me. I push them open and head inside to see a woman standing by her chair. And the woman is definitely a witch, the markings on her face and arms a clear indication. They aren’t black like Sabina’s were, these ones are yellow almost.

“And you are?” the woman asks, a slightly American twang to her voice. Almost southern, possibly Texas.

“Riona Dark, this is Gillian Brack of the Crow clan of witches,” Maddox introduces us. “And perhaps we all sit down as not to be rude guests.”

“Careful, Prince, I am here only to make a trade and not as your friend like my sister clan leader is,” Gillian warns him, and he arches an eyebrow at her. They both stare each other down, and I get the sneaking suspicion Maddox might snap at any moment, and it’s kind of my fault for being a bitch to him earlier. I clear my throat and walk past Maddox, gently placing my hand on his shoulder as I pass. He turns from Gillian, watching me instead as I sit down, and I gently smile at him.

“So how many clans do the witches have?” I ask as Hector and two human guys I have never seen around the castle come into the room. They place plates down in front of us all and fill our drinks. Well, I have water and so does Gillian. Maddox, of course, chooses something a little more red. “I’m sorry if that’s rude to ask. I’m just new to...well, everything magical.”

Gillian crosses her hands in front of her. “I do not mind. There are five clans, four are in alliance with each other and follow one leader. I believe you have met her. My clan is separate for many reasons, and I lead them.”

“What are the reasons?” I question, well aware I’m being more than nosy at this point.

Gillian tensely smiles, her eyes drifting to Maddox in what I think is slight fear. “My mother, the previous clan leader, did something terrible and cruel. We pay her price.”

It was her mother who cursed Maddox’s mum.

What the hell is she doing here? I turn to Maddox, who is sitting sidewards on his chair, his legs kicked off the side with a zero fucks attitude on his face. I don’t believe it though.

I tuck into my food, knowing at some point, this night is going to go bad, and I want to have at least eaten the steak and potatoes for Hector’s sake. Gillian eats with me, but Maddox sits in his chair, drinking his blood and staring at nothing on the wall behind me.

“Tell me, do you enjoy your new life on the island?” Gillian asks when she finishes her plate.

Well, other than getting an epic orgasm from an insane prince, it’s been pretty shit. I don’t say that, mainly because she might think I’m as mad as Maddox. “Yes, but I miss some of my hobbies. Like playing the violin or painting. But I’m learning to be a good gardener.”

“Will you play for me?” Gillian questions and holds her hands out. Smoke appears all over her hands in the shape of a violin case, and then it’s suddenly there. My eyes widen, and I reach out, touching the case to see if it is real, and it is. “I would very much like to hear you play. Don’t you agree, Prince Maddox?”

I look down at him, expecting anything but the answer he gives. “Yes.”

Damn, I’ve got to stop expecting the worst from the Mad Prince. I take the violin case from Gillian and set it down on the table in a spot clear of dishes. Undoing the zip, I find a beautiful dark wood violin and bow inside. I pick them both up and step away from the table a little before resting the violin on my shoulder, holding it with my chin. I lift the bow and close my eyes, thinking of a song I’ve always loved called “The Devil Went Down to Georgia” by Charlie Daniels. Kinda fitting for this situation. I slowly play the notes, the music taking me away and making me feel like I’m not actually here. I’m just back in uni, playing in my room or at practice. It’s just me and the violin, the music, the song that makes me relax in a way I haven’t ever felt before. The song speeds up and then is over too soon, and I lower the violin, tears in my eyes as I look at Maddox, needing to see his reaction.

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