Home > The Broken And Sinned (Everlasting Curse #1)(39)

The Broken And Sinned (Everlasting Curse #1)(39)
Author: G. Bailey

“Then you’re more of a fool than I already thought you were, Riona,” Cross coldly states. “Just keep your deal and get the orb. Then we can both get off this fucking island.”

I shove my helmet on as he starts up the bike, and hold onto Cross as he rushes through the trees.

Even though I hope to escape, I know a part of me will be stuck on this island with Prince Maddox Borealis no matter how far I run.



Chapter Thirty


Since explaining to Arlo all about the escape plan, Arlo has been a different person. He smiles and laughs, makes breakfast and even the occasional joke. He feels like the Arlo I knew before we came here, but then, just sometimes, I see him pause like he is right now, staring out of the window.

I fold my feet underneath myself on the sofa and gently put my hand on his shoulder. “Will you tell me about what happened with the vampire woman in that house?”

Arlo picks my hand off his shoulder and slides our fingers together. “Her name was Durya, and after she bought me, she was actually kind. I was surprised after seeing the brutality of the vamps in the auction and on the ship; I thought she would be the same. Two nights after I was there, she made it clear she wanted more from me when she climbed onto my lap and took her clothes off. I said no, but she looked me in my eyes and...”

“She used compulsion?” I gently question.

“Yes. Part of me knew I didn’t want to sleep with her or let her bite me, but I couldn’t fight what she was making me do. I was a slave from that point on, doing whatever she wanted, with whoever she brought over. Her friends treated me like a toy they could borrow when they wanted, but oddly Durya wouldn’t let them have sex with me. I was only for her.”

The disgust in his voice makes me shiver. I move closer and gently place my head on his shoulder, feeling his whole body shaking. “I’m so sorry, Arlo.”

“When you came, she had just had her friends over, and I don’t remember all of it. They just drank a lot,” he tells me. “So many bites, so many mouths on me. How can I ever move on and just be normal? How can I ever forget?”

Then he cries. I’ve never seen Arlo cry in my life, not even when he broke his arm at seven years old, or at any other point. I pull him into my shoulder and rub his back, humming a song under my breath in the hope it will calm him down. When he finally relaxes and wraps his arms around me, he lifts his head and meets my eyes.

“That vampire was evil. Pure and simple,” I softly tell him. “But you, Arlo? You are full of light and kindness. It makes me laugh now to think back to how much I used to think of you as an enemy, when the truth was, you’re family. You’re the sweetest guy I ever knew, when you want to be, and a brilliant friend to my brother. Even when you wound me up something silly, I knew for certain you would be there in a heartbeat if I ever needed you. I trust you, and Austin does. You’ve always been my family, Arlo. Always.”

I wipe some of the tears off his cheeks, grinning at him as he stares at me. I don’t see the kiss coming or even notice until his lips meet mine. I freeze, which he takes as a sign to kiss me more, and before this can go further, I all but throw myself off the sofa onto the floor.

Arlo looks confused as he watches me stand up, holding my hand out. “Arlo, you’re upset and you didn’t mean that. I think we both should pretend that didn’t happen.”

He looks shocked for a second. “I did mean that. I’ve liked you for years, Riona. Didn’t you know that?”

“No...,” I whisper, crossing my arms against my chest. “Look, Arlo, it’s just not the right time for us to be even talking about this. At all.”

Arlo doesn’t say anything, he just looks away, and I take that as my cue to leave. Just as I’m getting to the door, he calls over. “How do you feel about Maddox? What exactly is going on there?”

I answer in the only way I can. “He owns me, and I won’t be free until I leave this damn island. Neither will you.”

I slam the door on the way out and run right into Katy standing in the main area, looking over at the sea. She turns her dark gaze my way and slowly drifts her eyes to the door. “The Onyx breaks a lot of people, and they do reckless things.”

“It’s rude to eavesdrop.”

“I’m a vamp, it’s hard not to hear,” she replies with a wave of her hand. “Arlo isn’t a bad person, and I find that interesting.”

“He isn’t,” I agree, walking to her side and following her gaze out to the ocean. “Whereabouts is this island anyway?”

“In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, pretty much,” she tells me. “That’s why it’s always freezing cold.”

“Were you born here?” I ask next.

She loops her fingers in the edge of her jacket pockets. “Born and raised for fifty-two years. I spent ten years spying on the humans recently, though, and I found I like their clothing more than the style of The Onyx.”

“I can see that,” I say. “Thanks for all the clothing you’ve found for me and Arlo.”

“I like clothes,” she replies like it’s nothing. “Now tell me, why are you sleeping with the Mad Prince?”

I nearly cough on thin air, not expecting her to blurt out that. I lower my voice, checking the door to the living room where Arlo is. “How did you know?”

“Vampire sense of smell,” she explains with a wave of her hand. “Now, why?”

Isn’t that the question of the year?

“I have no idea,” I murmur. “But when I’m around Maddox, he makes me feel safe and in danger all at the same time. It’s overwhelming to be near him.”

“There is no place for love on The Onyx, Riona,” she whispers to me. “Be careful with that heart of yours or it will stop beating in Maddox’s hands.”

“Why are you giving me advice?”

“Call me stupid, but I think you and I will be friends. It’s what friends do,” she replies. “Plus, you bring much-needed drama to this island and its princes. They are finally talking after ten long years, it’s impressive the effect you’ve had.”

“They are talking because of the demonic children,” I reply, and she shrugs, looking like she doesn’t believe that. “Why do you call them demonic? I mean, I’ve just picked up on the nickname from you, but is there a reason?”

“When the first kid arrived, a vamp told me she saw the kid in flames. Sounds like a demon to me,” she replies. “Reign said it must be bullshit, which is most likely right because demons don’t exist. The title is just a rumour made by vampires to give them a name. It’s what humans outside The Onyx used to call us many years ago, and people remember it.”

“What do you believe?” I ask her.

She looks down at me. “It doesn’t matter. One way or another, the secrets those kids are keeping are going to come out. I would be careful if I were you; people are talking, and they know you have something to do with them.”

“I don’t know why they talk to me,” I reply.

“Yeah, I guessed that, but those kids have killed vampires and humans. Their friends and family will want revenge,” she warns, and we both drop into silence after that.

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