Home > Three Divisions (Crescentwood #1)(21)

Three Divisions (Crescentwood #1)(21)
Author: R.A. Smyth

“Remember how important I said it was to get along with the people here.” He reminds me, unnecessarily, the underlying threat in his tone is impossible to miss.

"Yes, I'm making an effort with everyone. It's still early days, I don't really know anyone all that well yet, but there haven’t been any problems so far.” I respond vaguely.

Choosing to use this situation to my advantage, “Actually, I was invited into town this weekend with some girls from my class, but I don’t have access to any money or a phone to get in touch with them.” I mention casually as a maid sets our main course of salmon and asparagus in front of us. I smile up at her in thanks before she moves away again.

“Will the Williamson girl be there?”

“Barb…eh, I mean, Meaghan? Yeah, I mean, I think so; she said she would try to make it,” I respond, ensuring the lie doesn’t show on my face all while providing an ‘out’ in case my father discovers I’m not actually hanging out with Meaghan or the other Barbies. “I could do with a phone though, so I can confirm with the girls, and some money for lunch tomorrow.” I push, knowing my father can’t refuse and risk raising questions about why I don’t have my own phone, or access to daddy’s money, like every other kid in this town.

“Fine,” he agrees reluctantly, “I’ll get Thomas to order you a phone and set you up with a bank account with some money in it. There will be a limit on the account though; you are not to go spending it on whatever takes your fancy! Remember it is my money that I am allowing you to use.” He emphasises, ensuring he’s made it clear to me who has all the power and control. “Now, tell me more about Preston.”

“Um, there isn’t much to tell. He keeps himself to himself, mostly just spending his time with Barrett.” I reply, keeping it vague until I can work out why he wants to know about Preston specifically.

“What about Barrett?”

“Oh, well he’s kinda the opposite of Preston. Loud and sociable, always flirting with girls”

“Ha,” my father barks out, shocking me at his reaction. I wasn’t aware that my father knew how to laugh, not that it’s a nice laugh, no, it’s dark and full of malice. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t do it regularly though, and the sorts of things he would laugh at would send other people running for the hills in fear. “Sounds like he takes after his father.”

Not understanding his meaning, I choose just to ignore him, digging back into my meal.

“Preston’s father and I are business associates. He is currently a key player in the industry I am trying to expand into. That makes it especially important that our family and his remain on amicable terms,” he says to me sternly.

Ha, if only he knew how his son viewed our family. It certainly isn’t amicable. Not that I’m going to share that tidbit with my father. Instead, I just nod in agreement, continuing to shovel food in to me in the hopes that I can leave the table as soon as I am done, and escape this weird and awkward conversation.

“Barrett’s father is important too. I need him on board if I want to succeed. Not that I should have many issues encouraging him to help me, but, all the same, it can’t hurt if you are close with his son. In fact,” he goes on, mumbling more to himself now, “having the two Belmonts duking it out could be quite entertaining.” He alludes, the corner of his mouth tugged up in a cruel, conniving little smile at the thought of causing havoc between father and son.

I don’t understand what he’s saying though. Duking it out? Over me? No, that doesn’t make any sense.

Just as I’m about to ask him what he means by that – because if it means what I think it might, that Barrett’s dad is in some way interested in me, then what the actual fuck?! – my father stands up from the table, having finished his own meal. Before he leaves though, he stops beside my chair, “Oh, while I remember, we are hosting a party in a few weeks as a way to get to know everyone in the town,” he says, staring down at me from his superior height until I jerk my head in agreement. “This is a vitally important event, and a great opportunity to make alliances and forge connections. The consequences for you will be severe if you do anything to jeopardise this. Is that understood?” He demands in a threatening tone that has my heart thumping against my chest and sweat soaking my palms.

I’ve met many intimidating men in my life, but never has one made me feel fear the way Robert Montgomery does. He is truly a terrifying person that I believe is capable of horrendous deeds. I don’t doubt for a second that he would cut down anyone standing in the way of whatever he wants.

Not being able to talk without my voice breaking, I nod my head again, acting like a mute bobble-head at this point.

My father gives me a menacing look for another minute or so before stalking off. He’s long gone by the time my heart rate returns to normal and I feel like I can finally breathe normally again.

Having lost my appetite, I push my plate away. There is no way I could stomach eating any more after that little showdown, which is truly a shame given the delicious tower of profiteroles that were left in the middle of the table for dessert.

Instead of staying to indulge myself in their creamy chocolatey yumminess, I stand on shaky legs and make my way back to my room. Pulling out my textbooks, I immerse myself in the monotonous task of homework, pushing away my thoughts about Robert and his latest threats at dinner.

I pride myself in being a strong person. My life so far has definitely taught me to stand up for myself, but when it comes to my father, I feel like a weak, helpless girl, and I hate that feeling.

I only emerge from my room later that night, once all my homework is done, to go to the kitchen and make myself a large bowl of sweet popcorn. Taking it back to my room, I get comfy in my bed and settle in for a night of binge-watching TV. I love that Netflix here has some of my favourite shows from back home, like 'Friday Night Dinner’. They just released a new season and it's been my go-to show every day this week after school.



Chapter 11


Afew hours later, I wake up to the taste of dead frog in my mouth. That’s what I get for eating a whole bowl of popcorn by myself, then falling asleep before brushing my teeth.

The TV must have turned itself off while I was sleeping, bathing the bedroom in darkness when I open my eyes. The light from my bedside clock tells me it's one in the morning.

Ugh, I’m dying for a glass of water, then I desperately need more sleep.

Sneaking out of my room and heading down the stairs, all is quiet. Everyone must have turned in for the night. I slip quietly across the foyer into the kitchen, not wanting to alert anyone to my presence.

Just as I'm downing my glass of water, I hear a noise coming from the back of the house. No one else is around, and I need to start doing my own investigating if I'm going to get any answers to what my father is up to, and what he’s dragging me into. Pushing away the thought of what happened last time I went snooping in the middle of the night, I head towards where the continued noises are coming from.

As I’m creeping across the kitchen, I hear another noise that sounds like my father's raised voice. As I slowly move towards the back of the house and the voice gets louder, confirming that it was, in fact, my father shouting at someone in a room adjacent to his home office.

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