Home > Three Divisions (Crescentwood #1)(27)

Three Divisions (Crescentwood #1)(27)
Author: R.A. Smyth

His mouth quirks up at one side in a smirk, indicating he knows the dirty thoughts that are flitting across my mind right now, causing my cheeks to flare in embarrassment. Down girl, now is hardly the time, and HE is hardly the guy. They are vicious, murdering gangsters for crying out loud.

Trying to control my rampant libido, I take a step back from him, “Emm…sorry about that. I, uh, didn’t see you.” I stammer out. Smooth Sophie, way to show him he hasn’t affected you.

“No worries love, I always enjoy a pretty girl in my arms.” His voice is this sexy deep husk that causes a blush to crawl up over my chest and neck, finally hitting my cheeks, and, I swear, my panties just disintegrated. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you girl?

The other guy steps up beside the red-head I crashed into, slowly casting his eyes down my body, my skin heating under his gaze.

Oh well, my panties are definitely non-existent now.

He doesn’t say anything, and his face gives nothing away as to what he is thinking when he looks at me. He’s just as alluring as the red-head with his dominating presence and vexing eyes.

“Let’s go, Ty,” he finally growls out, tearing his gaze from me to look at his friend.

“You should go, before you lose your friends,” Tyler, or Ty as Aiden called him, says, tilting his head to where the rest of the girls had disappeared further down the street.

Right yes, I’m supposed to be pretending I just had coffee with them. Following where he’s pointing to I notice most of the girls getting into their chauffeur driven cars and heading off. Thank goodness.

“Oh, we were done, I’m just heading to my car now.”

I slowly back away from the two men, equal parts turned on and terrified at being in their presence. I need to get away from them so I can regain my senses. My brain has gone on a hiatus.

Turning around, I high tail it away from the coffee shop and the two men who just turned my brain to mush. Pulling out my phone I text Oliver, asking him to pick me up, while I take deep breaths, trying to regain some semblance of self-control.

What the hell just happened back there, and what is in the water in California? All of these incredibly hot guys in one location, what are the chances of that? God, I’m going to have to get my inner whore under control if I’m going to survive this place.

There is no way in hell I can fall for any of these guys' charms or looks. Aiden and Tyler are cold-hearted criminals who work for my father for Christs sake.

Although, they didn’t really seem like cold-hearted criminals, did they? They seem…different…somehow to the other gang members.

Whatever is going on, I’m just going to have to drag my head out of the gutter, secure the wall around my heart, and use my vibrator for the foreseeable future.



Chapter 14


Ihave been living in this hellhole for a month now, one very long, lonely month. On the upside, I haven’t received any more creepy notes in that time. I’m hoping the sleazeball has moved on and won’t be bothering me anymore.

Tonight is the night of the party my father insists on hosting to introduce ourselves to the ‘who's who’ of Crescentwood. Everyone is invited, including the kids from school. It’s going to be so much fun! My sarcasm game is strong.

I spent more money on the dress I bought in town last week than my mother and I spent on rent, food, and bills in a month. It's obscene. Although, I can’t deny, the feel of the material against my skin is heavenly.

Sadly, I am woken up at eight in the morning on a Saturday by a loud knock on my door. For fucks sake, does nobody around here understand the meaning of a lie-in?

“Miss, your father has asked me to remind you that today is the day of the party and it is important you look your best. Hair and make-up will be here in an hour. You best get up and get ready for them. Breakfast will be in the kitchen when you are ready,” Thomas informs me before taking off, not waiting for a response.

With a loud groan, I throw back the covers and climb out of bed and into the shower. I have no idea what to expect tonight. I know the families of the one-percenters will be there, and likely a few other wealthy, influential people from the town.

Closing my eyes, I tilt my head back and let the warm water wash over my face and down my body, trying to release some of the tension. I have no idea how I am going to keep my father from finding out that, not only am I not friendly with anyone in this town, but they are actively trying to drive us out.

Having put off getting out of the shower for as long as I can, I finally switch off the water, grab a towel, and climb out. Pulling on a tank top and some sweats, I head down for some breakfast before everyone turns up and this fiasco of a day truly begins.

Sitting down at the bar in the kitchen, my stomach starts grumbling. Thomas, the amazing man that he is, sets a piping hot latte down in front of me. Murmuring my thanks, I literally inhale the caffeine. He chuckles at my antics while setting a bowl of fruit down in front of me and starting to tidy up the kitchen workbench.

“Eh, what’s this? Where’s the normal shebang of pancakes or a full fry?” I ask, thoroughly confused at the measly bowl of fruit. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good bowl of fruit, and growing up, I would have dived on a bowl of fruit like a nymphomaniac on her first dick of the day. It’s just that Thomas has been a life-saver since I arrived, ensuring I’ve been plied with as much greasy food as a girl can dream of. I’ve gotten used to eating a more substantial breakfast since coming to Crescentwood.

“Your father wants to ensure you aren’t…eh…bloated today. He doesn’t want any issues with you fitting into your dress.” Thomas replies, looking a bit embarrassed. Not wanting to put Thomas in the middle of the bullshit between Robert and me, I just shake my head and dig into my breakfast. What an asshole though. My father is such a sexist pig.

The rest of the day is a whirlwind, with a dozen people fussing around me, sorting out my hair and make-up. Somehow it manages to take all day just to get everything done. I never knew one person could spend so much time dolling themselves up. It’s insane. I must have so much hairspray and layers of foundation on my face that I look like one of the Barbies. On the plus side, I probably fit in perfectly with this messed up society. At least Robert will be happy, I think to myself while rolling my eyes.

Putting on my dress that evening, I run my hands down over my sides and stomach, smoothing out any wrinkles and reminding myself of why I love this outfit. It hugs me in all the right places and feels like I am wrapped in the softest of fabrics. The dress itself is a floor-length black evening dress with diamanté – actually, at the price I paid, they are probably real diamonds - covering my chest which taper off as they head down towards my waist. There is a slit up the side of the dress that goes all the way to the top of my thighs meaning I have to wear a black thong to ensure my underwear doesn’t show. The neckline of the dress dips low between my breasts, framing and showing them off in such a way that they look full and perky, without coming across as slutty or too revealing.

I match the dress with a pair of black Louboutin heels, the blood-red sole oozing sex appeal. Looking into the mirror, I can’t believe what I see.

My hair is pulled back into a low chignon with a fancy braid, leaving some curled tendrils to frame my face. The make-up artist has given me dark smoky eyes and bright red lipstick which compliments the red on my shoes and, surprisingly, the foundation doesn’t look caked on.

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