Home > Three Divisions (Crescentwood #1)(40)

Three Divisions (Crescentwood #1)(40)
Author: R.A. Smyth

I’ve noticed all week that Alexis and her friends eat rabbit food for lunch, and even at that they just seem to pick at most of it instead of actually eating it. I’m the only one at the table who eats a proper meal and dessert.

Maybe it is excessive, but who cares?! I’m skinny enough from a lifetime of living half-starved, and my curves have been filling out nicely since I arrived here so I am definitely not adjusting my eating habits.

The girls clearly don’t understand what I am trying to say though. They have never lived in a world where they had to ration their food or make sacrifices between eating or keeping warm. I don’t expect them to get it.

“Well, you’ll only have yourself to blame if you get fat and no guy wants to be seen with you,” Vicki replies snidely. She’s a bit of a bitch, that one, definitely not afraid to blurt out whatever is on her mind. I just shrug at her comment. It’s not like guys are queueing up right now to ask me out anyway. As long as I’m happy with myself, that’s all that matters.

“Vicki, don’t be a bitch!” Alexis interjects. “She can eat whatever she wants.” Vicki and Alexis stare at each other for another moment, engaged in some sort of mental communication using just their eyes, before Vicki sighs and looks away.

“Fine. Sorry, Sophie. I can be a bitch when my period is about to come. Just ignore me.”

“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.”

“So, girls, what’s the plan for this weekend?” Olivia cuts in, steering the conversation into safer territory. “I hear there’s a party at Meaghan’s house, are we in?”

Her question is followed by a chorus of ‘hell yeahs’ by the other girls at the table. Great. I guess we are going to a one-percenters party.

My day is made even better by finding yet another note stuffed into my backpack when I get home from school. God knows when someone managed to sneak it in there. I don’t remember seeing it when I was lifting out my books for my last class, but it’s possible I missed it.

My hands are trembling as I open the note. I had honestly hoped whoever this jerk was that they had gotten bored and moved on. It’s been ages since I got my last one.

At one point I wondered if it was Barrett or Preston leaving them for me, trying to scare me off. I have to say, this method is far more effective than their childish pranks, but they have backed off ever since the party. I’m pretty sure Barrett told Preston what he witnessed outside my father’s office and they have decided I’m not a threat. They have to realise the futility of using me to get to my father.

Bracing myself for the sickening words I am about to read, I open the note.

Our time is coming. Fear only heightens the sexual act. I can’t wait to taste the terror in your blood while I come inside of you.

Shoving the note into the bottom of my desk door, I resolve to forget all about it.

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

If I pretend I never received any notes and no one else knows about them, are the notes even real?

Let me live in denial for a little while longer at least.



Chapter 20


It’s Saturday night and I’m staring aimlessly at all the clothes in my closet, trying to work out what the hell one wears to a one-percenters party.

Alexis said they would pick me up at nine, which is in half an hour, so I really need to get a move on. I have outfits for every occasion in this closet but finding the perfect one for tonight is proving challenging. I don’t want to appear too slutty, but I don’t want to look like a Mormon either.

Rifling through the racks I find a dark blue playsuit with a halter neck top that dips down to the top of my ass at the back. I pair it with matching low heels that make my legs look long and shapely, but aren’t likely to result in me breaking an ankle tonight.

I quickly put on some foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and a bold reddy-purple lipstick, and run a brush through my hair, letting it hang down around my shoulders in loose, natural waves. With one final look in the mirror, I’m happy with what I see. I may not look like a perfect Barbie doll, but I look like my best self.

I don’t want to consume alcohol on an empty stomach, so I stop by the kitchen while I wait for my lift to arrive. Thomas is in there pottering about and chatting to Oliver, who is sitting at the bar eating his dinner. They both stop and look in my direction when I enter.

“You look lovely this evening, Miss Sophie. Are you headed out for the evening?” Thomas enquires.

“Just off to a party that a girl from school is having. I’m getting a lift there and back, so I don’t need a ride, Oliver.”

Oliver just nods at me and continues eating his dinner.

“It’s so good to see you finally settling in and making friends,” Thomas says, smiling warmly at me. Not wanting to correct him, I just nod and smile back.

I quickly grab a banana, letting them get back to their conversation. “Well, I’d better go wait in the hall. Don’t wait up for me, Thomas.” I say as I exit the kitchen, making my way towards the front door.

I’m walking across the foyer when my father calls out to me. “Where are you going?” he demands, standing in the shadow of the hallway down to his office. Since I thought I was alone, his voice makes me jump. Turning to face him, there’s a smug grin on his face. The shitbag is fucking pleased at having caught me off guard. Asshole. I should have known I wouldn’t be able to escape without running into him. After all, I haven’t seen him since the party last week.

“There’s a party at Meaghan Williamson’s house tonight, I was going to go. Friends from school are giving me a ride.”

“No alcohol or drugs. I don’t want to hear you have embarrassed me or gotten into trouble tonight.” Robert demands bruskly, before turning and stalking back down the corridor to his office. I seriously need to work out what the hell my father is up to, but not tonight. Tonight, I have a party to attend.




Pulling up to Meaghan’s mansion, I can see it is even larger than mine, which is saying something considering the Montgomery mansion could comfortably house three football teams. including their coaches, trainers, agents, and administration staff, and still have space to spare.

There are cars parked everywhere and music is blasting so loud the ground is vibrating with the thump of the bass. I guess it's just as well she doesn’t have any close neighbours.

There are people ahead of us, climbing up the steps to the front door, heading into the house, while others congregate in groups outside, chatting to and greeting each other and drinking from plastic cups.

The girls and I head up the front steps and into the mansion.

“Let’s grab drinks,” Beth declares as they saunter towards the back of the house where, I’m assuming, the kitchen is.

The place is packed. People are everywhere, pumping and grinding to the music, and we have to push our way through the crowd.

Thankfully, the kitchen isn’t as busy and the music doesn’t seem so loud in here. I make myself a vodka and coke, ensuring I lift an unopened bottle of vodka and a sealed can of coke. I do not trust anyone at this party to not drug me. By the time we circle back to the kitchen later, all of the bottles will have been opened, so this will be my only drink of the night. With that in mind, I pour a double shot of vodka.

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