Home > Three Divisions (Crescentwood #1)(53)

Three Divisions (Crescentwood #1)(53)
Author: R.A. Smyth

Maybe then I’d have a shot with Sophie.

“Fine.” He agrees, “One final push to break her, to get her to spill everything she knows. Then we’re done.”



Chapter 27



Unfortunately, Monday morning comes all too soon. One week off was not nearly enough time. I’m painfully aware that I haven’t heard anything from Alexis or the girls, or Neill, all week. Not that I really expected to hear from Neill again, but I’m a bit concerned about why I haven’t heard anything from the girls, and I’m not sure what that means.

During our short friendship, we haven’t become fast besties who text each other incessantly, but there was always some chit chat or gossip going back and forth during the day in our group chat, but no one has said anything since the start of Thanksgiving break.

I know they were all away skiing and whatnot for the holidays so it's possible they have just been busy, but still, surely some sort of gossip happened over the break that one of them should be discussing; especially if there were several school parties like Preston and Barrett implied.

My stomach churns with nerves all morning while I shower and get dressed. Feeling the need for stronger armour today, I coat my eyes with a thick layer of eyeliner and paint on a pale pink lipstick choice which is ironically called ‘Get up. Stand up’. It feels like a fitting choice for today. I don’t know what it is but I just have this gut feeling that I’m going to need to be strong today, or well stronger than I usually need to be.

Oliver drops me off at school, as per usual, and I get out and make my way in. The minute I step foot through the front door, I immediately know something is wrong.

The hall goes deathly quiet and everyone stops what they are doing to look at me. The sickening feeling in my stomach intensives and my palms are slick with sweat. This is bad. Something is very, very wrong.

I make my way towards my locker further down the corridor, trying to ignore the stares and whispers as I walk by. I keep my head up and pointed straight ahead, not looking at anything or anyone in particular, but equally not showing any weakness or letting on that these pretentious shitbags are getting to me.

The quiet continues as I make my way down the hall. None of the usual hustle and bustle of a Monday morning is present, when everyone dumps stuff in their lockers and sorts out what books they need for their first few classes. Everyone is just standing there, almost as though they are readying themselves for something, like they have been called to attention, waiting for some sort of fucking show.

Closing in on my locker, I notice Alexis and her friends standing in front of it, blocking my way, waiting for me to arrive. If it wasn’t for all the eyes drilling into the back of my head and the evil smirk on Alexis’s face, I’d think the girls were here to greet me after our time apart last week.

Finally stopping in front of them, I don’t see any point in even putting on a fake smile and pretending I don’t notice our audience, or know that whatever they have planned is going to break a part of me. So instead, I stand and stare her down with my best resting bitch face in place.

Alexis’s eyebrows draw together as her eyes narrow in irritation. She’s annoyed that I’m not reacting how she wanted me to. Stupid bitch.

Drawing herself up to her full height, she gives me a smug smile, pleased at having got one over on me.

“In case you haven’t already realised, we’re done with you.” She states, as though it wasn’t obvious, in a voice loud enough to ensure our surrounding audience doesn’t miss a single word.

Quickly casting my eyes around our captive audience, I see each and every one of them are enthralled by the drama unfolding before them, some of them practically salivating over my destruction.

“Why?” I ask in a much quieter voice, not wanting every dimwit and their granny to hear this conversation. I need to know though. I need to know what would drive someone to string another person along like that.

Shrugging nonchalantly, she says, “The one-percenters asked us to. They said if we pretend to be your friend and broke your silly little heart that we would be invited to all of their parties for the rest of the year.”

A party? She went along with all of this so she could attend a fucking party? What the actual fuck is wrong with these people? Not a single fucking one of them has a moral bone in their body. They just can’t comprehend the difference between right and wrong.

There were people I knew growing up, struggling to get by but refusing to get involved in gangs or do illegal shit because they knew it wasn’t right. Hell, one of the older ladies in my street used to make me a hot meal during the winter, knowing I was likely going without, even though she didn’t have any more money to spare than we did. That lady, those people, had more fucking human decency in their little finger than these people have in their entire fucking bodies.

Yet these people here have the means to change people’s livelihoods, the funds to make a significant difference to the lives of those with less, and, instead, all they are concerned about is what parties they can attend and who has the latest, most expensive purse, or shoe, or car. I’ve never been so disappointed or disgusted by anyone in my life.

Before I can blow my fuse at these fuckwits, Neill appears out of nowhere, strolling through the crowd, who part for him without complaint, and slings his arm around my shoulder. For one stupid second, I think he’s here to support me, to stand up for me, but of course not. I’ve had to stand up for myself my entire life, why would that change now? No, Neill is definitely not my prince charming, here to save the day. Not that I need someone to save my ass.

Turning to look at him, struggling to maintain my game face, knowing the cracks are evident as I fight to hold back the emotion wanting to burst out, he gives me that smile of his, but now I can see the underlying malice. He was playing me. This whole time.

“Awh, don’t cry babe,” he says condescendingly, ensuring everyone is listening to him, “Didn’t you wonder why people like us would hang out with the likes of you? At least put some effort into your appearance,” he sneers before leaning in to whisper in my ear, so only I can hear, “You should have ridden my dick while you had the chance,” before standing back up to his full height, smiling cruelly.

Everyone in the hall bursts out laughing, just as the bell goes and they all start to disperse. Alongside the aching hurt I feel at these people’s betrayal, I can feel my anger at them all, at the fucking one-percenters, for doing this to me.

As the crowd thins, I see Preston and Barrett standing at the far end of the hall. Of course, they are. They are the ones that orchestrated this whole thing, they wouldn’t want to miss the big finale. Preston stands tall, smirking at me as my heart freely bleeds in front of them. Barrett can’t even look me in the eye, the coward.

Taking a deep breath, I rein in my emotions, firmly put my mask in place so they can’t see how broken I am by this, and straighten my back so I’m standing tall. They may have gotten to me today, but like I’ve been saying, I’ve been through worse, and I will get over this too.

The crowd thins out as everyone heads off to class. Preston and Barrett don’t move an inch though, standing there, staring me down until we are the only ones left. I glare right back at them, focusing on my anger and hatred to cover up the pain radiating through my chest.

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