Home > Three Divisions (Crescentwood #1)(65)

Three Divisions (Crescentwood #1)(65)
Author: R.A. Smyth

As I step past my father, I see the smug look on his face. He thinks he’s got me right where he wants me. I fear he might be right this time.

Clambering into the back seat, the goon holding my door open gives me a look until I move over into the middle seat, enabling him to climb in beside me. Great, I’m pinned between two fucking stone walls for humans.

My father climbs into the front passenger seat, and once he closes the door, the driver starts the engine and we head down the road.

My father doesn’t initially say anything, letting me sit and stew. Charles Donaghue is excellent at intimidation; wielding the power of silence to try and break me. Lucky for me, I know all of his tactics, so while he might be hoping to unravel me, get me talking, he’s only giving me time to fortify my mental walls and ensure my face is an impenetrable mask of indifference, giving nothing away.

“I know what you have been up to.”

Turning to look at me, staring me down, hoping to crack me so I’ll spill my secrets to him. Not a chance, fucker.

He rolls his eyes at my obstinance, unbothered by my lack of reaction. “I know you have been messing with my re-election for Governor. Causing issues within my campaign office, setting up websites and blogs encouraging people not to vote for me, using campaign finances for unsavoury and illegal reasons – spending thousands of dollars on BDSM sex items and signing me up to beastility porn sites,” he snarls out in disgust and anger.

I struggle to contain my laughter, remembering all the shit I did. It was more than just signing him up to a few porn sites and buying sex equipment in his name.

There are so many different kink communities that I’d never heard of before I started down this path, ursusagalmatophiliacs, autoplushophiliacs, and paraphilic infantilism, just to name a few. I picked the ones I thought voters would be most outraged by. I photoshopped images of him jacking off to teddy bears, having orgies with people dressed up as cartoon characters, and of my father dressed in a diaper, pretending to be a baby. I uploaded all of it, along with a little blurb of how Charles Donahue likes to spend his spare time. I shared it where I could, to make sure his investors and the voters got an eyeful.

What? I thought the voters would want to get to know their governor better.

Man, Barrett and I had great fun searching the internet for fucked up shit Charles could be involved in. Those searches should come with a warning label; I’ll never be able to unsee some things. Ever. The internet is a fucking sick place.

“Do you have any idea the problems you have caused for me!” He roars, losing the tight rein he keeps on his control as anger consumes him, interfering with my musings. “You have officially knocked me out of the running for Governor.” He confirms, sending a bolt of satisfaction through me.

“I can’t let it slide this time Preston. You’ve gone too far. You have no idea what you have done!” He growls out at me, letting the inner demon he keeps buried deep inside, rise to the surface. This is the Charles only me and my mother knew. The one that I have been trying to stop from gaining a stronger foothold in government, the one I have been trying to get out from under for the last few years.

“I’d say I’m sorry for what’s about to happen to you, but honestly, I’ll be glad to have you out of my way. You have been a thorn in my side for too long, but it would look suspicious if both you and your mother died so close together. I knew it was only a matter of time, though, until I could get rid of you too,” he states, smiling cruelly at me.

What the fuck is he talking about?

I’m on edge, quickly scanning my eyes around the interior of the car, trying to work out a plan of escape.

Before I can come up with an exit plan though, the car starts to slow down. Looking out the window, I can see that we are in the middle of nowhere.

Why the hell are we stopping all the way out here?

Fuck, this is not good, not good at all. I don’t know what my father is up to but it doesn’t look like it ends well for me. I always knew he was a cold-hearted bastard. He killed my mother after all, a fact he just confirmed, he obviously won’t have a problem with murdering his own son.

I guess I always figured he wouldn’t risk removing me permanently, due to his position as Governor. There are so many eyes on him, from all over the country, that my disappearance or death would raise questions he wouldn’t be able to answer. I never really thought about what he would do to me if he lost that position, if I pushed him far enough.

Before I can come up with a plan to get myself out of here with my life intact, I see a van, through the front windscreen, coming down the road towards us. It appears to be slowing down as it approaches, until the two vehicles are parked side by side in the middle of the road.

Just as I go to punch the goon to my left, and dive out the side door, an almighty pain wracks through my body, worse than anything I’ve ever felt, as my muscles seize up, causing me to fall onto the gorilla beside me.

This motherfucker tazed me!

By the time he stops and I’ve regained use of my limbs again, my arms and legs are bound together, tape has been put over my mouth and my eyes are covered. I’m being hauled out of the back of the SUV and thrown into the back of the van, landing painfully on my side.

Fuck, how am I going to get out of this one?

I roll around on the floor in the back of the van for about twenty minutes before it slows down and eventually stops. No one has said anything the whole journey so I have no idea who these assholes are, or how many of them there are. I hear the van doors open and close as people get out of the vehicle, before the side door rolls open and someone grabs me roughly by the legs and shoulders and drags me out.

I can hear whoever is carrying me walking over leaves and twigs, before the sound changes to something harder, like we are now moving over a concrete floor or something. We must be in some sort of building. The sound of footsteps echoes off the walls around me, indicating we are in a large empty space.

After a few steps, I’m unceremoniously dumped on the hard floor, causing me to groan out in pain. There’s a crinkling sound as I land – is that a plastic sheet?

My tied hands are wrenched above my head and something cold is clamped around them, before a squeaking noise rings out across the room, and I’m slowly lifted off the floor.

Oh fuck. This is bad. This is so so bad.

A burning pain begins to radiate out from my shoulders as they take the brunt of my weight as I’m hauled off the floor and left to hang in the air like a cow at the butchers.

Determined to stay silent, not giving these shitheads any satisfaction of thinking they have me running scared, I grit my teeth and try to breathe through the pain.

Whatever dipshits my father has recruited to do his dirty work must get bored of my silence though.

“The silent type eh?” some asshole with a gruff voice laughs out from somewhere in front of me, “Don’t worry, we’ll have you screaming soon enough.” He promises, right before punching me hard in the stomach.







I know, I know, you all hate me right now!



Two Forces, Crescentwood #2



As a newly published author, I rely heavily on ratings and reviews. I would also love to hear your thoughts about the book and series so far either via reviews, posts on my facebook page, or discussions in my facebook group – The Reading Nook.

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