Home > Noxx (Alien Adoption Agency #1)(14)

Noxx (Alien Adoption Agency #1)(14)
Author: Tasha Black

In his wild state, he interpreted her cry as an invitation.

He burst in the door of the bathroom, ready to claim her in spite of all the reasons he shouldn’t.

At first, he couldn’t take in what he was looking at.

Luna stood naked in the tub, covered in frothy bubbles, which seemed to cover every surface in the room, like the frosting on a cake from Cymbaline-12.

“What happened?” he managed.

“I don’t know,” she moaned. “I washed and everything was fine. But when I added the pot of soap powder it just kind of…exploded.”

“You added the pot of soap powder?” he echoed.

She nodded.

“Okay,” he said. “Okay. You were only supposed to add a pinch.”

She buried her face in her hands.

“No, no, it’s not your fault,” he said, moving toward her instinctively. “I should have explained.”

“Our house is flooding,” she said, her voice muffled by her hands.

Our house…

“No, no, it’s just getting an inadvertent cleaning,” he told her. “It’s just suds on the floor. See?”

He swept up a handful and flung it at her.

Her laughter was like a waterfall.

Suddenly, she was throwing the froth right back at him.

She had a surprisingly good arm to be such a small Terran.

He scooped up more suds and threw them, missing her on purpose just to see her laugh.

She grabbed more in the palm of her hand and blew it at him.

He pretended to be struck in the chest.

“I like you when you’re not so serious,” she giggled.

“Oh you think I’m not serious?” he asked.

“Well, I mean you’re fully dressed, having a soap fight in the middle of the night,” she said.

He was stripping off his sudsy shirt before he could stop himself.

Luna went quiet.

“What do you think?” he asked when he was finished. “Am I half-serious now?”

But she was gazing at his bare chest, lips slightly parted.

Suddenly the room was too small, the suds covering her body were sliding down her perfect smooth skin, and he had to get just a little closer to her. If only he could catch a bit of her scent under the soap, it would be enough, and he could tear himself away. He was sure of it.

He stepped closer.

Luna held herself perfectly still.

He could see the peaks of her beautiful breasts, stiff under a thin film of bubbles. Her hips curved out generously from her round belly.

His cock twitched at the naked evidence that her body was built to bear young.

Our young, the dragon growled.

“Noxx,” she murmured.

He kicked off his boots and stepped into the tub with her.

If I don’t let her touch me, I can’t claim her.

He bent to cup water in his hands and straightened to release it over her breasts, revealing perfect pink nipples.

“Gods,” he groaned.

She reached out to touch his cheek. Her hand was warm and wet.

He caught her wrist, sure that he couldn’t bear her touch without breaking.

She gasped.

He cupped her cheek in his hand instead and gazed into her eyes.

Desire was reflected in them. She looked as hungry as he felt.

He bent to brush her lips with his, and she made a tiny sound of need that set his blood on fire.

He kissed her again, deeply this time, and slowly.

She melted into him, driving him wild.

He slid his hand down from her cheek, taking in the silk of her hair, the soft curve of her breast.

She whimpered when he let the pad of his thumb stroke her nipple.

Gods, she was so responsive. He longed to play her like an instrument.

He traced the curve of her waist and hip, allowing his fingers to grip her for a moment in the way he would hold her when he claimed her at last.









Luna closed her eyes against waves of desire so strong they threatened to drown her like no water ever could.

Back on Terra-4 there was no privacy. People lived in cramped and dusty quarters. Sex was a furtive business for tired, hungry people.

Here she was with a full belly, every inch of her perfectly, shimmeringly clean, absolutely alone in this room with the towering azure warrior.

And he was kissing her so slowly.

He touched her with such firm assurance that she felt her body practically vibrating with lust.

Something warm and wet closed around her nipple.

She opened her eyes to see that he had knelt before her.

Then the sensation sang through her.

He licked the other nipple into his mouth and she cried out in anticipation of the aching pleasure that followed his action.

Her cry seemed to awaken something in him. He buried his face in her breasts in earnest, licking and suckling as if he wanted to devour her.

Luna’s hips trembled. Something was building in her. Her belly ached as if it were empty.

But Noxx abandoned her breasts, the cool air hardening her nipples into pearls.

He had fixed his gaze on her sex.

She was transfixed, watching him gaze at her hungrily.

Then he was leaning in to press a kiss against her.

Luna gasped at the pleasure of it.

He slid a hand between her thighs, nudging as if to urge her to move her feet apart to allow him more access.

She obeyed, amazed at herself.

Is this me, opening myself wantonly, unembarrassed?

But something about it felt right.

And Noxx certainly wasn’t embarrassed.

He was nuzzling her, his hot breath sending shivers down her spine.

She whimpered and closed her eyes again, letting her head fall back.

The heat of his tongue stroked her firmly and she cried out brokenly. The pleasure was so acute, she felt as if he were touching more than just her sex.

He moaned against her and the sensation made her scream.

The world was narrowing, pulling in around them until there was only his tongue and the delirious pleasure his movement elicited.

Noxx eased a finger inside her and massaged a spot she hadn’t realized craved his touch.

Luna wailed as the pleasure began to break her apart.

Then his tongue was circling as he worked her with his finger and she felt herself flying.









Noxx held her by the hips, his heart thundering as he drank in her pleasure with all his senses.

The dragon roared for his own satisfaction, but Noxx would not allow that tonight.

The woman was new to the universe outside her own planet.

He suspected she might never have tasted this kind of pleasure before, certainly not at a man’s hands.

She was in no frame of mind to make the decision to be claimed by a dragon of the Invicta.

She couldn’t make any decision at all, by the sound of her cries of wonder and passion.

No. Her pleasure would have to be enough for tonight. The dragon could wait.

At least he was sure she’d gotten the pleasure she’d craved. She was shuddering and panting now, pulling at his hair to stop him.

He pulled back reluctantly, and gazed up at her, licking his lips.

Her cheeks were pink and her eyes bright. Her long, wet hair covered her shoulders in tousled waves.

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