Home > Noxx (Alien Adoption Agency #1)(23)

Noxx (Alien Adoption Agency #1)(23)
Author: Tasha Black

“What do they do?” Luna asked.

“They come into the caves,” Maple said with a faraway look, like she was remembering something she’d rather not. “And they rip people limb from limb.”

As if on cue, there was a shadow across the opening to the cave.

Luna jumped, waking Sol.

But it was only River in the doorway.

He began making hand gestures with wild energy, a big smile on his face.

Maple gestured back, speaking to Luna out loud at the same time.

“Yes, your friend came back with the baby,” Maple said. “He wants to know where Noxx is.”

Luna opened her mouth to explain, but she was shocked to find she was crying and could not speak. That last jolt of worry had finally sent her over the edge.

“Oh no,” Maple said, running over to embrace her. “What happened?”

Luna allowed herself to be held.

Even Sol didn’t complain about being snuggled between the two women.

“A lot of people die on this moon,” Maple said softly. “We lost River’s father on the journey to find these caves. There is no shame in it. Only sadness for those left behind.”

Luna’s heart broke at that thought.

“Noxx didn’t die,” she managed. “He left us.”

“He what?” Maple asked, pulling back to look into Luna’s eyes.

“He’s a warrior,” Luna explained. “He was assigned to protect Sol. He’s not his father. Now he’s been assigned somewhere else.”

Maple’s eyebrows went up.

“So he’s not your mate?”

Luna felt the blood rush to her cheeks.

She looked down at Sol’s little face to avoid having to look at Maple as she answered the question.

“Actually, his dragon chose me as a mate,” she said. “But he didn’t want me, so he refused to accept it. He didn’t want any part of this life. He only wants to protect his home land. He didn’t sign up for any of this.”

“I didn’t think they could refuse the dragon,” Maple said. “Legend says the pain of losing a mate would rip them in half.”

“I don’t know if it’s like that for him,” Luna said. “But I know how I feel. It hurts so much. I miss him already.”

River began speaking with his graceful gestures. Now, instead of speaking quickly, he spoke slowly and purposefully.

“River says he will come back,” Maple said softly. “He says the dragon has great love for you and the child. He will not stay away.”

Luna smiled at River. He was a good boy with a kind heart.

But he was wrong about Noxx.

Just like she had been.









Luna awoke at first light.

The floor of the cave was painted pink with the brightening dawn.

Beside her on the furs, Maple was curled around Sol’s little form, with River spread out beside her.

The cave was still fragrant from the tea and their meal last night. It was pleasant in spite of the cold stone walls.

Any place is pleasant when a family lives there in happiness.

She stood and headed to the cradle, which they had placed in the corner last night. She rummaged until she found one of the cells of milk she had packed, but it still felt cold to the touch.

She used Maple’s fuel box to heat it and then scooped the sleeping baby up.

It would be better to wake him up and feed him than to let him wake up howling for a meal and disturb their hosts.

He cuddled into her arms and took the warm cell, happy enough to be awake so long as he was being held and fed.

Luna felt at peace.

She knew that she could live without Noxx. Her breakdown last night was shameful, but she was grateful to have friends to share her sorrow.

This morning’s light brought with it renewed happiness.

She and Sol had each other. And they had their new friends.

“Everything’s going to be okay,” she whispered to him, meaning it.

A loud rumbling sound from outside brought her out of her reverie.

A moment later, someone screamed.

River and Maple scrambled up, instantly awake and alert.

“Get back from the opening,” Maple told Luna quietly.

“Is it the beasts?” Luna asked.

“Yes,” Maple said, eyes wide. “The rumbling sound is their wings,”

“What do we do?” Luna asked.

“Hide, and try to stay quiet,” Maple said.

Luna’s heart pounded, but she carried Sol back to the corner and huddled among the furs with Maple and River.

Outside, there were more screams and shouts. The low rumble and buzz of wings filled the air.

Suddenly, the mouth of their cave was darkened.

Enormous, faceted onyx globes peeked in, each eye nearly as large as her own head.

The whir of its enormous golden wings fluttered the furs and lifted Luna’s hair as the beast extended a hook-like leg into the cave.

Beside Luna, Maple let out a loan moan as the thing pulled itself partway inside.

Now Luna could see the first segment of its body. It was like the hornets back home, but gigantic.

If this thing bit or stung them they would be killed. It would not need to rip them apart, though she was sure it would.

Fury rose in her chest.

“Hold him,” she murmured to Maple, handing the baby off.

“Luna, don’t,” Maple whimpered.

“I have to protect my baby,” Luna said.

She looked around the cave.

There was very little that could be used as a weapon.

She leapt up, thinking of her bag. There was a knife in it that she could try using if the thing got too close.

The creature made a screaming buzz as she moved.

She dragged her bag out of the cradle and spilled its contents on the floor.

The small blade was in a purple pouch, which she grabbed and then turned to face the beast.

“Shoo,” she exclaimed, hoping it might respond to the universal insect scolding sound.

It stopped buzzing for a moment.

“Shoo,” she repeated, moving toward it menacingly.

Instantly it began buzzing and screaming again. The hooklike arms were scraping at the cave floor incessantly. It was determined to get in. And it wouldn’t be long before it did.

She grabbed a pan from the stove, preferring to die fighting than to stand foolishly around waiting for it.

Luna took a deep breath and rushed the opening, brandishing the pan over her head.

Unbelievably, the thing paused and then scrambled as if to escape.

Had she really frightened the monster away?

Pride bloomed in her chest.

“It’s the cradle,” Maple murmured. “It must think you’re one of its kind, with a baby flying behind you.

Luna glanced back at the cradle.

Hovering in the air, with the black and yellow blanket, it almost looked like a baby hornet.

The beast in the opening finally managed to shove itself backward and fly away.

Luna stood at the center of the room, panting, the pan hanging from her hand.

Then Sol began to cry.

“You were so brave,” Maple said, as Luna traded her the pan for the baby.

The screams continued outside, from others who had not been so lucky.

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