Home > Darkblood Prison : Demon At Large - Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 3(20)

Darkblood Prison : Demon At Large - Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 3(20)
Author: G.K. DeRosa

“I can only imagine how confusing this must all be for you.”

I pressed my fingertips to my temples as the beginnings of a headache thrummed. “One last thing, before my head explodes: Lucifer. The prince of Hell is my paternal grandfather, but no one has mentioned much about him. Thax told me the truth about who he was to me; actually, it was the only thing he didn’t lie about, but that’s all I know.”

“You and Luci, as you call him, have a special relationship. As you can imagine, the king of the Underworld is a rather busy man, and yet, he’s always seemed to find time for you. After knowing your family for so many years now, I can say there aren’t many others I could say the same for. Ryder included.”

“So he and my dad aren’t close?”

“Not really.”

Interesting. Thax’s ultimate goal was to take over Lucifer’s throne. He’d painted him as a tyrant who cared little of his bastard children or grandchildren.

“He came to see you here, actually,” Logan added. “As soon as you called, he came running.”

A swirl of unexplainable happiness filled my insides. “Do you think we could get him to come again?”

He shrugged. “I had a hard time finding him when you were missing, but perhaps I’ll have better luck now. Give me some time to locate him, and I’ll let you know as soon as I hear back.”

“Thanks, Logan. I know you say I’m like family to you, but to me, it feels like a stranger going out of their way to help me out.”

The warden reached for my shoulder, tentatively, at first. I didn’t shirk back so he went for it with a gentle squeeze. “It won’t be like this forever, Azara. We’ll get this straightened out, you’ll see. If anyone can help, it’s Garrix, and like Lucifer, you hold a special place in his heart.” He paused, a smile hitching up the corner of his lip. “I can’t imagine why.”

“Thanks, warden.”

“Now, down to business.” His smile faded, and a somber expression pinched his lips. “You seem to be doing better with keeping your demon in check. No appearances since your training session with Vander the other day?”

“Nope. I mean, I can feel her, but she hasn’t been able to take over.”

“So, no blackouts?”

I shook my head.


“The guys mentioned the director of the SIA… What are we going to do when he finds out I’m back?”

He released a long breath and grunted. “I’m not sure yet. Maxim is a straight shooter, and I hate keeping him in the dark like this but turning you in isn’t an option. Not until we come up with a plan to keep you from a life sentence at Darkblood Prison.”

I gulped. We’d break out of here before daybreak. My demon’s raspy voice echoed in my mind.

“I’ll figure something out, I promise. As long as you keep your demon in check, I’ll handle the SIA.”

“Thanks. Again.”

Logan waved off my gratitude with a warm smile before glancing up at the clock over the huge bay windows with sweeping mountain views. “I’m sorry, but I have to go. Weekly meeting with my corrections officers.”

I slowly stood and backpedaled out of his office. A part of me hated leaving, hated the feeling of losing my demon as soon as I crossed the threshold and the fortress’s magic drained the life out of her.

But tomorrow was another day, and for the first time in as long as I could remember, I was hopeful. Hopeful that Garrix would find a cure for my amnesia, hopeful that Logan would get me out of this prison before gray hair started coming in and hopeful that the gaping hole in my chest would finally be filled.



Chapter Twelve



“Any murderous urges yet?” Vander loomed over me as I sucked in ragged breaths.

The mat on the training room floor was covered in sweat and blood – mostly mine. I pushed up and launched myself at the stupid grinning werewolf.

He chuckled as I rammed into his gut and sent him sprawling onto his back. He slid across the wet mat, that silly grin still plastered on his face.

“What’s so funny?” I growled as I straddled him.

“You’re kinda cute when you get all worked up.” A spark of amber lit up his hazel irises as he grinned up at me.

An unfamiliar warmth swirled through my insides. I’d been training with Vander for days, and despite the new freedom to use my powers, my she-demon hadn’t made an appearance. I felt her surge to the surface on a few occasions, but I’d been able to control her soul-sucking urges. It was odd curbing her appetite after allowing her free rein for so long.

Vander had grown on me, and maybe her too. I supposed it was like with Lumi back at Thax’s castle. I’d never tried to eat her either.

“Earth to Azara, come in Azara…”

I shook the thoughts of the past aside and stared down at Vander. “We were friends, right?”

His lips puckered, and the sparkle waned. “For the short time you knew I existed.”

“You care about me though…” It was meant to be a question, but it didn’t come out that way because somehow, I already knew the answer.

He nodded, his lips pressed in a tight line. He didn’t say anything for a few long moments as I strained to remember anything about this man. Though he’d told me our story, I was certain there were parts I was still missing.

A sharp pain drove through my skull, and I couldn’t help the cry from erupting through my clenched lips. I squeezed my fingers to my temples to drown out the throbbing, but it only intensified.

“Azara, are you okay?” His muffled words were drowned out by the banging in my skull.

I shook my head and gritted my teeth to keep from screaming. The headaches had gone from bad to worse. The longer I was without that potion, the more severe the migraines became. If they got any worse, I’d have to sneak back into my cousin’s castle to retrieve it. The prison healer had attempted a few concoctions, but they were nothing like Remy’s.

A loud bang jerked my attention to the entrance of the training room. Talon filled the doorway, the door rattling on its hinges as it bounced against the wall.

I was still straddling Vander, and at some point, his hands must have moved to cup my cheeks. The initial panic in Talon’s blazing eyes was replaced with something harder, more feral as his gaze raked over us.

Vander scrambled to his feet, helping me stand as I pressed my palms to my head. “Another headache,” he muttered to his dragon brother.

The hard clench of Talon’s jaw released, and he marched behind the counter. Shuffling through the drawers, he popped up a minute later with Fiona’s pain potion. He tossed it at me, barely sparing me a glance.

“Thanks.” I sucked down the small vial of purple liquid as my skull continued to throb. We sat in an uncomfortable silence for the next few minutes until the pain finally began to wane. I released the breath I’d been holding and grabbed my water bottle from the floor. This potion always left a nasty taste in my mouth. “So who do I have to bribe to take me back to Thax’s castle so I can get Remy’s magical headache brew?”

Talon grunted. “We’re not using SIA resources for such a risky and ridiculous mission.”

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