Home > Darkblood Prison : Demon At Large - Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 3(39)

Darkblood Prison : Demon At Large - Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 3(39)
Author: G.K. DeRosa

The sound of approaching footsteps sent me darting to the door. I pressed my nose to the glass to make out my late-night visitor. When the shadow came to view, I stepped back from the entrance and muttered a string of curses.

Vander swept his wrist over the scanner, and the door whooshed open.

Dammit. I did not need this right now. Or maybe, he was my ticket out of here. “I hope you’ve got the keys to these bad boys.” I raised my cuffed hands and plastered a smile on my face.

“Nope, sorry.” He kept his eyes to the ground, and a pang of guilt crashed over me. Did he know my demon had taken over the night of moon fest? I knew Vander had genuine feelings for me and despite everything, I thought I did too. “I’ve been released from SIA purgatory for babysitting duties.”

“Seriously?” I shot him a glare.

“Yup. Talon came and got me himself.”

“You really got in trouble for uh—the other night?” My eyes chased to the floor, focusing on a snaking crack along the concrete.

“I behaved unprofessionally when I should’ve been protecting my mark.”

“But wait, the SIA doesn’t even know I’m here.”

“It was imposed by my team leader,” he muttered.

“I’m really sorry, Vander. I don’t really remember much from that night—or any nights these days.”

He shrugged, a shy smile tilting up the corners of his mouth. “Yeah, Talon told me. It’s probably best that way.”

I toed at the interesting crack on the floor, ignoring the five-ton elephant in the room. We’d had a major make out session, and I couldn’t even remember it. How messed up was that?

He inched closer, and I made the mistake of lifting my gaze to his. Warm hazel irises sent another pang of guilt through my chest. “This doesn’t have to be awkward,” he finally said. “I know things are really complicated for you right now, and I didn’t mean to make them worse. I never should’ve--”

I nodded, chewing on the inside of my cheek to keep my jaw busy. I didn’t want to say something stupid.

“Anyway, I’m glad Talon called me in so we could finally clear the air. I’m not his favorite person right now, and I’m okay with not being yours either. I wanted to apologize too. I didn’t mean to take advantage of you while you were drinking—”

My hand flew up to cut him off. From what I remembered before everything went demon black, it had been my lusty she-demon who’d started things. “Please don’t apologize. Let’s just pretend it never happened.”

A hint of sadness streaked through his expressive irises, and I regretted my poor choice of words, but it was the truth. I just wanted to forget everything from the past few months, which was ironic since I couldn’t remember most of it.

A weak smile returned to Vander’s face, and he folded down onto my bed. “So… want to play a boardgame or something?”

Crap. For a second I’d been so distracted, I’d completely forgotten about breaking out of here. Was that why Talon had sent Vander? He thought he could keep me busy and forget all about the mission? Sneaky bastard!

I stared at Vander’s silver cuff. It was exactly what I needed to break out of my cell. Then I just needed to sneak into Logan’s office for the key to my magic-siphoning shackles. Once they were off, I was home free.

Should I just come clean? Maybe he’d help willingly, and I wouldn’t have to knock him out. I already felt guilty enough around him. I steeled my nerves and spat it out. “Vander, I need your help getting out of here.”

His eyes widened and he whipped his head back and forth, spilling tendrils of dirty blonde hair over his forehead. “I can’t, Azara. Talon already hates me. He’d never forgive me if I let you out and something happened.”

“Then come with me. You can make sure nothing bad happens.” I sat beside him and leaned in, pressing my boobs to his chest. I was so bad. But there was nothing I wouldn’t do to get to Thax’s castle tonight.

He let out a strangled breath. “I can’t.”

“Please, Vander. I’ll do anything. You don’t understand what Thax did to me. He and Remy tortured me for months. The horrible nightmares have started now that my memories are coming back. I need to be the one to kill him, and only you can help me do that.” I cupped his cheek, stroking his stubbly beard. “Once it’s over, I can finally get on with my life. I can start over and maybe even find happiness again.”

Guilt ate at my insides as he stared longingly at me. I was going to hell for this.

“Azara, Talon is my brother. I already screwed him over. I’m not sure he’ll ever forgive me and if I do this, it’s only another nail in my coffin.”

“Ugh!” I leapt off my bed and snarled. “I’m sorry, Vander. I really am, but you left me no choice.” Bending down, I grabbed the dagger under my bed and smashed the hilt into the side of his head.

His eyes widened for a second before his body crumpled to the ground. “I really am sorry,” I whispered. As I yanked his hulking form toward the scanner, I cursed myself for knocking him out so far away from the door. Stretching his arm out, I waved his wrist at the sleek device, and my cell swished open.

“I’m coming for you, Thax.”



My stomach churned as I darted down the dark passageway. The odor of muddy earth and dampness filled my nostrils and memories of my escape from Thax’s other subterranean fortress swam across my mind. What if he captures me again?

We won’t let that happen. Ever. My she-demon’s voice echoed in my mind. Now freed from my magic-restraining handcuffs, she lingered just below the surface. I didn’t mind right now. I needed her close by in case things got dicey.

My heart pounded in tune with the slap of my boots on the hard-packed earth the closer I got. According to the map I’d found in Logan’s office, the door to the basement-slash-dungeon torture chamber was right around the corner.

Cold sweat dribbled down my spine as I reached for the metal door at the end of the passageway. You can do this, Azara. My fingers closed around the handle, and I jerked it open. Peering through the crack, I scanned the dark corridor. I’d been here too. Tortured within these very walls. Maybe the oracle had been right after all, Thax. I’m coming for you.

I crept through the doorway and extinguished the magical light I’d conjured. I’d have to rely on my enhanced demon sight for the remainder of the journey. I visualized the castle’s blueprint and turned to the right. If I knew Talon, he’d go straight for the throne room.

What about Delacroix? How would he come into play? He’d definitely be the wild card of the mission. I picked up my pace at the thought of the hellus demon. I couldn’t let him get to Thax before I did.

The lower-level corridors were quiet—too quiet. The sound of my thundering heart echoed across my eardrums as I reached the stairs. Where were all the guards? I huddled in the murky stairwell, straining to hear. Memories of the last time I was here flitted across my mind, but I shoved them back. No time for reminiscing now, Azara.

I raced up the steps and scanned the silent halls. If the guys were here, where the hells were they? I waited for the clash of weapons, screams, beastly growls—anything. Something was wrong.

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