Home > Darkblood Prison : Demon At Large - Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 3(51)

Darkblood Prison : Demon At Large - Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 3(51)
Author: G.K. DeRosa

My head shook wildly from side to side. “You can’t, Dad. The director of the SIA doesn’t even know I’m back here. Logan, Talon and all the other guys would get in major trouble for hiding me.”

“Then I’ll say I found you and keep them out of it.”

I drew in a deep breath, and my eyes found Talon’s. “I’m not ready to go back, Dad.”

“What do you mean, sweetie?” Mom turned to me, her inquisitive gaze darting back and forth between the skulking dragon and me.

“Remember how Dad’s demon got out of control when you guys were at the academy?”

Her lips thinned, and my dad’s expression darkened. “I’ll never forget,” she finally murmured.

“Then you’ll understand that I don’t want to hurt anyone else and if I’m free, I’m worried it’ll happen again.”

Dad bent down in front of me, his strong hands cupping my cheeks. “I won’t let that happen to you, Azara. I love you more than anything, and I can teach you how to control your demon just like I have. I should’ve done that in the first place instead of sending you to Emi. I thought I was protecting you from the truth but… This is my fault.”

I shook my head. “No, it’s not Dad. No one could’ve known what would happen.” I paused, and my tattoo caught my eye as I fidgeted. “Plus, there’s the other little problem of my warlock side.”

Mom’s eyes widened in horror. “No…”


She glanced from Talon to Logan and back, her eyes still huge.

“Don’t worry about them. They both know, and they’ve sworn to keep my secret.”

“Azara, I don’t feel comfortable with this at all,” Dad interjected. “We’ll take you somewhere, anywhere but here. We’ll get you the help you need.”

“I’m getting help here, Dad. I’m doing a lot better.” My gaze flickered to Talon again, and he gave me a reassuring smile. Whenever I was around my parents, I felt like a child again. But I wasn’t, not for a while now.

Again, my mom’s gaze trailed mine, and a knowing expression crossed her face. “We just want to protect you, Azara.”

“So do I.” Talon stepped forward, his arms crossed tight against his chest. “I vowed to protect your daughter, and I mean to keep my word. I’ve got my guys scouring the Underworld and all the houses of Azar for Thax. We’ll find him, and we’ll make him pay for what he did. I swear it.”

Dad’s brows furrowed, but my mom snaked her arm around his waist. I caught her fingers squeezing his side with a gentle pinch. Dad liked to pretend he was the boss, but we all knew she was the one who ran the household.

“It looks like Azara is in good hands here, Ryder.”

My dad grumbled something under his breath, but I couldn’t quite make it out.

Talon turned to Dad and extended his hand once again. “I swear to keep you up to date with my findings. And if we need your help, I won’t hesitate to reach out. Sir. You really inspired me. It was because of you that I fought so hard to get where I am today with the SIA. I swear I won’t let you down.”

Dad mumbled an okay and shook Talon’s hand. A ridiculous grin lit up the dragon’s face, and I clapped my hand over my mouth to keep the giggle from sneaking out. Wow, he totally had a man crush on my dad.

Mom turned to Logan, who sat quietly at his desk. No doubt Dad had reamed the gargoyle out when he’d finally contacted him. “Is there somewhere private we can spend some time with Azara, at least?”

“Of course. A few of the staff’s quarters on the third floor are empty. Feel free to stay and visit as long as you want.” He pressed the button on his com and called for Actaeon to escort us to the upper level.

Each of my parents wrapped an arm around me as we turned toward the door. “We missed you so much,” my mom whispered.

“I missed you guys too.”

When Actaeon appeared in the doorway, Talon moved in step behind us.

Dad spun around and waggled his finger. “I’ve got this, dragon boy.”

“With all due respect, I promised to remain by Azara’s side twenty-four-seven, and I don’t plan on going back on my word.”

My heart thudded against my ribs as I regarded my dad and my I-don’t-know-what standing chest to chest. Growing up, I’d been convinced my father was the strongest, fiercest man in the world, but Talon was half a head bigger than him.

“I’ll stay outside the room,” Talon added as Dad stared slack jawed.

“I think that’s fair,” my mom interjected. She tugged on my dad’s arm and pulled him through the doorway. I hung back to wait for Talon, and she tossed me a smile over her shoulder.

“Thanks, Mom,” I mouthed.

Talon held the door open for me as I followed behind my parents, my heart too big to fit in my chest.

“Thank you,” I whispered to Talon.

“Don’t thank me, it’s my job.”

I threw him a good eye roll. “You totally have a man-crush on my dad.”

He laughed a deep belly laugh, one that shook his shoulders and revealed that elusive dimple. “I can’t believe Ryder Strong is your father.” He clucked his tongue as he shook his head, grinning. Bending down to reach my ear, he whispered, “I didn’t think it was possible but now that I’ve met your family, I want you even more.”



Chapter Twenty-Nine



“Well, I think this is a first in a long while, all three gorgeous men of the Triad along with their cutey she-demon sidekick.” Flix grinned a megawatt smile as he sashayed over to our table in the rec room. The steady hum of conversations buzzed across the big room and filled me with an odd yet soothing sense of familiarity.

“Nice to see you too, Flix.” I pulled out the chair beside me and motioned for him to sit as Hayden and Dallas waved. Talon barely spared him a head nod, but at least it was something. “Where’s Valeria?”

He shrugged and folded into the seat, crossing his long legs. “Not sure. I haven’t seen her all day.” He scanned the table and pivoted toward me. “You all seem abnormally cheery. No tension muddling the air today?”

Talon leaned over, peering around me. “If you want tension, I’ll give you tension, pixie boy.”

“Ignore him.” I propped my elbow on the table and rested my head on my palm to block Talon from our conversation. “I am cheery today, Flix. And nothing my grumpy friend here says is going to ruin that.” I shot Talon a wink over my shoulder.

He grunted and threw a card down on the pile.

“King!” Dallas shouted triumphantly.

“Hey, that’s not fair. I was distracted.” I dropped my hand of cards and muttered a curse. “I’m never going to get this stupid game.”

“I’m sure Talon wouldn’t mind tutoring you in his free time.” Dallas smirked as he gathered all the cards into a neat pile.

“What free time?” Hayden interjected. “He’s attached to Azara twenty-four-seven.”

“Exactly why he should be tutoring her instead of—”

Talon shot Dallas a glare that cut him off midsentence and sent icicles shooting up my spine. “Enough,” he grumbled. “Just deal the next hand.”

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