Home > Magnus the Vast (Dokiri Brides # 4)(39)

Magnus the Vast (Dokiri Brides # 4)(39)
Author: Denali Day

Nadine wasn’t about to be seen slinking behind her men after this beast had suggested they hide her away. She stood still as stone as she answered her second. “Say what you must, Lanta.”

Nadine didn’t like the way his eyes flicked to their men around them. They seemed to sense his reservations, and quickly made a show of turning their bodies outward as though that would give the two some privacy. Only the rumbling echoes throughout the cave gave any sense of anonymity to Samar’s hushed words as he leaned near her ear. “What’s our recourse if the Nozverak refuse to lead us?”

Nadine swallowed over the angry lump in her throat and glared out at the underground beasts, who were paying no attention to Erik in favor of arguing among one another. “If the Dokiri stand with us, we have enough to overtake them. The trick will be identifying which know the way to the Soul Thieves’ lair,” she said. And trusting them not to lead us into a trap.

Samar grunted and made a face that reflected her own feelings. That was a chakva plan. Relying on hostages to lead them into an unknown and hostile territory was akin to a lamb asking a lion for directions to a dinner party.

Samar bit at the inside of his cheek. “We can take our chances on our own.”

Nadine grimaced. That plan didn’t sound much better. The Dokiri had no plans to come with them, save for Erik and Magnus. Erik because of his relationship with the Nozverak king and Magnus because of his relationship with Nadine. The sky-riders had played their part in this mission. Their hulking forms and hacking axes would be no help underground. Without the Nozverak, that left only Ebron. Would a single, pared-down company with no one to guide them make it far?

Samar seemed to follow the path of her thoughts. Or perhaps he was one step ahead of her, because when he spoke next, his words were careful, but clear. “There’s another option.”

Nadine raised her brows. “I’m all ears.”

He swallowed. “You can entrust me with the Eye.”

Nadine stared at him. No. Not Samar. Not the man who’d stood beside her since she was a naked little girl. Taken her hand and promised her the death of all those who’d wronged her. Those same dark eyes looked at her now with conspiracy. With ambition. She cocked her head back as though to shake it, but couldn’t quite manage the gesture.

Samar hurried to speak before she could. “It’s obvious the Dokiri were less than forthcoming with us. They’ve known for weeks that you would be leading this mission. But they’ve waited until just now to tell them?”

Nadine knew what he was doing. He was trying to displace her anger, likely onto Magnus, judging by the way he cast squinted eyes in the barbarian’s direction. But Magnus wasn’t the one suggesting she give up her birthright. Magnus wasn’t the one who should know better. Magnus wasn’t her friend.

Samar went on. “You’ve done all you can do, Captain. More than anyone would have expected. More than—”

She cut him off. “Why? Because I’m just a woman?”

“Yes!” Azolirum’s voice boomed from across the cave.

Nadine turned, half-startled and half-certain the creature hadn’t been privy to all but her last comment. He did that odd twisting of his neck again. The rowdy throng at his back clamored for his next words. “We don’t follow females. We don’t fight beside females. You’re all fools.”

Erik got in front of Azolirum. “The Ebronians choose their own leaders, my friend. It is not up to us to decide.”

Azolirum snorted. The sound was deep and heavy, like it had come from the lungs of a great bull. “They are weak to follow her. We would be weak to fight with them.” He fixed silver eyes on Erik. “As you must be.”

This time, the rumble throughout the cave came from all sides. It was accompanied by the sound of lancets unhooking from leather belts. Nadine was mortified. Only the firm instinct that she must maintain control of her men kept her emotions in check, else the situation would erupt. She threw back her fist and bit out a command in her mother tongue that warned her company to remain at ease. If anyone’s pride was at stake, it was hers. If she could control herself, those at her back damn well would.

“Captain.” Samar spit out the word between clenched teeth. Nadine could see from the corner of her eye that he leaned forward, his gaze fixed in hatred upon the creature that was supposed to be their ally.

Nadine squeezed her fists. It took everything in her not to scream with frustration. How the hell was she going to fix this? Her head was spinning.

Magnus’s voice cut through the cacophony. “I fought beside her.” He stepped forward from the clustered Dokiri. The clamor dampened throughout the cave as every head turned to focus on him. Magnus’s words remained serious. “She slaughtered a scatta on the side of the mountain. I can swear I was no weaker for having her at my side.” His eyes flicked toward Nadine for the briefest of moments before he added, “Though my pride might’ve suffered for not landing the killing blow.”

The Nozverak muttered indistinctly, a steep improvement from their teeth gnashing and growling. Nadine glared at Magnus from across the common area. What was his game? Confusion sloshed around in her stomach, throwing her off balance when Azolirum boomed with laughter.

“I remember you from when we were prisoners in that pit, little nozturel.”

Nadine blinked. Was the beast talking to Magnus? Little?

He went on. “I tore a mangy blood-seeker off your back before it had time to hump you. Praise from your hairy mouth means nothing.” He paused before adding with a rumbling laugh, “You wept like a babe when your lover was taken from you.”

Nadine’s head whipped back toward Magnus. Lover? What in Yudvir’s Forge was he talking about? Whatever it was, it made the Dokiri standing nearby exchange uneasy glances. Magnus, on the other hand, stood completely still. His easy smile was gone, replaced with an expression so unreadable Nadine felt she was looking at him for the first time. Silence filled the cave as everyone waited for what would happen next.

Magnus tilted his head to one side, and his mouth stretched into a thin smile. “Do your kind like to wager?”

Azolirum straightened and flashed his white fangs in what could have been a menacing version of a grin. “A wager with my kind is a promise to pay.”

Magnus nodded once. “Then we’re sitting at the same fire.”

Some of the Nozverak and Dokiri chuckled at the exchange between the two, while most watched with an air of wariness. Erik pressed his tongue into his cheek and made his way over to stand at his brother’s side. Nadine’s skin prickled and her belly quickened. The uncertainty of the moment had her holding her breath.

Magnus scanned the assembled Nozverak before settling his gaze on Azolirum. “Is it true you’re led by the strongest of your kind?”

The horde king nodded.

“So that would be you?”

The beast smiled. “Clever creature.”

Magnus clicked his tongue. “And I say that this woman”—he pointed at Nadine—“is strong enough to serve her purpose. To lead her men. To fight beside me.” He fixed his gaze squarely on Azolirum. “What does it say about her if I can best you?”

The cave erupted.

There might have been laughter mixed in with the ruckus that rose up, but mostly it was chaos. Pure, rageful, chaos. The Nozverak stomped their feet. They clenched their fists and pounded them down on the ground. They were no longer swatting at invisible flies around their horns. Instead they rammed them together, the resulting crashes cracking like thunder throughout the cavernous walls. Only Azolirum was still, save for the rise and fall of his shoulders that had gone deep and heavy, much like the bull Nadine had already compared him to in her mind. A bull, just before it charged whatever fool had been sorry enough to provoke it.

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