Home > The Segonian (Aldebarian Alliance #2)(14)

The Segonian (Aldebarian Alliance #2)(14)
Author: Dianne Duvall

“Rumors abound that she went to Earth against her king’s wishes and…”

“And?” she prompted.

“She was captured and tortured by Earthlings.”

“Yep. Ami came to our planet in peace, seeking an alliance, and the dumbasses in power decided that torturing her would be smarter. Fortunately, Seth and David found her and rescued her. Then Seth pretty much adopted her and loves her like a daughter.” She smiled. “Like you, Ami can’t lie worth a damn.”

Masculine chuckles sounded softly from the bridge.

“In my defense,” Dagon said with what sounded like consternation, “you seem to be the only one who can read me so well.”

Her smile widened. “Don’t worry. Honesty is a good thing. I like that I can trust you.” She sighed. The heat that had dogged her seemed to drain out of her alongside her blood, leaving a chill behind.

“Who is Leah?” Dagon asked after a while.

“Seth’s wife. They just married a few months ago.” Amusement rose. “I’m so glad he found her. She is exactly what he needed.”

“He needed a woman capable of kicking him in the ass?” he asked, his voice puzzled.

She laughed, then sucked in a sharp breath as pain knifed through her chest.


Though she didn’t verbally acknowledge it, the concern in his voice soothed her. “She won’t really kick him in the ass. That’s just an Earth saying.” She thought of Seth and Leah and how they behaved when they were together. “She makes him happy. Seth has been taking care of the rest of us for so long and helping us find whatever happiness or contentment we can that I think he forgot to do the same for himself. I don’t remember ever seeing him laugh as much as he does with Leah. She’s perfect for him.”

Cold seeped into her fingers and toes, then crept up her limbs. A shiver shook her.

“Eliana? What is it?” He must have heard something in her breath.

“Nothing.” She tried to keep her voice steady. “I’m just a little cold.”

“Are the environmental controls in your suit failing?”

“No. They’re fine.” Her head spun dizzily. “I think it’s…” What had she been talking about? “I think it’s just the blood loss.”

“Your wounds have reopened?”

Crap. Why had she said that? “I’m fine,” she lied again and fumbled about for a distraction. “Did I tell you Seth and Leah got married recently?”


She had?

Oh well. “It was a beautiful ceremony.” She stared at the stars outside her visor and remembered the lights that had illuminated the wedding guests at the nocturnal ceremony. “Every one of my brethren attended.” She smiled. “I never thought I’d see us all come together in one place like that, but somehow Seth managed it. Zach conducted the ceremony. I don’t know him that well, but I like him. He’s helped me out of a bind and healed my wounds several times. And Leah looked lovely.” She chuckled despite the pain it evoked. “The children were adorable.” Little Adira and Michael had sparked much laughter when they had raced each other up the aisle while executing their duties as flower girl and ring bearer. “After the ceremony, Seth and Leah danced to one of my favorite songs. It was like something out of a fairy tale.” Their eyes had only been on each other as they had waltzed to “At Last.” And the love they bore each other had been so clear, so strong, that it had brought tears to Eliana’s eyes.

“Is that the song they danced to?” Dagon asked.

Eliana blinked, surprised to realize she had been humming it. “Yes.”

“Will you sing it for me?”

She smiled as weariness washed over her. “I’m no Etta James.”

“I don’t know what that means.”

“I can’t sing it the way she does.”

“Then sing it the way you do when you’re alone.”

Eliana figured she only had a few minutes before she lost consciousness, so… why not? If going into stasis didn’t work, using up an extra three minutes of oxygen would make little difference in the end.

Softly, she began to sing. And as she did, her fear fell away. She really did love the song and now would forever associate it with one of her happiest memories, that of Seth dancing with the woman he loved.

Her eyelids grew heavy.

Her heartbeat slowed.

Then slowed some more.

And more.

The song ended.

“That was beautiful,” Dagon said, his voice hushed.

“Thank you.”

The world grew quiet. Eliana couldn’t even hear her own breathing.

She did still breathe, didn’t she? Did her heart still beat?

She closed her eyes, unable to keep them open any longer.

“Dagon?” she murmured.

“Yes, Eliana.”

“Don’t forget me.”

“I won’t,” he promised.

Darkness enveloped her.


Dagon raced through the corridor. His heart pounded, but he couldn’t tell if it was with dread or excitement.

They had heard nothing from Eliana for three weeks, not since she had sung her favorite Earth song in a soft, sultry voice that still haunted him.

Racing around a curve, he nearly plowed into two crewmen who hastily scampered out of his way.

Driven by the need to confirm she still lived, Dagon had called her name a week ago and received no response. She had warned him she wouldn’t be able to answer if she tried whatever it was she had tried, but…

What had she done? When she had expressed such unease about the course she intended to take in an attempt to slow her heartbeat even more and live longer, he had deceived her. She had asked Janek to cut communications for ten minutes. Dagon had instead instructed him to mute her end and the bridge’s end and only let him listen.

A muscle jumped in his jaw.

It had sounded as if she’d hurt herself, something her later reference to blood loss seemed to confirm. But how would worsening her wounds help her live longer?

She had mentioned being hot prior to taking the disturbing action. Had fever driven her into delirium? Had some hallucination tricked her into believing that speeding toward death would instead stave it off?

Bypassing the lift, he ducked into a ladder well and swiftly climbed up two floors.

A moment later he burst onto the bridge. “Where is she?”

Galen pointed to the view of the stars that stretched before them.

In the distance, he could barely make out small pieces of debris. “You’re sure she’s there?”

Janek nodded. “I’m not hearing anything from her, but I have confirmed her comm signal is coming from that area.”

Dagon took his seat and struggled for patience. “Reduce speed. Approach with care.” Though he wanted nothing more than to hurtle toward Eliana at top speed, he didn’t want to accidentally plow into her in his haste. “Barus, assemble the team.”

He had discussed the logistics of retrieving her with his second-in-command. Both believed they should heed the Yona’s warning and exercise extreme caution.

Barus left the bridge.

The ship crept closer to the debris.

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