Home > The Segonian (Aldebarian Alliance #2)(70)

The Segonian (Aldebarian Alliance #2)(70)
Author: Dianne Duvall


Face grim, Ziv’ri looked at Eliana. Because they will use Ava to force his compliance.

Her lips parted. “What?”

If they torture her in front of him, he will do anything and kill anyone to stop it. If that means taking down every man on this ship with a senshi…

Eliana turned wide eyes brimming with emotion up to Dagon’s.

Resting a hand on her back, he frowned at Ziv’ri. “Why hasn’t he already used a senshi to bring down the Gathendiens? Why haven’t you both? Would that not have ended the torture and secured your freedom?”

Ziv’ri started to shake his head halfway through the first question. The Gathendiens have dosed themselves with galaris. It is how we learned it could prevent a senshi from inflicting lethal damage. It will still be painful, but not cripplingly so. Our early attempts to free ourselves with senshi did not succeed and sparked vicious beatings that took us close to death.

When they brought Ava on board and began… experimenting on her, we tried again, targeting the guards who opened our cells. We were both willing to risk our lives if it would help Ava secure her freedom. But our efforts failed. And this time… He swallowed hard. Instead of torturing us, they made us watch as they tortured her. His silver eyes glistened with moisture. I thought it would drive my brother mad. He shook his head. We have not attempted to escape since. He turned his gaze upon Eliana, then sucked in a surprised breath.

Dagon glanced down at her.

Eliana’s pretty brown eyes glowed bright amber with fury as she stared at the Purveli. Her small hands curled into fists. The knuckles on her undamaged hand whitened. A crack sounded, startlingly loud in the quiet infirmary, as the stabilizer on her injured hand shattered, the pieces falling to the floor with a clatter.

Dagon rested a hand on her lower back and spoke softly to Adaos. “Dose him with nahalae, then see if you can confirm the efficacy of the galaris.”

“Yes, Commander.”

Curling his arm around Eliana’s waist, he guided her stiff form out of the infirmary.


As soon as the door closed behind them, Eliana shook off Dagon’s hold and began to pace back and forth with swift strides. Fury pounded through her, compounded by a helplessness that only made her angrier.

“They’re torturing her, Dagon,” she growled.

“I know,” he acknowledged softly.

She shook her head as she clenched and unclenched her teeth. “Ava isn’t like me. She isn’t a warrior. She doesn’t have preternatural strength. She isn’t used to pain, to being stabbed or cut or suffering broken bones. She’s lived a sheltered life.” Even more so than most mortals who managed to escape the violence that pervaded society.

Ava’s parents had been gifted ones, too. They had known how dangerous it would be for Ava’s telepathic abilities to become known, how she would be hunted by those who sought to use her for their own gain or study her like a lab rat. So until she was old enough to understand she shouldn’t respond to other people’s thoughts, just what they spoke aloud, Ava had lived a very isolated life. And like most telepaths, she had continued to isolate herself as an adult so she wouldn’t constantly be bombarded by other people’s thoughts when they were awake or their dreams when they slept.

Eliana shook her head as she stared up at Dagon. “Ava is sweet and kind and—” Her breath hiccupped on a sob as tears welled in her eyes. Swallowing hard, she forced herself to stop her restless movements. “They’re torturing her, Dagon. They’re hurting her. And we don’t even know how long they’ve had her.”

Closing the distance between them, he drew her into a tight embrace. “We’ll get her back, milessia,” he vowed, cupping the back of her head and stroking her hair. “We’ll rescue Ava. Then we’ll deliver the punishment the Gathendiens deserve.”

Wrapping her arms around him, she burrowed closer and squeezed him tightly enough to cut off his breath. “Yes, we will. An eye for an eye.”

He rested his chin atop her head, his big warm body such a comfort to her. “What?”

“Some religious scriptures on Earth call for an eye-for-an-eye justice,” she murmured. “If a man blinds another man, then he should be blinded. If a man breaks another man’s arm, then his arm should be broken. If a man kills another man, then he should be killed.” Grim determination suffused her as she leaned back and looked up at him. “They inflicted pain upon Ava. And Ziv’ri. And his brother. So I will inflict pain upon them.”

He loosened his hold and cupped her face, his thumbs sweeping away some of the moisture that trailed down her cheeks. No condemnation marred his gaze, nor did he appear to consider her tears evidence of weakness. “We all will, Eliana. We will all ensure the Gathendiens experience the same pain they administered. Justice will be served.”

Emotion threatened to swamp her. She was so damn grateful to have Dagon in her life now, to have found him against such astounding odds. Reaching up, she curled a hand around the nape of his neck and drew him down to claim his lips in a hard kiss that conveyed gratitude, determination, and caring all at once.

Fire raced through her body as he wrapped his arms around her and drew her up onto her toes, locking her form to his.

She broke the kiss on a gasp. “So we’re in this together?”

“We’re in this together,” he confirmed, leaving no doubt of his commitment.

She kissed him again, her heart pounding with burgeoning love for him. “When we confront the Gathendiens, you aren’t going to insist that you and the guys go in—guns blazing—while I remain behind, are you?”

“Drek no.”

She studied him intently. “Really?”

He nodded. “After seeing the strength you displayed earlier and the skills you exhibited while training with my men, not to mention the amazing speed you revealed while leaping up to the escape pod’s hatch…” His lips quirked up. “I’m not at all reluctant to admit you’re our greatest asset, Eliana. Unless you object to us using you as a weapon the way the Gathendiens may try to use Ziv’ri’s brother…”

“Srul no, I don’t object,” she declared, thrilled that he valued her skills. “Point me in the right direction, and I’ll wreak bloody havoc. Just promise me you’ll get Ava to safety.”

“I will do everything I can to bring her to safety, Eliana. You have my word.”

The infirmary door slid up.

Maarev poked his head out. He glanced up and down the hallway, inspected the walls, then focused on the two of them, still standing in each other’s arms. He arched a brow. “Just thought I’d check to see if Eliana was out here punching more holes in the walls. We have a wager going.”

Eliana offered him a wry smile. “No. Dagon calmed me down.”

A twinkle of amusement entered the warrior’s eyes as he stepped out. “So I see. With a hug apparently.”

Liden joined them in the hallway. A boyish grin lit his rugged features as he held out his arms. “Need any more calming down?”

She laughed… even as a low growl of irritation rumbled up from Dagon’s throat. “No, thank you.” Reluctantly stepping back, she took Dagon’s hand and twined her fingers through his. “We have a saying on Earth: go big or go home.” She tossed Dagon—the tallest man present—a wink. “I’m going big.”

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