Home > Moment of Truth (The Potentate of Atlanta #5)(60)

Moment of Truth (The Potentate of Atlanta #5)(60)
Author: Hailey Edwards

“His?” Richter smirked, undaunted. “Or yours?”

Arms folded across his chest, Vasco waited, his eyes fever bright. “That is a very good question.”

“Don’t you have a bargain to fulfill?” Bishop snapped at him. “Ricky here is ready to go home.”

Vasco angled his chin toward Richter. “He adores me.”

A laugh threatened to wedge itself in my craw, but I swallowed it down before Bishop caught me.

“Oh…” the gwyllgi chuckled, still amused despite his injury, “…I can tell.”

Rooted to the spot where Vasco last stood, Bishop watched until the gloom concealed him.

“Safe travels,” I called to their retreating backs. “Forget to write.”

Expression tight, Bishop caught my eye then retreated to watch from the shadows.

“Hey,” I called to him. “Any word on Milo?”

Reece and Anca never ventured into the field. Only Milo, Lisbeth, and I patrolled the streets.

As of my last check-in with HQ, Milo was the only OPA member unaccounted for after the battle.

“You just missed him.”

“What?” I spun around, but there was no one near us. “Are you serious?”

“He was close, so he came to update me in person.”

The anonymous nature of the OPA meant I wouldn’t have recognized him, which sucked, but it was safer for him that way.

That didn’t mean my brain wasn’t flipping through every person I had spotted in our vicinity, attempting to match them to his personality. I couldn’t help myself. It was like being told don’t think about pink elephants. Once it was out there, all you could do was think about frakking pink elephants.

“Get your game face on.” Midas escorted me back to the others. “You have more hands to shake and babies to kiss before this is over.”

As much as I wanted to groan and moan about it, I owed these people a debt of gratitude. This city was, in some ways, more theirs than mine. They all had deeper roots here than I did, but I was doing my best to grow my own. Tonight marked a turning point where the factions paused in their petty rivalries and put their neighbors before old grudges or perceived slights.

I had no magical bond with Atlanta, yet, but I sensed pride, happiness, and contentment in the air.

An idea had been niggling at the back of my mind for some time, but I hadn’t been able to frame it. There on the street, with dawn on the horizon, the idea crystalized into a pitch I decided to make on the spot so all this goodwill and adrenaline wouldn’t go to waste.

“Speech,” Remy shouted. “Speech.”

The others picked up the chant, all smiles, everyone high on our success.

“In six months, goddess willing, I will become the Potentate of Atlanta.”

Cheers and whistles pierced the air.

“All political offices are flawed, but I like to think the Office of the Potentate has done all it can to protect every citizen of Atlanta, regardless of species.”

Feet stomped the pavement in agreement.

“But it’s not enough.”

The gathering traded glances with one another.

“We lose too many people in the cracks.” I thought of the Mendelsohn pack, how the coven had infected Deric, their alpha. He slaughtered his pack at their command with the exception of a few children saved by their parents’ forethought, not by any mercy he was capable of showing while under their control. “We can do better.”

An uncertain silence fell.

“I propose an alliance. The Atlanta Alliance. Each faction can elect a representative to give them a voice. All voices will be equal. All issues brought before them will be resolved to the best of their collective abilities. All members will be required to pay dues that they will put toward their unified efforts.”

Thoughtful murmurs began to circulate.

“And, to keep egos out of it, I believe we should elect representatives who are not potentates or alphas. We should give this power to our people. We need ambassadors who will champion their fellows and not abuse the power we entrust to them.”

Eyebrows winged up at that, but a few nods peppered the crowd too.

“What we accomplished today was unprecedented. How much more can we do if we continue working together for the betterment of this city? Of our peoples?”

From the crush, Tisdale strode forward with her guards at her flank. “I agree.”

“As do I.” Ayla Clairmont joined her. “We stand with you.”

“We would be at cross-purposes,” Garou said, his Loups jittery around him. “I must decline your offer.”

Running a criminal enterprise, I could see why he wouldn’t want to pick up arms in a justice crusade.

“We’re with you.” Gray ruffled Aubrey’s hair. “I have just the ambassador in mind too.”

The teen flushed with pleasure and ducked his head as the pride seconded Gray’s appointment.

“Garou,” I called. “We’ll keep a spot at the table open for you if you ever change your mind.”

“Of course.” He bestowed an indulgent smile on me. “I never doubted it.”

A portion of the crowd split off as Garou led his people away from my do-gooder brigade.

“I’m not volunteering for ambassador duty,” Bishop grumbled beside me. “I already have my hands full.”

I jerked at his unexpected closeness, but he had reapplied his usual glamour and drew no attention.

“I was thinking of Lisbeth, actually.” I mulled it over. “She’s the only other member of the OPA who has come out to the public. She’s smart, thinks fast on her feet, and has the city’s best interests at heart.”

To put a cherry on top, she was human.

Lisbeth could be their voice. I saw no other way to appoint one to the board, and they deserved representation. Atlanta was their home too. The population at large might not be ready for paranormals to step out of the shadows, but I didn’t want to rob them of their seat at the table.

“I was thinking of putting Ford’s name forward.” Midas grinned at his mother. “What do you think?”

“As Ford has personally benefited most from Hadley’s efforts,” she said, “I take no issue with that choice.”

Plus, it gave Lisbeth a protector. Her charms might fool people into believing she was a witch, but she didn’t have the power to back up her ruse. She would be much safer with her gwyllgi boyfriend around to knock heads together if anyone tried to take advantage.

“I’ll handle this.”

Heart leaping into my throat, I pivoted to find Remy at my elbow with a note app on her cell. “You will?”

“I’m basically the Assistant to the Apprentice Potentate already, so yeah. I would rather pitch in and establish a system that works now than spend the next six months unraveling the knots in your plan.” She snorted. “If you even have one.”

“You could have just said yes.”

Remy claimed my spot and began organizing the group. She took over, just as she had my business, and got the ball rolling. Pretty sure if she wanted to take over the world, we couldn’t stop her. Good thing she was content with running my life.

“Ready to go home?” Midas rested his warm palm between my shoulders. “Remy can take it from here.”

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