Home > Sunlight (Blood Magic #4)(20)

Sunlight (Blood Magic #4)(20)
Author: L.H. Cosway

“Oh?” Ethan said, going to sit down on the couch. “And what news is this?”

“Do you know about the barrier around the city?”

Ethan gave him a bored look that said, Of course, I do.

“Okay, but do you also know that while the barrier isn’t allowing anyone to leave, it’s letting people come inside? They just can’t get back out once they pass through it.”

Now he had Ethan’s full attention as he sat up straight. “How do you know this?”

“Saw it with my own two eyes,” Finn replied. “It spells trouble whichever way you want to spin it. There’ll be riots and all sorts of trouble before the week is out. I spoke to two police officers earlier today, and they said people have been looting the stores and stockpiling food.”

“That does sound bad,” Lucas agreed.

“You need to find Theodore and figure out some kind of truce. Tell him he can have a portion of the city for himself if that will keep him happy,” Finn suggested.

“If I thought that would subdue him, I’d do it in a heartbeat,” Ethan said. “But Theodore isn’t a man who will accept a percentage. He wants it all.”

“You could at least try,” Finn muttered in annoyance, and nobody spoke for a minute.

I was the one to break the silence. “Hey, I got Rebecca back from Emilia,” I said to Finn, and he nodded, smiling.

“I know. You beat me to it. I went there today, but all I found was a distraught butler who told me Emilia had been taken by Theodore.”

“Yes!” I exclaimed. “It was so weird. One minute Emilia was setting fire to anyone who got in her way as she chased us for Rebecca, and the next, she was gone. I saw Theodore holding her and laughing before he disappeared.”


“So creepy,” I agreed.

“Have you other news, slayer?” Ethan interrupted us icily.

Finn scratched at his head. “Actually, yeah, I do.” He paused like he was unsure whether he should disclose this other news or not.

“Out with it,” Lucas interjected impatiently.

“Fine, fine. The other night we came across a woman.”

“What woman?” Ethan asked.

“I was driving along when a limo came speeding out of nowhere. All this white light was streaming from the windows. Magic, I’m guessing. Then this woman jumped out right in front of us. I almost ran her over. Then, get this, our old friend Michael Ridley emerged to chase after her. She was scared witless of him. We managed to fend him off. Well, actually, Ira did by biting off his hand.”

Lucas chuckled at that. I grimaced and swore under my breath. Ethan remained stoically silent.

“So anyway, this woman, her name is Alora and she’s half-elf. She can see into the future. Ridley kidnapped her two years ago and had been using her for her powers. He tried to cast a spell to take her ability from her, but it went wrong and ended up blinding her. I’ve kind of taken her under my wing, and she has these visions. She said that up until recently her visions were always different, but now she keeps seeing the same thing over and over.”

“What does she see?” I practically whispered, enthralled by Finn’s story.

“She sees a little blonde girl who will bring peace to the city. I think it might be Rebecca.”

I gasped and eyed Ethan, gauging his reaction to this information. His expression showed nothing except a tiny hint of interest.

After a stretch of silence, Ethan clasped his hands together, a thoughtful look on his face as he said, “So, we will keep Rebecca as safe as we possibly can. If she is to lead someday, and if this elf woman’s vision is correct, then no expense will be spared to ensure she reaches adulthood. I will see to it myself.”

Finn studied him, looking a little shocked by his response. “You care that much about peace?”

“You might not believe it, but I don’t enjoy war and bloodshed. If I had my way, all supernatural creatures would be able to live peacefully in Tribane.”

Finn’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Well, I’m glad to hear it. But do you think it’s wise for a girl with Rebecca’s blood to be raised by vampires?”

“She will not be among vampires for long. I’ll make arrangements for her to be taken somewhere safe,” Ethan assured him.

“Wait,” I argued. “You can’t just send her to live with strangers.”

“Would you prefer to keep her here where she might be abducted yet again?” Ethan countered. I had no easy answer, falling silent as I worried my lip with my teeth. The likelihood of Rebecca’s mother being of healthy and sound mind enough to care for her was low. It was also unlikely that she’d have the resources to keep her as safe as Ethan could.

“Right,” Finn said, breaking through the quiet as he rose from his seat. “I better be going. Things to do, people to see.”

“Not too fast. I want you to bring Delilah to me. As you can see, I may be changed, but I am not a threat. My sister needs to come home now,” Ethan said.

Finn eyed him. “Okay, I’ll pass on the message.”

“See that you do.” There was a pause as Ethan eyed him with a serious look. “And thank you.”

Finn seemingly didn’t know what to say to that, so he kept schtum. “I’ll walk you out,” I said, and we proceeded to the door.

In the hallway, Finn turned to me with a serious look on his face. “You want to be here, right? He’s not forcing you? Because if he is—"

“What? No, I’m fine. He’s not forcing me. Drinking my blood made Ethan stronger than any vampire I’ve seen before, but otherwise, he’s still the same. He hasn’t gone all savage and blood-hungry or anything. He’s still a good man.”

Finn raised an eyebrow at that, but I didn’t argue with him, choosing instead to change the subject. “So, where have you all been staying?” I asked.

Finn sighed. “At some dive hotel on the outskirts of the city. I’m gonna head back to my place in the morning seeing as Cristescu is keeping his vamps under control.”

“I’ll come over tomorrow, then. I want to see everyone. And we need to discuss Rita.”

“Not you, too. Alvie won’t shut up about her either.”

“You shouldn’t underestimate her, Finn,” I said. “That girl can surprise all of us. She’s a little lost right now, but we can get her back.”

His expression was sympathetic, like he felt sorry for me and how I was holding onto this thin thread of hope for my lost friend. I swallowed and looked away, blinking back tears. When I felt like I had them under control, I looked back at him.

“I’m going to hug you again now,” I said before folding him into my arms. He seemed taken by surprise but hugged me back. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” I whispered.

“I’m glad you’re okay, too,” he murmured, giving me a little squeeze before stepping back.

I reached out, trailing my fingertips softly over the bruise on his face. “Tell Alvie to make you one of Rita’s healing recipes. It should get rid of this in no time.”

He nodded and gave me a warm smile before turning to leave. When he was gone, I exhaled in relief. I was going to see my friends tomorrow. Even if Rita wasn’t going to be there, it would be good to see everyone else. It had only been a few days, but a lot had happened, and I missed them terribly.

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