Home > The Warlord (Rise of the Warlords #1)(33)

The Warlord (Rise of the Warlords #1)(33)
Author: Gena Showalter

   “Not nearly as much as I’d like. I see them no more than a handful of times every five hundred years.” He popped a piece of pineapple into his mouth with sensual grace. As he chewed and swallowed, his brow furrowed. “I detect no poison.”


   “So.” He skidded his gaze down her dress, different emotions warring for rights to his face. Incredulity won the battle. “You didn’t poison me, but you did dress up.” A roguish smile grew, making her heart skip. “You’re seducing me.”

   Her cheeks burned. “You believe I’ve thrown in the towel and shifted my objective? No more fighting, only banging to get rid of my virginity? Well, go on. Keep believing it.” He would discover the truth soon enough. “You won’t see my next trick coming.”

   “You don’t want sex. You want an orgasm.”

   Ignore your stinging pride. Don’t mention Hades. Teeth clenched, she asked, “What’s the problem with your family? Are you too busy conquering worlds to visit your sisters?”

   His smile vanished so quickly, she almost felt guilty. “There are few times I’m allowed to see them. The day of my wedding and the day of the sacrifice are guarantees. Any other sightings happen at random.” A hint of sadness crept into his irises, making her chest do that weird tightening thing again.

   “Allowed? You don’t strike me as the type to follow someone else’s orders.”

   “Do you think I’m the first Astra Commander? I once served others. I serve Chaos always.”

   That kind of loyalty was so rare. So precious. How would it feel to be the recipient of Roc’s? “What do you do between weddings?”

   “Hunt Erebus and his phantoms.”

   Reveal nothing. “Your war with Erebus has stretched across the eons. Why haven’t you killed him a second time, if you’re so tough?”

   “I have killed him a second time. And a third. A fourth. He always revives.” Roc arched a brow. “How would you slay him, o great and marvelous pre-General?”

   Good question. How might she murder her own father? “I’d probably start by inviting him to a delicious dinner,” she said, motioning to the pineapple dishes.

   Roc made a pft sound before taking another bite.

   They lapsed into silence for a bit. Not awkward, but not comfortable, either. She watched him, captivated by his movements. Every action served a distinct purpose, his control unwavering.

   As she stared, he blasted intense amounts of heat. The warmer she grew, the more she...tingled. If she could just put a little more pressure on the metal plate...

   The corners of his lips twitched. “Problem, snarpy?”

   He knew his power over her. So irritating! But snarpy? Dude. Neeka had tried to warn her the stupid name would catch on. A crude hand gesture served as her only response, and Roc chuckled outright. Then he shocked her.

   “Ask me nicely, and I’ll remove the belt for a night.” His voice dipped once more, and her pulse spiked.

   Ask an enemy for a boon, even if it was the boon she’d sought? Not just no, but never. He just—Whoa. Hold up. A startling comprehension dawned. Did he want her to ask him to remove the belt? As sweet as he’d been since entering the bedroom, he clearly wanted something from her.

   Well, then... “What if I want to keep the belt?” she asked. “Maybe I’ve grown to love it.”

   Determination flowed over him, tightening his expression, his chest, fisting his hands yet again. If he’d come here with a game plan, he’d just tweaked it.

   She was in trouble.

   “Well, then,” he rasped, “I suppose I’ll have to do my best to make you hate it.”

   Blink. He was on his feet. Blink. He yanked her body to his. Blink. He eased onto his pillow, pulling her onto his lap.

   She could have resisted. Instead, Taliyah straddled him. If he wanted to help with his own surrender, why complain? “So far, I’m not even feeling mild dislike.” For balance, she rested her hands on his shoulders.

   With a hooded gaze and wicked intent, he readjusted her to press her metal plate against his erection. A puff of air parted her lips, every ache intensifying.

   Maybe if she adjusted just a little...to...the... Stupid chastity belt! The ache worsened more than expected.

   “There. That’s better,” he said with lazy indulgence.

   Get your mind in the game, girl. “Tell me, Roc.” Taliyah leaned closer, letting her lips hover over his. “Do you hope I’ll ask you to remove the belt so you can gloat...or because you’re desperate to finger me?”

   “A man can’t have two reasons?” he asked in a mimic of her. Cupping her backside, he rocked her against him. “I’ll make you come so hard my army will hear your screams. All you have to do is ask me to remove the belt.”

   Do not moan. This was a contest of wills. She’d set out to prove she had the skills to seduce him, and he’d oh, so clearly set out to prove he had the skills to seduce her. Tricky, tricky Astra. Did his poor little Commander pride need assuaging?

   The game played on!

   She brushed the tip of her nose against his. “Roc?”

   His fingers flexed on her. “Yes, Taliyah?”

   “Will you, pretty please, with cherries on top of me...leave the belt on me forever?”

   His pupils did that cool pulsing thing, a galaxy of stars seeming to swim inside their depths. The first time she’d seen it, she’d wondered if it happened due to fury or passion. Now she knew. Passion. Her Astra was intensely aroused...

   He rocked his straining erection against her with more force. “You want me to remove the metal. Admit it.”

   A shot of pleasure momentarily robbed her of sound. Drawing on iron control she’d honed on the battlefield, Taliyah ultimately countered, “You want to remove it. Admit it.”

   “Just for that,” he said, his face almost brutal in the candlelight, “I’ll make you beg for me.”

   Do not squirm. “You’ll try. Others have. All have failed.”

   “I don’t lose battles.” As his gaze held hers, aggression charged the air between them.

   With the gentlest, most shocking of touches, he grazed his hands up her sides and stopped beside her breasts. With his thumbs, he drew lazy circles around her nipples. Both drew tight; the lucky piercing made her ache. “I’ll make you scream my name.”

   Taliyah fought another moan.

   Circle...circle... In the firelight, he was a painting come to life. A fabled king who ruled with an iron fist. And his scent...his scent deepened, becoming richer. He smelled like her most fevered dream. He was temptation made flesh, and she was panting. She must be soaked right now.

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