Home > The Jaguar Knight (Art Spirits # 6)(53)

The Jaguar Knight (Art Spirits # 6)(53)
Author: Ann Aguirre

Sheyla gave him a shrewd look. “I remember that about Lorelle. Mum also fears that he’ll leave me alone when I’m still young, but she doesn’t understand that I’d rather have whatever time I can get with Alastor than a lifetime with anyone else. This is the happiest I’ve ever been.”

“I’ll relay the message,” he said, wondering how freaking awkward that would be.

Still, if he wasn’t willing to help, he wouldn’t have offered. Maybe it would carry more weight if Sheyla’s words came from someone else. Gods knew, his own mother never listened to a word he said about Pru.

“Take care of yourself,” he said, and then went to find Rowena.

It was past time to go.






Rowena took pride in walking side by side with Slay, all the way through Golgerra.

The city already felt different; there were no guards posted anymore, no sections of the city forbidden to certain folks. Seeing people mingle freely, going about their business, made her feel so fucking proud that she’d played any role in it at all. Before they left, she even took Slay to the Hall of Heroes, entry previously forbidden to all but the highest caste. He enjoyed the historic statues and the precious artwork, but since he wasn’t Golgerran he couldn’t deeply appreciate how momentous the occasion was.

Chantisse met them near the outer gate, taking time from her demanding schedule to say farewell in person. That attention to detail and personal concern would serve her well as prime minister, along with many other admirable qualities. Carefully, Ro put out a hand. She still wasn’t a hugger, but she nailed the handshake.

“I’m leaving Golgerra in the best possible care,” Rowena said.

“There’s room for you in my cabinet,” Chantisse replied. “You’d be a good fit for the social welfare program I have in mind. You could do so much good here.”

Ro hesitated. Fuck, haven’t I given enough to this city? Then she said, “I appreciate the opportunity, but I don’t know when I’ll be back.”

Hettie ran up, ruining any chance of a quiet escape, because she had Kani and Nolen with her, and the girl seemed to be trying not to weep. Her brother was more stoic, but Rowena still knew a painful twinge at the thought of never seeing these two again. She wished it was easier for her to show physical affection but Slay solved the dilemma by hugging each kid in turn.

“When are you coming back?” Kani asked.

“Who knows?” It was an honest answer, exactly what she’d expect from Slay, then he made it better. “But you can always visit us, wherever we are.”

Nolen’s eyes widened at the prospect of leaving Golgerra. Likely it would take a while for that freedom to sink in. “Can we? Really?”

“Absolutely,” Ro said.

Farewells to Alastor, Ded, and Graff delayed their departure further. Ro had spoken to them already in private, but they insisted on seeing her off, eyes deep and mournful. Frankly, their presence made it harder for her to leave. Then a runner came with a message for Alastor, something about locating Renna’s family, whatever that meant. The messenger offered a welcome and necessary distraction, as Slay was running out of patience and signaled that he was going—with or without her.

Oh hell no, you’re not leaving me.

Ro took the opportunity to slip away in the confusion. Still, nostalgia washed over her as she passed through the massive stone arch that led to the external gates. For the first time in living memory, there was no attendant, and the doors stood wide, allowing citizens to come and go as they chose. And when Ro passed into the cool, fresh air of a late spring or early summer morning, an invisible weight slid from her shoulders.

We did it. I’m free.

Closing her eyes, she tipped her face up toward the sun. When they’d dragged her to Golgerra—by her own choice—there had still been snow on the mountain. During her time underground, she’d lost track of how long it had been, but the world had changed. Now the stony path was framed in green, stubborn plants determined to live even at this altitude.

Much like me.

“You look like that first breath was better than sex,” Slay teased.

“Maybe not better but…” She trailed off with an answering smile.

“Never mind, I don’t want to lose in a fight against a sunny day.”

She grinned because it was so obvious that he was only messing with her. From his energetic demeanor, it seemed like he was eager to get going. They had a few supplies packed up in a bag that Ro could strap to her chest and still fly. Slay didn’t appear enthusiastic about handing it over, but he couldn’t carry it in jaguar form. For her part, she was relieved to serve some purpose on this trip since he’d be finding the path and hunting their food.

She had a weirdly shy moment when she stripped, though Slay had seen her naked often enough. Under the open sky, it felt strange, however, because the sun would find every mark on her body, merciless in its glare. No point in fretting over scars that proved her resilience, so she shifted and spread her wings. The warmth felt heavenly on her skin, and she’d eaten so well while helping with the election that she had the strength to fly for days.

Slay got naked as well, unselfconscious about his nudity as only an Animari could be. Butt naked, he crammed their clothes into the bag, so casual that she wished her current form allowed her to smile. But her mouth was permanently pulled into a snarl, showing a ridiculous amount of teeth. Once she’d hated her shifted form because she was so much different than the other Golgoth. But she loved Slay for not reacting, not even once. She loved him for other reasons too, so many that she’d lost count, and the feeling spilled from her heart into her bloodstream, pumping through her with each new beat.

“Let me help,” Slay said, strapping the sack in place. “I’ll call twice if I’m stopping to rest. You should be able to hear it even overhead.”

She inclined her head since he couldn’t understand base Gol. Then he did something nobody had ever done; he stretched on tiptoe and kissed her ridged forehead, like she was beautiful to him even in this form. Her eyes burned, though they weren’t shaped to allow tears to fall. Tenderly, she traced his features with razor-sharp claws and he held still, letting her caress him with trust that arrowed to the center of her being. There was nobody in the world like Slay.

He stepped back when she dropped her hands and slid into jaguar form. With a little snarl, he set off, racing down the steep path leading away from Golgerra. Rowena got a running start, as getting lift took more effort carrying ballast, but it was nothing compared to the weight of the bodies she’d hauled upward, then dropped. She caught the wind with her wings and leaned into the updraft, letting it carry her. It wasn’t difficult keeping pace with Slay when she rode the currents down the mountainside, gliding from one to another with a joyous elation she’d rarely known. Come to that, most of her happy moments involved Slay in some regard.

Around midday, he called out as promised and she landed beside him. He’d shifted and donned loose, drawstring pants in the time it took her to settle on the ground. Eating would be easier in her other shape, so she shifted as well and put on a long tunic. He didn’t seem to feel the cold as much as she did, but it was warm even dressed like this.

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