Home > Magical Midlife Meeting (Leveling Up #5)(18)

Magical Midlife Meeting (Leveling Up #5)(18)
Author: K.F. Breene

“What’s the story with Niamh?” I asked as the basajaun finally started forward.

“Niamh is very valuable, but when I appointed her all those years ago, I could’ve never imagined the power you would amass. You have already collected more power than any of my other heirs did, with a larger variety. You were a good choice, and your circle shows your merit. I must change the positions as befit the players. None of these places are ever set in stone.”

That was news to me. I wondered if she changed the rules as the game continued. I wouldn’t put it past her.

Not like it really mattered. I didn’t treat anyone differently based on where they sat.

The basajaun stopped in front of me, towering over me. “May the stars guide our feet,” he said, his beard starting to come loose from its braid. The hair on his neck nearly covered the bow tie.

“Thank you for joining,” I said lamely. “Welcome.” It would’ve been cooler if I’d had some snappy answer. I needed to work on that.

He turned and took the third seat, his size making Cyra look like a child.

Hollace stepped forward next, grinning as he reached the flag. “What a trip.”

“Right?” Cyra said.

At least they’d fit in. No one seemed to regard this as the solemn occasion Ivy House probably wanted it to be. Which was kind of nice, but I should’ve lit some incense or something to pacify her.

“Thank you for asking me,” Hollace said as he stopped in front of me, also bowing. “It’s an honor. I look forward to serving on the most powerful magical team in the world.” His smile was infectious as he took the fourth seat.

Finally Niamh stepped forward, nonchalant as she took the fifth chair next to Ulric. Nathanial was next, and I had to wonder why Ivy House hadn’t replaced Ulric or even pushed Niamh farther back. He was an alpha in his own right and had the ability to lead the gargoyles. His call could rouse them from stone or summon them from town.

“This is an incredible honor that will bring much status and attention to my family,” Nathanial said, offering me the deepest bow of all. Given I was one of the near-mythical females of his species, it surely meant more to him.

“Welcome,” I said, still feeling lame. I hadn’t had a chance to think of something better yet.

He skipped the chair after Mr. Tom, taking the eleventh spot, next to Edgar.

“He is your anchor,” Ivy House said. “He is a solid choice and an excellent specimen of the species. He will lead your gargoyles well.”

“Then why put him so far back?”

“I just said—because he’s the anchor.”

“Right, but…Edgar is the twelfth spot. Isn’t he the anchor in this setup?”

“Edgar fits nowhere and everywhere at the same time. He’s necessary but forgettable. He adds incredible value, but it’s hard to pinpoint exactly how until it’s happening. Honestly…I didn’t really know where to stick him, so I just tacked him onto the end.”

I stifled a laugh. Poor Edgar. He did, absolutely, add incredible value to the team. He took random jobs no one else really wanted, and he did it without needing to be told. He always just…filled in the holes, preventing the enemy from getting through in ways that defied planning. But yeah, I got what she meant. It was hard to actually assign value because, well, he was just so weird and you never knew what would happen next with him.

I looked at the two empty spots, seats eight and ten. I wondered which of those Sebastian would have taken—or would he have earned a seat closer to Austin?

“Oh no, she’s sad. Do you feel that, Hollace?” Cyra pushed halfway to standing. “How do we handle this? Human women hug in these situations, don’t they?”

“We quietly allow her privacy unless she expresses a need.” Mr. Tom sniffed, and I wondered who he was trying to fool.

I quickly muted my links to everyone except Austin. I’d need to get used to feeling the new people, and I didn’t have the mindset right at the moment.

“Okay, well…” I held out my hands. “This is what we have so far. All of us will be going to Elliot Graves’s…meeting next week, along with an additional three shifters, hand-selected by Austin. That’s all we’re allowed, fourteen in all. In case you haven’t heard, we’ll have our own room in a wing within the mountain. We’ll have facilities with which to cook and store food, all of which will be provided for us. We can use the cook and cleaners provided to us or not, but we cannot bring a cook and cleaners.”

“Well, that’s Earl uninvited, hey, Earl?” Niamh said. “Back to useless again.”

“I’m not the one who lost her seat,” Earl responded.

“Might have lost my seat, but I’m still ahead of ye. How’s that feel, then?” she retorted.

“Okay, okay.” I rubbed my temples. “We have a week to go, and then things get serious. So let’s make the most of the time we have. Once we set foot inside that mountain, it’ll be a game of hide-and-seek, except the loser dies.”






“You sent in our list of attendees?” I pointed at Niamh as she kept pace, walking down the line of limos waiting on the street next to the house. We didn’t need six limos to carry fourteen people to the jet that would fly us to Elliot’s collection of mountain tunnels, but we apparently did need plenty of room for all the luggage.

“Yes. But I was vague about what each one of us is, magically speaking. Elliot Graves doesn’t need a detailed rundown, are ye jokin’?” Niamh frowned. “He gets to know head count, and that’s about it. He can be surprised like everyone else.”

Given we hadn’t been told to stay home, he was apparently fine with that.

The crew waited outside the limos, dressed in pristine suits or flowing dresses, looking the part of a prestigious magical unit.

“Jet is standing by?” I asked, approaching Austin at the back of the group, standing beside his people with an air of patient confidence. Nothing but tranquil waters drifted through the link. He clearly wasn’t worried about the unfamiliar conditions we’d be facing or the danger from Elliot Graves and the other mages we’d be meeting.

“Yes. Waiting for us on the private magical airstrip.”

“How is that even possible, to have a private airstrip for magical people? That doesn’t make sense,” I mumbled, stopping in front of the shifters.

“It’s a private piece of land owned by magical people.” Niamh stopped with me. “We pay a fee to use it. Honestly, girl, where is yer head at?”

Kace stood beside Austin, his face hard and his onyx eyes tracking me.

I nodded at him, then nodded at Isabelle beside him. Good additions to the team.

I hadn’t met the guy next to Isabelle, though, and his whole vibe sent shivers racing across my skin. I backed up a step, unable to help it.

A wicked scar ran down his cheek and pooled under his severe jaw. Sharp cheekbones set off a narrow nose, ending in a little uptick that would’ve been cute on anyone else. His eyebrows rose over heavy-lidded eyes with long black lashes. He topped Austin’s height and then some, probably six-five, but his huge shoulders nearly made him look shorter. But it was his eyes that tripped me up. They weren’t just hard—they were off-kilter. When this guy looked at me, I felt like shrinking into myself and waiting for death. Pain lurked in those eyes. Imbalance. As though he’d been broken ten times over and had barely stitched himself back together.

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