Home > Only For Forever (Men of Rocky Mountain)(31)

Only For Forever (Men of Rocky Mountain)(31)
Author: Alexis Winter

I search his face but he still looks confused, like a hurt little puppy, and I realize that as much as this man has his life together and knows all the ways to please a woman, he has no idea how to be in a relationship.

“So do you not want a baby?”

“I do, Grant, but I don’t want you thinking that’s the only way to keep me—or any woman, for that matter. I know I’m very independent. I know that probably scares you because you don’t know what you bring to the table in our relationship. I know because I have that same fear too.” I cup his cheeks. “You’re an amazing person, Grant. I just want you to figure out what you truly want—what would make you happy—not because you think it’s the only way to keep me.”

He flops onto his back, exhaling and staring up at the ceiling.

“I really don’t know shit about relationships, huh?” He runs his hands through his hair and I lie across his chest.

“We’re all trying to figure it out. I love you, Grant, because of who you are, not because of what you can give me.”

He pulls me on top of his body. “You are the most amazing, confusing, delicious woman I’ve ever met.” He holds me to his chest as he sits up and rolls me to my back. He stares at me, leaning down to plant a soft kiss against my lips as I feel his cock harden against my inner thigh.

“I love you, Leigh Brooks.”

His kiss grows urgent and I reach between us, grabbing his length and positioning it at my entrance. He growls into my mouth as he languidly begins to piston in and out of me.









Ryder’s laugh reverberates around his kitchen.

“Go ahead, man, laugh at my pain.” I shake my head, taking a sip of the new Slade hard cider.

I look out the back window of Ryder’s house. The leaves have mostly turned, the golden hues of yellow and orange dancing in the remaining sunlight of the day. The air has turned crisp, and summer is finally over.

This time of year always makes me feel nostalgic—bringing back memories of camping and bonfires with my dad. I can still the smell the smoke of the campfire as he would point to a random tree and tell me the genus and species of it, along with some random facts. I always wondered how he knew stuff like that, and it made me want to be that kind of dad someday—the kind of dad who instills knowledge and skills in their child.

“I’m sorry, it’s just a bit comical to me for some reason.” Ryder’s words pull me back to the present and I lean against the counter. “For a doctor, you really miss the obvious sometimes.”

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, Leigh said something similar to me.”

“I’m starting to think Leigh is the smart one in this equation.”

We step out back to finish laying the brick for his outdoor fireplace.

“Her feelings aren’t unfounded, you know.” He doesn’t look up as he runs a thick layer of cement on a stone before placing it on the already-neatly-stacked row.

“I don’t want to have a baby with her to trap her. That’s insane.” I shake my head.

“Maybe not, but it does kind of seem that way. Look, you guys accidentally got pregnant and you bonded over the loss, but now you just need to prove to her that you can still be that man for her. She wants commitment, man, not obligation.”

I stare at the brick in my hand. “How do I show that?” I feel like an idiot—like I’m a complete newbie at this relationship stuff.

“Just be there for her. Be honest about your feelings and intentions. If you both want a life together—babies and all that jazz—you can have it in time, but you don’t need to jump into it if it’s not what you actually want.” He says it like it’s so simple.

I feel like we’re going in circles with all of this. I know what I want with Leigh: I want forever and I don’t see the point of waiting. If you know what you want with someone, who cares? Go for it, because life is short and unpredictable.



“Is this the style you like, sir?”

I stare at the diamond ring in my hand, the lights dancing off the edges.

“It’s perfect.”

“We do require 50% up front as a down payment, with the rest due at pick-up.”

I nod. “And the total time it will take?”

“Two-and-a-half to three weeks, tops.”

I hand over my credit card, securing the custom ring I designed for Leigh, then I head back to the hospital.



It’s been two-and-a-half solid weeks of emergencies at the hospital. I’m exhausted, burnt out, and lonely. I’ve seen Leigh once this entire time, and that was the day I left Grand Lake to head back to Denver.

Between the opening of her second studio—which is now in full operation, my rounds at the hospital, and life in general, it feels like things are starting to catch up to me.

I open the ring box I picked up on my way home from work. The black velvet makes the ring pop in the moonlight. I lean back in my chair, staring at the ring. I pull it from the box, holding it up to watch as the sparkles dance across it.

This won’t be the first time I’ve proposed to a woman, but I pray it’s the last. I sip the remaining whiskey in my glass when I hear the soft clicking of shoes on the marble entrance of my penthouse. I stand, shoving the ring in my pocket. I take two steps to exit my study when I see a hand wrap around the edge of the open door and slowly open it.

My heart catches in my throat as I see Leigh’s beautiful smile spread across her lips as she crosses the room and jumps into my arms. Her dark green dress flows around her with the movement.

“What are you doing here?” I gasp as she wraps her legs around me and I bury my nose in her hair, drinking her in.

“I missed you,” she murmurs, her lips pressed against my neck.

We stand like that for several minutes, the shock finally subsiding.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” I say between kisses as she slowly slides down my body. I cup her cheeks in my hands. “I’ve missed you so much.”

The Miles Davis album I placed on the record player earlier fills the room and I grab Leigh’s hand. “Dance with me,” I say as I lead her toward the center of the room, pulling her body tightly against mine.

We dance for several songs, neither one of us speaking. I’m lost in her presence, completely drowning in the love I feel for her. I put a bit of distance between us and she looks up at me.

“Everything okay?”

“Everything’s perfect.” I kiss the tip of her nose. “Just wanted to look at you is all.” My tone is hushed as I take my time noticing every little nuance of her face: the way her hair curls on the ends around her face, the sparkle in her hazel eyes, and the delicate but long lashes that frame them.

“You look absolutely stunning.” I glance down her body at the dress that hugs her breasts and waist, flowing lightly around her hips and down to her calves. I tip her chin upward and see tears pooling in her eyes.

“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” I wipe at the edge of her eyes with my thumbs.

“Nothing, honestly. I just . . .” she shakes her head and my stomach drops, “I just never thought I’d find this kind of happiness.” She smiles and relief washes over me. I pull her toward me, engulfing her in a warm embrace.

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