Home > Princess and the Cowboy(18)

Princess and the Cowboy(18)
Author: Ella Goode

I don’t need a paper to say that Maria is mine, so I nod my head. “Deal.”

I stick out my hand. Maria sets her palm on top of mine. Her dad doesn’t move immediately, but Maria clears her throat and that’s enough to get him to set his hand on the top of his daughter’s. “Deal,” he agrees. “And you, Justice, if you do not treat her right, my men will kill you.”

“I’ll knife myself if I hurt her,” I vow.

He accepts this and shoos us off, saying he’s tired. I don’t hesitate. I take Maria’s hand and race her down the hall to the Widow’s Chambers. Once the door is closed, I clutch her tightly to my chest. “I’m not saving myself for marriage,” I warn.

“Me either,” she giggles. Her hands dive to my pants. We throw off our clothes and dive onto the bed, a swarm of naked limbs, roving hands, and hungry mouths.

I slide into her ready core. “In my mind, we’re already married. Bound by the first time I took you.”

“I took you,” she says pertly. “I rode you like a stallion, remember?”

“Guess it’s my turn then.” I pull out and flip her onto her knees. In one motion, I drive inside of her hot clutch. She’s a princess. Her dad’s a prince, but I feel like a king in this moment.










It didn’t take me long to see how driven Sterling was to marry me. The man not only took extra classes during the semesters, but he also took courses over the summer too. He already graduated, but he’s held off celebrating until I finish college too.

I reminded him that Papa said we couldn’t get married until we both graduated, but he said he was well aware but was getting a jump start on his career to prove to my father he’s the right man for me. I, on the other hand, didn’t need any proof. I know he’s my everything.

If you ask me, it was kind of pointless. Sterling won Papa over within the first year. I actually think it impressed my father that Sterling would push back on things. Such as us living together without being married. He was adamant about that. Sterling got us a place that sat only a few blocks from campus that had great security too. I’ve adored watching Papa and Sterling grow close. Papa has really taken him in under his wing. They are both good for each other.

I don’t get why Sterling is in such a hurry to prove himself about his career. He and Papa act like he’s broke. And we all know he’s far from it. Not to mention I already have more money than I could spend in a lifetime, but I let it be. Whatever makes them both happy is fine by me.

“I bet I could get Cam to sell this boat to me if you like it that much,” Sterling says, glancing around the yacht.

“I suppose as a princess I should have a yacht,” I tease him.

“You should, but I’ll get you a new one,” he says, as serious as can be. I’ve learned that I have to be careful even when I’m teasing him because whatever I ask for he will move mountains to get for me.

“Sterling.” I run my hand up his chest. “I already have a yacht. My mama left it to me.”

“The hell! I want to be the one to spoil you.” A few heads turn our way. The graduation party is already in full swing. Cam let us borrow her yacht to have the party on so people didn’t have to make the long trek out to the ranch.

I was happy when Cam offered to host it. I’d rather it be here. I find I don’t like sharing the ranch with a lot of other people besides our immediate family and friends. I love that it’s a bit of a hideaway.

I find comfort in that. It’s where I know Sterling and I will settle down one day and raise a family of our own. That’s actually something I need to talk to him about, but I’m not sure when to bring it up.

“You spoil me in things that matter.”

“But you should be covered in diamonds.” I love that he wants that for me, but his love and our families are really all I'll ever need to be rich in life. All of the other things are disposable. Don’t get me wrong; they’re nice to have, but they are not necessary to live a happy life.

“You act like you’re not already trying to do that.” I laugh. The man is always buying me shiny things to wear. I think he’s compensating because he hasn’t gotten to put a ring on my finger yet. It drives him a bit crazy.

My Sterling can be the jealous type. He thinks any man within ten feet of me is trying to steal me from him. He got into a few fights that almost got physical in college. Most learned to look the other way when I was around. It should probably annoy me, but it was adorable for the most part.

It helps that he would be the same way when a woman would hit on him. He’d get almost as worked up. The worst was when it was my sister, Glorianna. I’d been stupid and tried to give her a second chance. I’m always trying to see the good in people.

Papa had ended up staying on the ranch for a few weeks that first time he’d come out. He loved it so much he bought himself a piece of land not far from it. Pretty sure he has plans to build a more permanent place in the future. I think he could see I wasn’t going to go far from the Justice family. He’d also gone and filed for divorce. That had sent Glorianna rushing back into my life. I should have known it wasn’t with good intentions.

She suckered me for a bit. I know I can be too soft-hearted at times, and she played that against me. Luckily I have Sterling to help protect that. She was stupid to try and make a pass at him. He’d lost it. That had been my final straw. I could forgive a lot of things, but mess with my man, and all bets are off.

I cut her off immediately, and even though she still bears the same last name as me, I don’t acknowledge her as being a part of my family. My papa cut all ties as well. I wish her the best and hope that one day she can fill the void inside of her, but it will have to be without me in her life.

“We’ve been here for two hours,” Sterling points out.

“And?” I laugh.

“Can we leave now?”

“Why are you in such a rush?”

“I’m always in a rush to have you all to myself.” He leans down and nibbles at my neck. I fight a moan. “Come with me.”

“Don’t I always?” I tease. He locks his fingers with mine and starts to pull me toward the back of the yacht. Cam and Birdie both give me a knowing look. Papa pretends not to notice.

He’s cuddling up close to Cam’s mom. Pretty sure the two have a thing going on. It wasn’t long after she met my father that she broke things off with the man she’d been dating. For the past few years, she’s been very secretive when it comes to her love life. Which makes me think that it’s my papa. He seems rather smitten. So much different than he was with his ex-wife.

“I can’t wait anymore!” Sterling half shouts the second he closes the bedroom door behind us.

“What?” I ask, confused for a second. That is, until he drops to his knees in front of me. All the air leaves my lungs when he slips the ring onto my finger. It’s not just any ring. It’s my mama’s. The one my papa gave her. “Sterling.” Tears slip down my cheeks. I knew this moment would be special, but this has made it more than I could’ve ever imagined.

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