Home > Code Name : Ranger (K19 Shadow Operations Book 1)(20)

Code Name : Ranger (K19 Shadow Operations Book 1)(20)
Author: Heather Slade

“Will you be joining us for dinner tonight?”

I looked at Ranger, who nodded. “Yes,” he answered when I nodded in return. “Do you have a table available at seven?”

The man raised his eyebrow. “Six would be better.”

“Six it is.” Ranger winked at me, and we both stifled a chuckle.

“Do you need assistance with your bags?”

“I’ve got it, but thanks.”

I wondered about our “company,” but since I hadn’t had anything to do with them checking into the other hotel, I didn’t worry about this one.

“Would it be possible for me to take a look at the wedding reception venues?” I asked.

“By all means,” he responded like he had when I’d asked about entering the chapel. “The barn is open, and if you want to see the main dining hall before dinner, just go through the door at the end of the hall. Would you like a brochure as well?”

“Please.” He went in a door behind the front desk. I was beginning to wonder if Pastor Santa ran this place all by himself. Surely, there must be more staff somewhere.

“Do you feel like we’re in the twilight zone?” Ranger asked.


He came back out and handed me an envelope. “I let Mabel know you’re heading her way. She has the afternoon wine and cheese reception all set up too.”

“How nice. Thank you.” I waved over my shoulder when Ranger and I went in the direction of the dining room.









“A glass of wine sounds perfect right now.”

I had to agree. What I’d said a couple of minutes ago about feeling like I was in an alternate dimension grew more intense with every passing minute. It wasn’t unpleasant, just odd. And disconcerting. Mainly because it was as though Maisie and I were supposed to be here. Was that why I’d been compelled to turn the car around earlier and not return to either of our camps first? If we had, would we have changed our mind about heading out again, or would we have just stayed at our own cabin?

There was more to it than even that, none of which I could say out loud, especially to Maisie.

“What? Is it bad?” she asked when I made a face after taking a sip of wine.

“No. It’s good.”

She giggled. “Looks like it. I can’t wait to try it myself.”

I took another drink, this time more of a gulp. “Really, it’s very good.”

She took a tentative sip. “It is. So, why the weird face?”

“This place is…”

Maisie nodded. “I get it. Weird isn’t the right word. I mean, it’s wonderful, just…”


“We can go with that,” she said, laughing.

“Oh, hello!” a woman said, coming out of the kitchen with a platter of appetizers. “You must be Own and Maisie.”


She looked down at a piece of paper. “Sorry, Dipper’s handwriting is atrocious.”

“Did you say Dipper?” Maisie burst out laughing.

“Our grandkids started calling him that. I’m Grammy Mabel, and he’s Grampy Dipper.”

“I don’t get it,” I whispered.

“It’s from a cartoon.”

Just add one more bizarre thing to the Love Lodge list.

“Have the two of you been here before? You look so familiar.”

“We were commenting earlier that we felt like we had, but no.”

“Come, dear. Have a plate. These are the most popular wedding menu items.”

Mabel handed an overflowing plate to Maisie.

“We can share,” I said when I saw her putting together a second one.

“Suit yourself. There’s a nice table by the window that looks out over the lake.”

“I feel like I’m in one of those Christmas movies but three weeks after,” Maisie whispered when we sat at the table Mabel pointed out to us. “Oh my God, try this one,” she said, handing me something wrapped in dough.

“Wow.” I grabbed a couple more and popped them in my mouth.

“Do you think the story he told about people eloping here is true?”

I looked over my shoulder and saw Mabel walking in our direction, carrying the bottle of wine. “Hang on and I’ll answer.”

“Which are your favorites?” she asked, refilling both of our glasses.

I pointed to the one remaining dough-wrapped brie with cranberry sauce.

“I’ll bring more of those,” Mabel offered.

Maisie held up one finger, then pointed to her mouth. Mabel waited. “If you bring more, we won’t eat any dinner.”

“Don’t be silly. Of course you’ll still eat dinner. Just like all your wedding guests will.”

“Does she know something we don’t?” Maisie joked when Mabel went back into the kitchen. “Ranger?” she said when I didn’t respond. “Is everything okay?”

Maybe it was the wine or just being at this crazy place, but I found myself wishing Maisie and I were getting married. I scooted our chairs closer, and she looked at me with wide eyes.

“Would it be that crazy?”

She took another sip of wine and set her glass on the table. “What?”

“You and me. Getting married.”

“You’re serious.”

While she hadn’t phrased it as a question, I nodded anyway.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “When?”

I leaned forward and stared into her eyes but didn’t say anything.


I put my arm around her. “Don’t you feel it, Maisie? Am I wrong?”

“About what?” she said so softly I could barely hear her.

“Us. From that very first day on the dock to your eighteenth birthday party to the night I walked into your grandparents’ camp and told you it had been my intention to claim you. I still feel the same way. You’re mine, Maisie. You always have been.”

“Are you suggesting we get married here? Now?”

I shook my head. “I’m asking. If you want me to, I’ll get down on one knee.”

“Wait,” she said when I pushed my chair back as if I was going to.

“I’m crazy, right? That’s what you’re going to say?”

She slowly shook her head. “Not even close.”

“What, then?”

“I feel it too.”

“I knew you did. Maisie, I love—”

“Don’t say it yet.”

“Why not?”

“Wait until tonight.”

I smiled. “Yeah?”


“Should we go find Dipper?” As soon as I said his name, he walked into the dining room.

“What can I help you two with?”

“Is the town clerk around?”

Dipper smiled. “Let me go get her from the kitchen.”

“And the judge?”

“He can be here in a jiffy.”

“What do we need?” Maisie asked.

“Just your identification. We can add the other items to your file later.” He winked.

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