Home > Code Name : Ranger (K19 Shadow Operations Book 1)(40)

Code Name : Ranger (K19 Shadow Operations Book 1)(40)
Author: Heather Slade

“There’s something we need to talk about before we get home,” I began.

Her eyes met mine.

In the most straightforward way I could, I told her about the three women kidnapped before she was. Her first question, as I’d anticipated, was whether Maxim was responsible.

“Can I answer?” asked Diesel.

I nodded.

He told her he’d been part of the interrogation team and neither he nor anyone else, including Agent Davies, believed Edwards was responsible.

“Unfortunately, we believe Maxim used the other kidnappings as a cover for what he did to you.”

Surprising me, like she so often did, Maisie hugged me tight. “Thank God for you,” she whispered, then leaned forward. “You too, Diesel.”

He smiled.









It had been four days since Ranger left a message for Patricia and we still hadn’t heard back from her.

When he called the hospital, they said she hadn’t been in her office much this week but it wasn’t unusual and that she set her own hours.

Maybe I hadn’t read her right the couple of times I met her, but her ghosting us seemed odd. Ranger and I talked about it and agreed to look for someone else. He even admitted he wanted someone to talk to too, and it made me love him more.

On the surface, we were all acting like everything was fine, but it wasn’t. I hoped the day would come when I didn’t have flashbacks of what Maxim did to me, but I wasn’t naive enough to think it would happen quickly.

The first day we were back, I’d expected Ranger to coddle me. I was so relieved when he didn’t. He would reassure me that he was there for whatever I needed, didn’t push me to talk, and when I wanted to, he listened. While I knew he wasn’t perfect, it was becoming increasingly harder to find anything wrong with him.

My cell phone rang at the same time Ranger’s did, which was unusual. I’d gotten used to it when it happened between Diesel and him.

“Hey, Grandma,” I said when I saw her name pop up.

“Hi, sweetheart.”

Her voice sounded funny. “What’s wrong? Is Grandpa okay?”

“Grandpa is fine. I just wondered if you happen to be watching the television.”

That was an odd question. I almost never did. “No. Why?”

“It’s nothing. I just wondered. I’ll talk to you later, sweetie.”

I looked at the phone, stunned that she’d ended our call so abruptly. “Ranger?”

He came out from around the corner, and I could see he was still talking to someone. A few seconds later, there was a knock at the back door. He answered it before I could, and Onyx walked in.

“Hey, sis,” he said, coming over to hug me. A minute or two later, Diesel arrived with Wasp and Swan.

“Should I go upstairs?” I asked Onyx since Ranger was still on the phone.

“Nah, you can stay down here with us for now.”

Finally, Ranger put his cell phone down and walked over to where I sat in the living room. Everyone else was still standing.

“Can you give us a minute?” he asked, and the four other people in the room walked out to the sun porch.

“You’re frightening me,” I admitted. “First my grandmother. Now you.”

Ranger gathered me in his arms. “That is the last thing I want to do, and I’m sorry.”

“What is going on?”

“There’s been another abduction.”

“Oh God, no!” I gasped, and he held me tighter. Tears ran down my cheeks, and I started to shake.

“Shh,” he soothed. “I know how hard this is for you. Just take a few deep breaths, and we’ll talk it through.”

What started as crying turned into sobs. I hadn’t cried so hard since the day in the emergency room when my grandparents were there.

After a few minutes, I took a deep breath and regained my composure. “I’m sorry. I didn’t expect it would affect me so profoundly.”

“Don’t be sorry, and I’m not surprised.” He kissed my forehead. “It hits very close.”

I rested my head on his shoulder and took several more deep breaths.

“You said your grandmother called?”

“She asked if I was watching television. It was weird because she knows I almost never do.”

Ranger motioned, and Onyx came in from the porch. “The media may have picked up on this.”

“Dammit,” he muttered. He pulled out his phone and typed something before returning to the porch.

“They can come inside.”

“Actually, it’ll probably be better if I join them.”

“I can go upstairs if I’m not allowed to hear what you’re talking about.”

Ranger squeezed my shoulders. “In this case, it isn’t that. I’m more concerned about what we need to discuss upsetting you.”

“If I can’t handle it, I’ll go up to our room. Okay?”

“My brave, beautiful wife. You amaze me.”

I shook my head. “You’re the one who’s amazing.”

He kissed me again and motioned to his teammates.

“Everyone okay if Maisie sits in on this?” he asked when the four of them sat down.

Onyx looked around the room. “We’re good.” He turned to me. “As long as you’re good.”

“I’ll go upstairs if I feel uncomfortable.”

Onyx’s eyes met Ranger’s.

“It’s okay,” my husband told him. “You can speak freely.”

“Here is what we know,” Onyx began. “At eleven hundred hours, Steve and Beth Fasano received a call demanding a ransom be paid.”

I put my hand over my mouth to stifle my gasp.

“I’m sorry, Maisie,” whispered Ranger. “There was no easy way to tell you.”

“They were unaware their daughter was missing since she resides here at Canada Lake and they winter in West Palm Beach.” Onyx looked at his phone, then raised his head. “Last known contact with Ms. Fasano was at Johnstown Memorial Hospital four days ago.”

“We were the last people to see her?” I asked.

Onyx shook his head. “She saw several patients that day. We believe she left the hospital at a little after five. She hasn’t been seen or heard from since.”

Diesel cleared his throat. “I’ve been in contact with Agent Davies, who said her boss will arrive at the forestry lodge this afternoon. Since Ms. Fasano was likely abducted somewhere between the hospital and her house on the channel, this is as good a place as any for us to set up a command center.”

“Copy that,” said Onyx before turning to me. “How are you doing, Maisie?”

I took a deep breath. “I’m not sure how to answer. I’m terrified for Patricia, but we know it can’t be Maxim who took her since he’s dead.”

“That’s right.” Onyx stood and looked at each of the other people in the room. “Okay, Shadow Ops, let’s find Patricia Fasano and bring her home safe, just like we did with Maisie. And after that, we’ll annihilate the motherfucker who took her.”


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