Home > A Calder at Heart (Calder Brand #3)(18)

A Calder at Heart (Calder Brand #3)(18)
Author: Janet Dailey

The fire in the stove had burned down to coals. Kristin stirred them with the poker and added chunks of wood until she had a crackling blaze.

Only as the warmth began to spread into the parlor did she realize how tired she was. Her legs and body ached as if she’d been carrying a heavy load.

Logan groaned, stirred, and settled again. Whether she was tired or not, it would be up to her to see that he didn’t roll off the sofa or put weight on his wound. Seating herself, she lifted his head and maneuvered it gently into her lap.

He opened his eyes, gazing up at her in the last of the fading light. His lips moved. She hushed him with a fingertip. “Don’t try to talk,” she said. “Just rest. We’ll both rest.”

He gave a slight shake of his head. “I’m trying to remember what happened. How did you find me?”

“I found your horse. When I saw the blood on his side, I knew somebody was hurt. Then I saw the birds.”

“You could’ve left me for dead. Why didn’t you?”

“I’m a doctor. It was my responsibility to do what I could.”

“Even if you’re a Dollarhide?”

“My name has nothing to do with anything.”

“And you don’t know who shot me?”

“I don’t—” Kristin broke off at the sound of horses outside. The beam of a flashlight shone through the curtainless front window. An instant later there was a pounding on the front door.

“Kristin, are you in there?” The voice was Blake’s.

“Yes. The door’s unlocked. Come on in.”

The door opened. Blake, holding the flashlight in one hand, strode into the room. The beam found the pair on the sofa. “What in hell’s name—” he sputtered.

“It’s all right,” she said. “This man’s been shot. I found him after my mare bolted. That’s his horse outside.”

Blake exhaled. “Thank heaven you’re all right, Kristin. When the mare came home on the wagon road, I was afraid I’d find you hurt somewhere, or worse. That’s why I came in the buggy. I even brought Mother’s old medical kit.”

“Oh—Blake, you’re a godsend! Now I can get this man somewhere safe.”

Logan raised his head. When he spoke, the irony in his voice was subtle as a shift in the night breeze, but it was there. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Logan Hunter—Major Hunter, not that it counts for much anymore.”

“You must be the Calder cousin I’ve been hearing about.” Blake’s tone was courteous but cold.

“And you’re Blake Dollarhide. If what Webb tells me is to be believed, you’re the devil incarnate. But I like to judge people for myself. Please excuse me if I don’t get up.”

Blake’s gaze had shifted to Kristin. “Good Lord, what happened to your blouse? You look indecent!”

“The major is wearing my blouse as a bandage. As for my looking indecent—” She shrugged. “When someone’s losing blood, modesty doesn’t count for much.”

“Here.” Blake stripped off his twill jacket and tossed it to her. “At least you’ll be warmer.”

“Thank you.” She eased Logan’s head off her lap and helped him sit up before slipping on the jacket and buttoning it down the front. “We could use a blanket if there’s one in the buggy. And I’ll need the medical bag.”

Blake nodded and disappeared outside without another word.

“Did I get you in trouble?” Logan asked.

“He’s surprised, that’s all. We were apart for years, but he still thinks he should play the big brother. I suspect he doesn’t know quite what to make of me.”

“I can sympathize. I don’t know what to make of you either.”

“You don’t have to make anything of me. I’m your doctor, no different from a man.”

Logan raised an eyebrow. “Some might argue that. But the doctor I’m looking at is definitely not a man.”

“As a doctor in combat, I’ve done everything a man would do. And no wounded soldier ever refused treatment because I was a woman. As for you, Major—”

She broke off, her argument forgotten as the sound of men’s voices, loud and getting louder, rumbled through the closed door.

The door burst open as if it had been kicked. Webb Calder strode across the threshold, his face a mask of fury. His glare swept the room.

“What in hell’s name is going on here?” he growled.

“As you can see, Webb, I’ve been shot.” Logan spoke calmly. “The doctor found me and stopped the bleeding. I owe her my life, so have a care how you speak to her.”

Webb turned to Kristin. “So you’re the woman doctor I’ve been hearing about. Doctor Dollarhide.” His tone was mocking. “I remember you from years ago. Figured you’d have a husband and a passel of kids by now.”

“I remember you, too, Mr. Calder,” Kristin said. “It’s been a long time.”

Webb nodded, his frown deepening. “Well, you can pack up and go with your brother, lady. The major here will be riding home with me. He’ll have a day to rest up before we go into Miles City to buy this ranch.”

Kristin drew herself up to face him. She was tall for a woman, but he loomed over her. “Major Hunter is my patient,” she said. “Riding a horse could start him bleeding again. It could even kill him. And he won’t be fit to go anywhere on Monday. He’s lost too much blood. He needs to rest, and he needs to be where a doctor can check on him.”

Webb muttered a string of curses that ended abruptly as Blake walked in carrying a woolen blanket and the familiar black leather satchel. As Blake tossed Logan the blanket and handed the satchel to Kristin, Webb turned on him.

“This mess stinks,” he said. “And it’s got your hands all over it, Dollarhide. I’m not a fool. I know you tried to buy this place—and that the bank told you it was reserved for the major, here. So let me tell you what you did. You knew he’d likely be out here, looking the place over. So you followed him and shot him.”

“Now just a minute, Webb!” Blake had gone white around the mouth, a sign that he was struggling to control his rage. “First of all, that’s a goddamned lie. Second, I was on the range all day. My men can vouch for that. So can my son.”

“That’s your story,” Webb said. “Mine is that after you shot him, and he didn’t die, you got your sister to see that he didn’t make it to the bank, so you could sneak in and buy the place for yourself. For all I know, she was in on this with you all along. Prove I’m wrong.”

“That’s the biggest pile of bullshit I’ve ever heard!” Blake said.

“Is it? Unless you can prove you didn’t shoot this man, I’m taking my story to the sheriff.”

“You lying sonofabitch!” Blake lunged at him. Webb sidestepped and raised his fists.

“Stop it!” Kristin sprang between them, her hands on her brother’s chest. “Stop it right now!”

Blake pushed her out of the way. “You’ve had this coming for years, Webb! Now you’ve crossed the line! I’m going to teach you a lesson you’ll never—”

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