Home > Bear(23)

Author: Lane Hart

“Dude, I think he wants you to stay away from his daughter,” Jordan chuckles.

Greer growls and storms back inside without another word.

Remy is coming at me a second later. He shoves my chest so hard I stumble back a step. “Since this is your fault, you’re paying for all the damage!”

Hell, I was going to do that anyway, but because he’s being such a dick about it, I say, “Isn’t your girlfriend loaded? I’m sure she’ll buy you another forty-thousand-dollar bike.”

Getting in my face, Remy grabs the sides of my cut to shake me, then grits out, “Keep your dick away from both of Perry’s daughters. That’s a goddamn order as your president!”

And of course, that just makes me want to see Lyla again even more. This isn’t the army. I don’t have to take orders from anyone.







“Good, you’re finally awake!” Holly says as soon as my eyes open. She must have been up awhile since her makeup and long brown hair look perfect. “Now will you tell me what happened last night?”

Since I had to walk to her town house, it was nearly sunrise when I got here this morning. Despite my lack of sleep, I smile and proudly admit, “I had sex.”

“Finally!” she exclaims. “How was it?”

“Amazing, better than I imagined. Although, it didn’t feel great at first, and I’m a little sore today because he was so big.”

“Wait. Who did you have sex with? Someone you met at the wedding?”

“I sort of ran into him outside the reception.”

“Wow, so you lost your virginity to a stranger?”

“Not exactly. I already knew him from a few years ago.”

“Yeah? How?”

“He used to be married to Laurel.”

Holly’s jaw falls open comically. “You slept with your sister’s ex-husband on her wedding night?” After I nod, she says, “I bet she’s going to be furious when she finds out! Can I please be there when you tell her?”

“No! I wasn’t planning on making it a thing, rubbing it in her face or whatever. Laurel doesn’t need to know.”

“Why not? She’s always been such a bitch to you. It’s time for payback.”

“That’s not why I slept with him.”

“Then…why did you? “

“Because he’s gorgeous and sweet, and he wanted me. Like he desperately wanted me.”

“Oh yeah? So it was good?”


“But why did you come over here afterward?”

“Because my dad came home and caught him sneaking out.”

Holly slaps her palm over her gaping mouth. “Oh my god.”

“He threw a big fit, acted like I was still a child, and I just had enough, you know? I need to start figuring out my life away from him.”

“Absolutely. Stay here as long as you need.”

“Are you sure your roommate won’t mind?”

“Brooke is cool. She won’t care,” Holly says with a dismissive wave of her hand. “So, when are you going to see…what’s his name again?”

“His name is Barrett, and I don’t think I will see him again.”

“Why not? You said the sex was great, right? Trust me, the pain goes away…”

“That’s good to know, but, um, I sort of told him something to the effect of it was just for one night.”

Holly blinks her brown eyes at me in confusion. “Why would you do that?”

“Because he’s so gorgeous, and I didn’t think he would be interested in more. I figured I would just make it casual so he wouldn’t change his mind…”

“That was stupid, Ly.”

I face-palm myself. “I know. He probably didn’t ask to see me again, so I guess I was right.”

“That seriously sucks.”

I nod while telling her, “It’s really for the best. My dad probably scared him away for good. You know how scary he can be.”

“Very scary,” she agrees.

“So now I’m homeless with no direction in my life whatsoever, still single like usual and still unemployed. At least I’m not an un-kissed virgin.”

“Don’t worry, Ly. You’ll figure your shit out eventually.”

“First, I really need to get my car back.”

Looking for my phone, I find it and see the broken screen. “Great, now I can’t even call Thane to find out where he took my car! Can you take me to the fairgrounds later? Maybe he left it there.”

“Sure,” Holly agrees. “But first, I’m going to need to see some photos of this Barrett guy. Let’s stalk him on social media.”

“I doubt he has social media,” I tell her with a smile. “I don’t know him well, but he’s like low-key. And he’s a biker.”

“Really? With a club?”

“Yep. The Savage Kings over in Rockland.”

“Oooh, your dad hates those guys.”

“I know…wait, how do you know that?” I ask her.

“I just figured he wasn’t happy that they started a chapter so close to the Hounds.”

“You would be right,” I say with a sigh.







Istartle awake after only a few hours of sleep, something gnawing at my gut.

My first conscious thought goes immediately to Lyla. Is that what my dream was about? Or was it a nightmare?

We were back in the fairgrounds’ parking lot, and right before she fell down, she was running as if the hounds of hell were on her heels.

That’s the part that jolted me into consciousness.

Last night, I thought she stumbled because of her high heels. But when I went over to check on her, she screamed bloody murder. For the first few seconds, she was terrified of me and breathing fast like she had been running.

She would’ve told me if she was running from someone, right?

I didn’t see anyone around her, but maybe I scared them off. The parking lot was dark and seemed empty other than me lurking around waiting for RJ.

Isaac Perry isn’t the most liked man in the state. Is it possible that one of his enemies came after Lyla?

I try not to let my mind wander into the what-ifs. Instead, I rack my brain, trying to figure out how I can see Lyla again without her father finding out and shooting me.

Then it occurs to me that if I just try and smooth things over with Isaac, maybe he would approve of us legit dating instead of sneaking around.

It’s probably a long shot, and Remy just put his foot down about Lyla a few hours ago. He’s going to be pissed I’m going against him, but that’s never really slowed down me or my brothers. Still, I feel like a madman, almost giddy, as I make plans to try to see Lyla.

One thing I’m not feeling wild enough to do is show up unarmed. If Isaac is packing, then I should be too.

“So, am I just the club’s taxi service now or what?” Jordan asks Saturday evening when he’s driving me and RJ to the fairground after he closed up the garage. Well, he thinks we’re going to the fairgrounds.

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