Home > The Dangerous One(19)

The Dangerous One(19)
Author: Lori Foster

   Hunter didn’t have a clue what she could do. What she would do if needed.

   Circling back to the front of the house, she admired—for about the hundredth time—the new windows and eaves, the new, sturdy front door and the repaired porch. So she hadn’t yet gotten much furniture inside. Who cared? Her cot was fine, considering she slept very little.

   Food now filled her cabinets, though she’d be willing to bet her choices were very different from Hunter’s. Frozen meals and snacks were more her speed.

   Out of an abundance of caution, she walked to the road and again stared at the exact spot where her intruders had likely crossed from town, through the woods and onto her property. All along that stretch, she’d set booby traps that remained undisturbed. Nothing that would hurt the wildlife; she’d never want to do that. So far she’d enjoyed seeing elk, fox and a variety of birds. It left her feeling serene, when not that long ago, a sensation like serenity would have been nothing but a fairy tale for the likes of her.

   Everyday life for the everyday woman.

   Trespassers aside, her setting had become a big part of that.

   So had Hunter Osborn. Having him for a neighbor wasn’t a hardship in any way.

   Other creeps lurking about? Yeah, that she planned to deal with—if they dared to show again.

   She’d set out a few stacked twigs, arranged branches and such to see if they were disturbed. Little ribbons loosely tied here and there. Some soft piles of dirt.

   So far all she’d seen were paw prints.

   The security cameras she’d bought were closer to the house. Nothing as high-tech as her former employer had used, but they’d get the job done. It was one small house. And she was only...herself. Mostly insignificant.

   Or at least, she used to be.

   When her phone rang, she drew it from her back pocket while continuing to survey the property for security risks. A glance at the screen showed her a familiar name. Smiling, she put it on speaker. “Kennedy, hey.”

   Without preamble, her best friend said, “You’re getting a delivery.”

   Incredulous, Jodi tucked in her chin. “Come again?”

   “Sorry, hon. I tried to talk him out of it.”

   The him could only be one person. “Parrish,” she snarled.

   “Afraid so. You already know he’s keeping tabs.”

   Yeah, she had assumed he would. “We agreed!”

   “Well, as to that, I’m not sure Parrish did.” In a rush, Kennedy said, “It’s out of love, hon. You know that.”

   “It’s out of pushiness! It’s him being a damned control freak!”

   “Now, Jodi—”

   “I’ll call him.” Holding the phone out in front of her, she began to pace. “I’ll make it crystal clear that I’m doing this on my own, in my own way.”

   “No,” Kennedy whispered in that heartfelt way of hers. “Please understand that you’re not on your own anymore. You have us now.”

   Annoyance narrowed her eyes. “I assume Reyes is with you.”

   “Right here, doll,” he said with his typical teasing humor. “The delivery will arrive in ten minutes—and don’t you dare dodge out.”

   Frustration took out her knees and Jodi plopped down to sit on the top step of the porch. “What am I getting?”

   “A couch and chair,” Reyes said. “End table, television, few lamps.”

   “Jesus.” Jodi had to laugh.

   Kennedy jumped back in. “There are also some cool tech gadgets you can use so that we all know you’re safe.”

   Resigned, Jodi closed her eyes and dropped her head forward to rest on her knees.

   “There’s something else.” Kennedy hedged, but not for long. “Someone has been researching you. Madison said your trail is covered, so don’t worry about it, but we thought you should know—”

   “That’d be my neighbor.”

   “Hunter Osborn,” Reyes confirmed. “Retired park ranger.”

   “Seriously?” Jodi straightened up again. “I tried to dig around, but couldn’t find much.”

   “Like you, he’s covered what he could—or he has someone to cover for him.”

   “But he wouldn’t be a match for Madison’s digital sleuthing skills.” No one was. Jodi knew that. Reyes and Madison were siblings, and they, along with their brother, Cade, and their father, Parrish, excelled at what they did.

   What they’d done for Jodi, what they’d given back to her, she could never repay. “Guess I should be thanking all of you.”

   Reyes said, “No, because we know you wanted to do it yourself. We understand your independence.”

   “Ha.” She’d yet to see proof of that.

   “But without us, you can’t know everything you should.” Reyes cleared his throat, and with a grin in his tone, said, “Like the fact that your neighbor is nearby and listening in.”

   Startled by that disclosure, Jodi literally shot off the porch, turned...and sure enough, there stood Hunter, all six feet plus of him, feet braced apart, muscled arms at his sides, his left hand holding the leash that kept Turbo, the wonder dog, silently beside him. What. The. Hell.

   Jodi said the first thing that came to mind. “Why isn’t your dog croaking?”

   “It seems he’s as fascinated as I am.” Hunter’s gaze searched hers. “Care to tell me what’s going on?”

   Kennedy sang, “I vote yes,” while at the same time, Reyes growled, “Not yet.”

   Advice from them now only annoyed Jodi, especially with Hunter listening in. They could have told her sooner that he was hanging around. “Gotta go, guys.”

   “Wait!” Kennedy rushed to speak. “It wasn’t just Parrish who sent stuff. I picked out a few housewarming gifts, too. Pretty please, Jodi, accept it all. Enjoy it. That is, unless you don’t like something, then feel free to exchange it. But...I also added a few personal things because I love you and I want you comfortable in your new home.”

   “At the moment, I’m the opposite of comfortable.” Tension coiled in the twenty feet that separated her and Hunter, growing tighter by the moment. The muscles in her neck twitched. That familiar fight-or-flight response sparked to life.

   But that was the old Jodi.

   As if she’d read her mind, Kennedy whispered, “For me, you always fought.”

   True. Used to be, whenever she felt threatened, she ran away and only reappeared when she thought Kennedy, or sometimes other innocents, needed her.

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